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1 Histology (MLHS-201) Lecture 3 Tissue types Dr. Afaf Mousaad Department of Medical Laboratory Technology Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Histology (MLHS-201) Lecture 3 Tissue types Dr. Afaf Mousaad Department of Medical Laboratory Technology Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Histology (MLHS-201) Lecture 3 Tissue types Dr. Afaf Mousaad Department of Medical Laboratory Technology Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences

2 2 Learning objectives: Be able to classify epithelial tissues. Be able to correlate different types of epithelia to their functions.

3 3 The four tissue types are: – Epithelial tissue – Connective tissue – Muscular tissue – Nervous tissue

4 4 Epithelial tissue is made up of cells closely packed. The epithelial cells lie on the basement membrane. Avascular tissue. Replaces lost cells by cell division. Epithelial Tissue:

5 5 Functions of Epithelial Tissue 1.Protection: Epithelial tissue protects the underlying tissues.

6 6 2.Absorption: e.g. epithelial cells in the small intestine.

7 7 3.Secretion: Epithelial cells of glands are secretory cells.

8 8 e.g. Olfactory mucosa. A modified epithelium containing specialized sensory receptor cells. 4. Sensory:

9 9 Classification of epithelia Number of cell layers – Simple – Stratified Shape of apical surface cells – Squamous – Cuboidal – Columnar

10 10 1-Simple epithelium a.Simple squamous epithelium Example1. Bowman, s capsule Classification of epithelial tissues:

11 11

12 12 Example 3. The lung alveoli

13 13

14 14 2. Simple cuboidal epithelium kidney tubules thyroid follicles

15 15 1-Simple epithelium 3. Simple columnar epithelium:

16 16

17 17 4.Pseudostratified ciliatedColumnar Epithelium

18 18 Questions 1.list the main types of tissues? Epithelial tissue Connective tissue Muscle tissue Nervous tissue 2.Which type of epithelia lining the abdominal cavity? Mesotheium 3. Which type of epithelia is the stomach lining? Columnar epithelium 4. Which type of epithelia consists of fried egg shaped cells? Squamous epithelium

19 19 5.Where do you find epithelial tissues in human body? skin the lining of the mouth the lining of blood vessels lung alveoli kidney tubules,…

20 12/17/2015 Assignments Assignment tittlesالأسمI.Dم Cell membrane احمد حسن علي ابراهيم حميدة 510120091 احمد حسين احمد رسلان 510120102 احمد سعيد فرغلي أحمد 510120113 احمد شيخون محفوظ محمد 510120124 احمد محمد احمد عبد العال 510120145 احمد محمد فوزي عبد العظيم 510120156 اخلاص حمدي محمد خليل 510120167 اسراء علي محمود علي فرحات 510120178 Hypervitaminosis فاطمه صبحى محمود عبد الرحيم51012101 1 فاطمة محمد عبد السلام محمد خليل51012102 2 كريم ابراهيم السعيد احمد زيدان51012103 3 كريم احمد خليفه عبد المطلب51012104 4 كريم خالد عبد السلام عبد المجيد51012105 5 كريم محمد احمد هاشم51012106 6 ماريان ميلاد قدوس شنودة51012107 7 محمد ابراهيم ابراهيم عبد الهادي51012108 8

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