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GPS tropical tropopause temperatures and stratospheric water vapor William Randel 1 and Aurélien Podglajen 2 1 NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry Division 2 Pierre.

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Presentation on theme: "GPS tropical tropopause temperatures and stratospheric water vapor William Randel 1 and Aurélien Podglajen 2 1 NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry Division 2 Pierre."— Presentation transcript:

1 GPS tropical tropopause temperatures and stratospheric water vapor William Randel 1 and Aurélien Podglajen 2 1 NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry Division 2 Pierre and Marie Curie University - Paris

2 QJRMS, 1949 The stratosphere is extremely dry because air is dehydrated passing the cold tropical tropopause

3 QJRMS, 1949 17.5 km Large annual cycle in tropical tropopause temp.

4 QJRMS, 1949 global climatology

5 Objective: study correlated behavior of stratospheric H 2 O and GPS cold point tropopause temps on daily to annual time scales Can we understand the large-scale behavior of H 2 O in a simple way from accurate temperatures? When and where does dehydration occur? Empirical complement to trajectory studies

6 Data: GPS radio occultation temps: Daily data from CHAMP, COSMIC, others ~3000 obs/day for middle 2006-present High vertical resolution (~ 1 km), well-resolved cold point Saturation mixing ratios Q sat (RH=1.0) MLS water vapor: daily gridded fields at 100, 83, 68, … hPa; late 2004 – 2012

7 GPS measurements gridded GPS temps Daily gridded data set 5 o x 20 o x 0.2 km 2006 - 2012

8 Large-scale variability at the tropical tropopause (10 o N-S) 0180360 longitude time

9 GPS Temperature spectra at 17 km Mixed Rossby gravity waves 2 5 10 30 3 Antisymmetric Kelvin waves MJO Symmetric 2 5 10 30 3 Period (days) Zonal wavenumber westwardeastwardwestwardeastward

10 Temperature spectra at 23 km Kelvin waves Symmetric 2 5 10 30 3 Period (days) Zonal wavenumber Mixed Rossby gravity waves Antisymmetric Zonal wavenumber 2 5 10 30 3 westwardeastwardwestwardeastward

11 MLS orbital data gridded MLS H 2 O 100 hPa ~ 16 km

12 Temps H2OH2O

13 20052006 200720082009 20102011 2012 Tropical tape recorder observed by MLS 2004-2012 cold point tropopause Cold phase of tropopause annual cycle

14 100 hPa H2O GPS tropopause temperature Boreal Winter 15 o N-S 2009-2010 time

15 GPS saturation mixing ratio Boreal Winter 15 o N-S 2009-2010 time 100 hPa H2O

16 Boreal Winter 15 o N-S 2009-2010 time GPS saturation mixing ratio

17 100 hPa H2O Boreal Winter 15 o N-S 2010-2011 time GPS saturation mixing ratio

18 Fractional area of RH>1 for 20 o N-S and 100 and 83 hPa Max during boreal winter fraction.30 0.15 2007 2008 20092010 2011

19 Winter (DJF) Summer (JJA) Fraction of RH > 1.0 at 100 hPa locations where dehydration may occur 0.45 0.25 longitude latitude longitude Dehydration mainly over ~20 o N-S 40 N 40 S

20 Fraction of RH > 1.0 at 100 hPa Schoeberl and Dessler 2011 Dehydration locations derived from Lagrangian trajectories Winter (DJF) longitude 40 N 40 S

21 Summer (JJA) Schoeberl and Dessler 2011 Trajectory dehydration location longitude Fraction of RH > 1.0 at 100 hPa 40 N 40 S

22 Winter (DJF) longitude 40 N 40 S Distribution of relative humidity in western Pacific 100%140% frequency

23 Key points: MLS and GPS data sets provide opportunity to understand H 2 O – T coupling on daily to interannual time scales * links to clouds, dynamics of the TTL Dehydration regions (RH > 1.0) occur mainly during boreal winter. Summertime behavior is less-well understood. Observed dehydration patterns compare well with trajectory calculations. Where are the differences?

24 Thank you

25 Africa Lidar cloud observations from CALIPSO

26 100 hPa H 2 O 83 hPa H 2 O Q sat at the cold point Q sat 15% driest area Zonal averages 15 o N-S ppmv

27 100 hPa H 2 O 15 o N-S GPS saturation mixing ratio at locations where RH > 1.0 H 2 O vs. Q sat

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