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Ivan Vitev & New Theoretical Approaches to Heavy Flavor Suppression Ivan Vitev, T-16 and P-25, LANL A. Adil and I.V., hep-ph/0611109, H. van Hees I.V.

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Presentation on theme: "Ivan Vitev & New Theoretical Approaches to Heavy Flavor Suppression Ivan Vitev, T-16 and P-25, LANL A. Adil and I.V., hep-ph/0611109, H. van Hees I.V."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ivan Vitev & New Theoretical Approaches to Heavy Flavor Suppression Ivan Vitev, T-16 and P-25, LANL A. Adil and I.V., hep-ph/0611109, H. van Hees I.V. and R. Rapp, in progress Energy loss in QCD – application to light / heavy hadrons Implementation in heavy quark diffusion simulations Alternative theory of heavy flavor suppression in the QGP Conclusions

2 Ivan Vitev & I.V., Phys.Lett.B 639 (2006) Light Hadron Quenching in A+A Establishing the E-loss mechanism Collisional : Radiative: Very important: Laldau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect Important: mass dependence

3 Ivan Vitev & S. Wicks et al., nucl-th/0512076 Radiative Energy Loss using (D)GLV (both c + b) Radiative + Collisional + Geometry (both c + b) (overestimated) Deviation by a factor of two Is it accidental or is it symptomatic? Non-Photonic Electron / Heavy Flavor Quenching Single electron measurements (presumably from heavy quarks) may be problematic M.Djordjevic, M.Gyulassy, Nucl.Phys.A (2004)

4 Ivan Vitev & Langevin Simulations of C- / B-Quark Diffusion Fokker-Plank diffusion equation Expansion of gain / loss terms to second order Equilibration is imposed by Einstein’s fluctuation-dissipation relation: H. van Hees, R. Rapp, Phys.Rev.C71 (2005) Model of quark-resonance interaction near the QCD phase transition - drag ~ - diffusion ~ Efficient at Include e-loss at high p T

5 Ivan Vitev & Collisional versus Radiative Energy Loss Radiative energy loss is dominant except for b-quarks and very small systems Input in a Langevin simulation of heavy quark diffusion H. van Hees, I.V., R. Rapp, in preparation Drag coefficient: Diffusion coefficient: Two regimes (light partons):

6 Ivan Vitev & Transport + Quenching Approach The suppression and v 2 are large when e-loss and q-resonance interactions are combined Normal hierarchy: c quarks are significantly more suppressed than b-quarks Numerical results for heavy quark diffusion H. van Hees, I.V., R. Rapp, in preparation Results are preliminary

7 Ivan Vitev & Conceptually Different Approach to D / B Fragmentation and dissociation of hadrons from heavy quarks inside the QGP Problem: treated in the same way as light quarks 20 fm 1.5 fm 0.4 fm Parton Hadron B D QGP extent + C.Y.Wong, Phys.Rev.C 72, (2005)

8 Ivan Vitev & Light Cone Wave Functions Distribution of internal momenta …and their distortion A.Adil, I.V., hep-ph/0611109 S.Brodsky, D.S.Hwang, B.Q.Ma, I.Schmidt, Nucl.Phys.B 592 (2001) Heavy meson acoplanarity Distortion of the light cone wave function (meson decay)

9 Ivan Vitev & Heavy Meson Dissociation at RHIC and LHC Coupled rate equations The asymptotic solution in the QGP - sensitive to t 0 ~0.6 fm and expansion dynamics Features of energy loss B-mesons as suppressed as D-mesons at p T ~ 10 GeV (unique feature) A.Adil, I.V., hep-ph/0611109

10 Ivan Vitev & Quenching of Non-Photonic Electrons A.Adil, I.V., hep-ph/0611109 PYTHIA used to decay all B- and D-mesons / baryons into (e + +e - ) Predictions also made for Cu+Cu (RHIC) and Pb+Pb (LHC) Suppression R AA (p T ) ~ 0.25 is large B-mesons are included. They give a major contribution to (e + +e - ) Similar to light, however, different physics mechanism

