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Draft Summary of Ideas as of July 13, 2010 IP&B Task Force Update Integrated Planning & Budget Task Force.

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Presentation on theme: "Draft Summary of Ideas as of July 13, 2010 IP&B Task Force Update Integrated Planning & Budget Task Force."— Presentation transcript:

1 Draft Summary of Ideas as of July 13, 2010 IP&B Task Force Update Integrated Planning & Budget Task Force

2 Task Force Background The Integrated Planning and Budgeting Process Task Force was re-convened to assess the new planning and budgeting structure that was implemented in Fall 2009. The purpose of this Task Force was to lead the effort in creating a governance structure that demonstrates “sustainable quality improvement” in response to 2002 Standards of Accreditation as established by ACCJC. IP&B Task Force Update

3 Task Force Members Gigi Gallagher, Classified Senate President Dolores Davison, Academic Senate President Pam Wilkes, Building a Community of Scholars Representative Chris White, Putting Access into Action Representative John Mummert, Educational & Strategic Master Planning Representative Kurt Hueg, Accreditation Liaison Officer College Researcher Darya Gilani, IIR Project Coordinator Eloise Orrell, IIR Vice President/Promoting a Collaborative Decision Making Environment Representative Etienne Bowie and Tatiana Dehnad, Student Representatives Phyllis Spragge, Operations Planning Committee Representative IP&B Task Force Update

4 Process Assessment of planning process Collect information Discuss solutions and improvements Implement and reflect IP&B Task Force Update

5 Summary of Stated Needs Strengthen connection between core missions (Basic Skills, Transfer, Workforce, Stewardship of Resources) and PaRC. Improved clarity of function of Strategic Initiative Planning (SIP) Committees in planning process. Improve Resource Allocation process with more information to make decisions and clearer forms. Plan for an academic year further in advance. IP&B Task Force Update

6 Strengthen Connection of Core Missions to PaRC

7 SIP integration IP&B Task Force Update

8 SIP Committees: Better Integration IP&B Task Force Update SIP committees meet at the beginning of fall quarter to determine their roles and the committee individual members will sit on. Focus on each individual mission and be clear on initiative goals. Example: Building a Community of Scholars We build a community of scholars by providing a comprehensive curriculum that is not only informed by the diversity of disciplinary expertise of the faculty, but also by the varied educational objectives of the students matriculating through the curriculum. A community of scholars honors a range of learning styles and pedagogies. It embraces students where they begin and moves them through strategic sequences of instruction and student services to meet their goals. A community of scholars makes no distinction among a developmental learner, a career technical student, or a transfer student, but rather finds meaning at the nexus of student intention and access. A community of scholars conceives of the student as a change agent and an active participant in the college's social, academic, and community life.

9 SIP Committees: Better Integration IP&B Task Force Update The core mission committees meet at the beginning of the quarter to outline their purpose and goals for the quarter and year. Core mission committees meet monthly to plan activities and discuss ways to meet purpose and goals. SIP Committees identify which of the core mission goals fall into their initiative, and work toward those goals. These groups are responsible for updating PaRC on progress toward goals and plans. This information feeds into the annual Educational and Strategic Master Plan.

10 Monthly Meeting Schedule IP&B Task Force Update

11 More Information To Inform PaRC IP&B Task Force Update 1) Basic Skills Plan 2) Workforce Advisory Group Plan 3) Transfer Advisory Committee/Matriculation Plan 4) Sustainability Management Plan 5) Technology Master Plan 6) Distance Education Master Plan 7) Student Equity Plan 8) Facilities Master Plan 9) Fiscal/Staffing/Staff Diversity Plan 10) DSPS Plan

12 Improve Resource Allocation Process: Better Forms OPC will be charged with designing forms that fit their needs Possibly create forms for CTE/VTEA, facilities, equipment funding that are different than instructional needs Core Mission committees can submit their own resource requests directly to OPC IP&B Task Force Update

13 Plan Academic Year Further in Advance IP&B Task Force Update Agendas planned ahead with recurring items and presentations. Example: October 20 – PaRC Meeting Judy ’ s items of importance Report out from Core Mission meetings by SIP members Professional Development update from Denise Swett Approve Updated version of ESMP (Version 2.0) Approve amended GHB OPC budget update Presentation of Appendices plans: #1 – Basic Skills Committee and #2 – Workforce Advisory Group Research: Climate surveys, student success data, anything else?

14 Plan Academic Year Further in Advance IP&B Task Force Update

15 What we need to do.. IP&B Task Force Update

16 Other Ideas?

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