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Hartlepool Education Commission Conference Wednesday 17 th September.

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1 Hartlepool Education Commission Conference Wednesday 17 th September

2 Denise Ogden Director of Regeneration and Neighbourhoods

3 Tees Valley Context Tees Valley is an area of innovation that contributes over £10 billion to the national economy; The area is a major hub for process industries, high value engineering and advanced manufacturing; The Tees Valley has 665,100 residents with 419,200 being of working age (16 to 64 years old).

4 TV Strategic Economic Plan The Tees Valley Strategic Economic Plan presents our proposal to generate growth through transformational change. The plan has four objectives: - Support Innovation and Sector Development 1.Develop The Workforce 2.Develop and Provide Infrastructure 3.Attract and Retain Wealth

5 TV Strategic Economic Plan By working collaboratively with partners and through the support of the Government, the Tees Valley Strategic Economic Plan aims to: - Create an additional 25,000 jobs in the Tees Valley within growth sector industries, and; Provide an additional £1 billion for the Tees Valley economy over the next decade.

6 Sector Specific Opportunities Tees Valley Unlimited have identified four key sectors where growth is strategically important at a local and national level : - Advanced Manufacturing – 2,500 New Jobs Process Industry – 2,000 New Jobs Digital / Creative – 2,000 New Jobs Low Carbon – 2,500 New Jobs

7 Skilled Workforce A skilled workforce is essential to facilitate the 25,000 new jobs which will be created over the next decade; 25% or 6,266 of the new jobs will require an individual with a Level 4 qualification; 33% or 8,393 of the new jobs will require an individual with a Level 3 qualification; More than 7,000 jobs will be within key sectors such as High Value Added Engineering and Logistics which requires individuals with STEM qualifications.

8 Hartlepool Context Hartlepool has a strong economic base in key sectors including advanced manufacturing; The town is part of the largest clusters of petrochemical companies in the world; The Hartlepool Nuclear Power Station provides energy to over 1.5million homes, and; Hartlepool has 92,700 residents with 58,300 being of working age.

9 Economic Regeneration Strategy The ERS is a ten year strategy which was developed by partners and businesses to provide the vision to improve the economic vitality of the town. The aim of the strategy is to: - ‘Develop a more enterprising, vigorous and diverse local economy that will attract new investment, enable local enterprises and entrepreneurs to be globally competitive and create more employment opportunities for local people.’

10 Hartlepool Vision This year saw the launch of the Hartlepool Vision which is a radical new blueprint to revitalise the centre of the town, spark Hartlepool’s regeneration and lay the foundation for its future prosperity. It covers eight areas: - –Church Street –Hartlepool Waterfront –Port Estate –Queens Meadow –Headland –Town Centre –Seaton Carew –Wynyard

11 Hartlepool Vision- Key Areas

12 Hartlepool Vision Vision launched on the 29 th January 2014 & attended by 150 representatives from businesses and industry GVA Grimley appointed to develop the Hartlepool Regeneration Masterplan. Public and Stakeholder consultation held on the 4 th and 5 th August 2014. Stakeholder workshop was attended by 70 businesses. M7 Real Estate announce plans for Highlight Retail Park Crown Buildings Student Accommodation constructed. Hillcarter Hotel acquired with investment plans linked to Vision for Church Street NMRN announce affiliation with HMS Trincomalee Development agreement signed with the Esh Group for the Seaton Carew Masterplan.

13 Masterplan – Next Steps Baseline Analysis now complete Retail Strategy, Leisure and Tourism Strategy, Movement and Connectivity Strategy, options development and viability assessments currently being developed. Additional Stakeholder and public consultation August/September 2014 Draft Masterplan end of September 2014 Final Masterplan and Action Plan January 2015 Developer Engagement 2015 Opportunities such as the relocation of the Depot could be progressed in advance of the Masterplan.

14 Enterprise Zone Queens Meadow Enterprise Zone is the most successful in Tees Valley; Ten projects delivered on the site which have created over 130 jobs, secured £2m of private sector investment and a proposed new build of high quality business units totalling 30k sq ft Queens Meadow will be the first Enterprise Zone in Tees Valley enabled with super fast fibre optic broadband.

15 Local Growth Deal Growth Deals provide funding from the Government for projects that benefit the local area and economy; The Tees Valley has secured £90.3million with £14.1m of new funding confirmed for 2015/16 and £21.2m, and; Cleveland College of Art and Design has been awarded £8.3million to build a new campus and transform the Church Street area.

16 Regional Business Grant Aid RGF: Government funding aimed at economic growth and sustainable employment in Hartlepool. Huntsman was awarded £2.7million to install state of the art equipment, safeguarding 700 jobs and generating £25m+ private sector investment. Let’s Grow and Business Compass grants awarded to 7 local businesses, totalling £3.4m, attracting £7.2m private sector investment, creating over 173 new jobs.

17 Local Economic Indicators Over the last four years 985 new businesses have been created in Hartlepool with a start-up rate of 31 per 10,000 adults. Higher than the regional average; The town has a two year business survival rate of 79.1%, higher than the Tees Valley, North East and GB rates; The employment rate has increased from 57.3% in June 2012 to 62.3% in March 2014.

18 Youth Employment Youth Unemployment rate in Hartlepool has reduced from 17.0% in September 2012 to 9.0% in July 2014; This is the biggest reduction in the Tees Valley and third largest in Great Britain; Also, the Youth Employment Rate has increased from 38.4% in December 2009 to its current level of 46.4%.

19 Case Study Paul Whitlock is the North East ESF Individual Award Winner; Paul lives with autism and had a home education based around the things he liked. This led him to discover his creativity and he started a comic book / graphic novella publishing house. HBC’s Economic Regeneration Team supported him to become self- employed, develop a business plan and learn how to publicise his work. He is now on track to make his company Monkeyhound successful.

20 Any Questions?

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