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Highway Capacity Manual. Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) Most widely referenced and best selling document of the Transportation Research Board HCM 2000:

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Presentation on theme: "Highway Capacity Manual. Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) Most widely referenced and best selling document of the Transportation Research Board HCM 2000:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Highway Capacity Manual

2 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) Most widely referenced and best selling document of the Transportation Research Board HCM 2000: 16,000+ copies sold worldwide Model for similar capacity manuals in other countries

3 Purpose of the HCM QOSLOS Provide a set of methods and procedures for evaluating multimodal performance of highway and street facilities in terms of operational measures and QOS or LOS indicators. Objectives: 1.Define performance measures and survey methods for traffic characteristics 2.Provide methods for estimating and predicting performance measures 3.Explain effect on multimodal transportation

4 Intended Use Levels of Analysis –Operations –Design –Planning/Preliminary Engineering Travel Modes –Auto –Pedestrian –Bicycle –Transit (multimodal urban street) Spatial Coverage –Points –Segments –Facilities Temporal Coverage –Undersaturated –Oversaturated

5 Targeted Users 1.Engineers – Traffic Operations And Highway Design 2.Transportation Planners HCM also useful to: Management personnel Educators Noise and air quality specialists Elected officials (“HCM for Dummies”) Regional land use planners Special interest groups

6 History 1950 –First document to quantify capacity –Published by Bureau of Public Roads 1965 –Level of Service concept introduced –Chapter on bus transit –Published by Highway Research Board

7 History (cont.) 1985 –“Modern” HCM –Transportation Research Board (TRB) –Further refined LOS concept –Major research since 1965 –Signalized intersections  LOS based on stopped delay –Urban Arterials method and chapter –Expanded transit chapter –Pedestrian, bicycle chapters –Updates: 1992, 1994, 1997

8 HCM 2000 Substantial increase in volume and breadth Systematic and consistent basis for assessing capacity and LOS Point, facility, corridor/area- wide analyses 1,200 pages

9 HCM 2010 Volumes 1 – 3 printed Volume 4 – Web-based only

10 HCM 2010 (cont.) Points, Segments, Facilities, Systems Multimodal (Urban Street) Quality of Service (from the traveler perspective) Freeway Systems Planning Applications Active & Transportation Demand Management Travel Time Reliability

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