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SolarFlows Dr. Gabriele Pierantoni (TCD). Contents What is Heliophysics ? How could workflows help ? Some examples What we are doing...

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Presentation on theme: "SolarFlows Dr. Gabriele Pierantoni (TCD). Contents What is Heliophysics ? How could workflows help ? Some examples What we are doing..."— Presentation transcript:

1 SolarFlows Dr. Gabriele Pierantoni (TCD)

2 Contents What is Heliophysics ? How could workflows help ? Some examples What we are doing...

3 Solar and Helio physics Solar physics : the study of the Sun. It is a branch of astrophysics that specializes in exploiting and explaining the detailed measurements that are possible only for our closest star. Heliophysics : the study of the system composed of the Sun’s heliosphere and the objects that interact with it.

4 HELIOphysics In heliophysics, we are interested in how an event on or near the solar surface can propagate through the heliosphere and affect a planetary environment Searches should identify interesting time intervals based on a combination of event, features, etc. metadata There are concerns about the quality and integrity of the metadata and whether it is adequate to support the searches we would like to undertake

5 Heliophysics Automated searches are difficult when major events can be “missed” and searches for long duration events would yield spurious results

6 Requirements (1 of 4) Location is important  Effects depend on type of emission  Propagation is influenced by the interplanetary magnetic field for particles  Propagation models are fundamental !

7 Requirements (2 of 4) Data and Metadata interactions  From Data to Metadata : extraction of features and events from raw data. This is a potentially computationally intensive process.  From Metadata to Data : find raw data using metadata (catalogues and lists).

8 Requirements (3 of 4) Research Community  Research is currently developed by many different communities who need reliable data models and metadata to be able to work together.

9 Requirements (4 or 4) Use of standard web service protocols Support of looping Execution of workflows in both a client and a server environment Available support and documentation Platform independence Support of multiple instances of a service and automatic fail-over

10 Heliophysics, the old way.

11 Heliophysics, the NEW way. HELIO Service HELIO Service HELIO Service HELIO Service HELIO Service HELIO Service Access Layer Access Layer HELIO API HELIO API

12 Heliophysics, the NEW way.



15 USER Workflows

16 ADMIN Workflows Enabling Services Resources

17 Different Workflows in Heliophysics (So far....) Integration tests at development time in order to assert consistency between different services. Virtual services which provide basic building blocks to be reused in other services. The actual science by combining services, user-defined operations and virtual workows into larger workflows.

18 Test data and services Tests the integrity of instruments IDs between two HELIO services (ICS and DPAS). It does not require any inputs since it is checking the complete content of the ICS against the the instrument registered in the DPAS.

19 Virtual Service This workflow is an example of a virtual service that combines several service calls. The calls are used to properly handle asynchronous service calls.

20 Real Science 1.Find which SEP events have been observed at Earth during the time of interest. 2.Propagate the events found backwards to retrieve the time and position in which the particles were accelerated towards Earth. 3.Flare catalogues at the HEC are queried using the times previously calculated 4.Coronal mass ejections and radio shocks are events observed above the solar atmosphere; thus two new queries to the HEC are made using the new time ranges obtained in the previous step. 5.Finally, a summary table is created which links each SEP event to the associated are, CME and radio shock.

21 Propagation Model 1 st prototype

22 What we’re doing, What we will do Customisable Propagation Model Validation of Propagation Model through HELIO (and other) services. Show and discuss it to the Heliophysics community at the CDAW event in September 2012 Workflow Interoperability.

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