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Osman’s Dream HIST 1007 11/18/13. History at the Movies Kingdom of Heaven (2005) Thur. Nov. 21 st 6-9pm McMicken 53.

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Presentation on theme: "Osman’s Dream HIST 1007 11/18/13. History at the Movies Kingdom of Heaven (2005) Thur. Nov. 21 st 6-9pm McMicken 53."— Presentation transcript:

1 Osman’s Dream HIST 1007 11/18/13

2 History at the Movies Kingdom of Heaven (2005) Thur. Nov. 21 st 6-9pm McMicken 53

3 Forensic Reconstruction (1941)

4 Ulugh Beg Observatory, Samarqand


6 Gunpowder/Muslim/Early Modern/Turko-Persian Empires Ottoman Empire (1299-1923) Safavid Empire (1502-1722) Mughal Empire (1526-1761)

7 Why Gunpowder Empires? Term used to categorize the three great Muslim empires of the early modern period. Emphasizes their impressive military exploits. Adoption of new technologies as keys to success. Early 16 th century Ottoman volley gun

8 The Gun 9 th century: Gunpowder developed in China 12 th century: Chinese fire lance 13 th century: Gunpowder and early firearms travel with the Mongols 1260: Battle of Ain Jalut, perhaps first use of a canon 14 th century: hand-held canons become predecessor to handguns and rifles

9 Turko-Persian Empires

10 The Ottoman Empire (1299-1923)

11 Ottoman Origins Ghazi Emirates: born out of decline of Seljuqs of Rum Frontier Society: Tribes, Nomads, and Mercenaries Egalitarian Structure Distribution of Plunder: Wealth, Slaves, Land Warriors of the Faith?

12 Osman’s Dream Osman I (r. 1299-1324) Focus on the Byzantine Empire Bursa: Western Anatolia (1323) Shrewdness of Osman Strategic location, the Dardanelles strait Combination of Turkish cavalry with gunpowder infantry

13 Trade Routes

14 Bursa Conquered by Ottomans – 1323 Commercial Center – Merchants, Artisans, and Guilds Capital City – Administration and Stability Infrastructure – Mosque and Caravanserai

15 Bursa Bazaar (1340)

16 Bursa Ulu Mosque

17 Ottoman Expansion

18 Conquest of the Balkans 1345 – Ottomans cross the straits from Anatolia to the Balkans 1389 – Battle of Kosovo: Defeat of Serbia, assert Ottoman control of Balkans Vassalage and marriage Conversion and Sufism 1396 and 1444 – Attempted crusades against the Ottoman Empire

19 Mehmed “The Conqueror” Mehmed II (r. 1444-1446, 1451-1481) May 29 th, 1453: Conquest of Constantinople Cannon, navy (carried across land), and infantry End of the Byzantine Empire (330-1453), the Fall of the Second Rome Kayser-i Rum One foot in Asia, the other in Europe

20 Suleiman the Magnificent (r. 1520- 1566) Golden Age of Ottoman expansion and power Known for military conquests in the West 1516-1517: Syria and Egypt, end of Mamluk Sultanate 1529: Siege of Vienna Known for codification of legal system in the east (Kanuni) Shift from Turkic tribal ruler to ruler of a state

21 Diversity and the millet System Pattern of Ottoman expansion meant they ruled over large numbers of non-Muslims. Reach of the Sultan not very deep into society (taxes and military) Local courts and local leaders enforced most laws and dealt with most disputes. Courts divided by millet based on religion. – Muslim, Greek Orthodox, Armenian, Syrian Orthodox, and Jewish

22 Diversity and the millet System Exchange religious and cultural freedom for taxation. Certain restrictions, but each millet could act independently within its boundaries.

23 Janissaries Mid-14 th century: expanding empire requires standing army, less reliance on ghazis and Turkic tribes. devshirme: (1365-1648), every five years, Christian boys from the Balkans aged 10-12 were collected as a tax Boys were taught Turkish, lived in Turkish households, and converted to Islam They were then sent to Janissary academies

24 Palace Schools 15th – 20 th Centuries Princes and Peasants Education – Languages and Literature – Turkish, Arabic, Persian, Greek – Mathematics, Administration and Finance – Personal Conduct, Music and Sports – Law and Theology – History – Military Science Merit as an Organizing Principle

25 Janissaries Traditional Ottoman army based on Turkic cavalry Janissary Corps focused on infantry and use of gunpowder weapons Depending on talents, boys enlisted in the Janissaries became infantry, palace guards, or administrators Improvements in gunpowder technologies increased the size and influence of the Janissaries (well over 50,000 strong at peak).

26 Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq’s Turkish Letters Flemish nobleman, employed by the Hapsburg dynasty. 1555-1561: Sent to Istanbul on diplomatic mission for Ferdinand I, archduke of Austria, king of Hungary and Bohemia, and Holy Roman Emperor 1589: publishes his notes on life at the Ottoman court What does de Busbecq see as the strength of the Ottoman Empire? What does he see as its weakness?

27 Constantinople and the Sublime Port Move from tribal affiliations and personal loyalties to an abstract state. Ottoman Sultan as austere figure. Cannot even speak in his presence. Reflected in the splendor of palace life

28 Topkapi Palace, Istanbul


30 The Gates of Topkapi Palace

31 An Audience with the Sultan

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