11 Ivan Vitev & Summary of Open Heavy Flavor Suppression Langevin simulation of heavy quark diffusion Calculated drag and diffusion from the collisional and radiative e-loss Combined with a chiral model of quark-resonance interactions: obtained large v 2 and R AA. Work in progress Normal suppression hierarchy: B- much less suppressed than D- mesons Collisional QGP-induced B- / D-meson dissociation Derived formation and dissociation times in the QGP. They are short Solved the set of coupled rate equations. More sensitive to QGP properties and formation / expansion dynamics than e-loss Found that suppression of non-photonic electrons from heavy mesons, including B, is large. Not inconsistent with light pions B-mesons are as suppressed as D-mesons at p T ~ 10 GeV, unique Toward experimental resolution of the B- / D- puzzle Identify the B- and D-meson contribution to the inclusive electron spectra and the suppression factor R AA separately for Bs and Ds

12 Ivan Vitev & Outline of the Talk Energy loss in QCD Radiative and collisional energy loss, recent developments Application to A+A collisions and p+A collisions Applications to heavy quarks Discrepancy between PQCD and c- and b-quark quenching Transport+quenching approach to D- and B mesons Alternative theory of heavy flavor suppression In-medium formation and dissociation of D- and B- mesons Suppression of non-photonic electrons Conclusions I.V., work in progress A.Adil and I.V., hep-ph/0611109 H. van Hees I.V. and R. Rapp, work in progress Based upon:

13 Ivan Vitev & Collisional : Arises from the acceleration of the charges in the target. No significant mass dependence Types of Energy Loss Radiative: Arises from the acceleration of the incident charge. Can have significant mass dependence Much more efficient

14 Ivan Vitev & Bremsstrahlung is the most efficient way to lose energy since it carries a fraction of the energy Acceleration: radiation Formation time: coherence effects Onset of coherence Full coherence LPM Understanding the LPM Effect

15 Ivan Vitev & Bertsch-Gunion Energy Loss Initial-State Energy Loss Final-State Energy Loss I.V. in preparation Regimes of QCD Radiative Energy Loss

16 Ivan Vitev & I.V., Phys.Lett.B 639 (2006) Light Hadron Quenching in A+A Establishing the E-loss mechanism Centrality C.M. energy D. d’Enterria, Eur.Phys.J C (2005) Theory (constrained) / Experiment

17 Ivan Vitev & Nuclear Effects at Forward Rapidity I.V., in preparation The most detailed calculation so far at forward rapidity Dynamical shadowing (FS) Cronin effect (IS) Initial state energy loss (IS) Consistency in the extracted cold nuclear matter properties

18 Ivan Vitev & Cancellation of collinear radiation I.V., Phys.Lett.B630 (2005) What Happens to Medium-Induced Radiation? In A+A +2Re 2 x Correlated! How about p+A? First quantitative PQCD calculation

19 Ivan Vitev & I. Heavy Ion Theory Effort at LANL Core theory staff Terry Goldman (T-16, quark models, neutrinos, PQCD) Rajan Gupta (T-8, energy future, LQCD) Mikkel Johnson (P-25, energy loss, shadowing, PQCD) Emil Mottola (T-8, gravity, black holes, non-equilibrium FT) J.Robert Oppenheimer fellow Ivan Vitev (P-25 & T-16, energy loss, shadowing, PQCD) External Collaborators Miklos Gyulassy (Columbia U.) Boris Kopeliovich (Heidelberg U., Germany) Peter Levai (KFKI, Hungary) Jianwei Qiu (Iowa State U.) Joerg Raufeisen (Heidelberg U., Germany) Ivan Schmidt (Santa-Maria U., Chile) Columbia university Collaborating institution

20 Ivan Vitev & Publications and Workshops Publications. Ivan Vitev, LARGE ANGLE HADRON CORRELATIONS FROM MEDIUM- INDUCED GLUON RADIATION. Phys.Lett.B630:78-84,2005. Ivan Vitev, T. Goldman, Mikkel Johnson, Jian-Wei Qiu, NUCLEAR EFFECTS ON OPEN CHARM PRODUCTION IN P+A REACTIONS. HEP-PH 0511220 Ivan Vitev, JET QUENCHING AT INTERMEDIATE RHIC ENERGIES. Phys.Lett.B606:303-312,2005.. Mikkel B. Johnson, PROPAGATION OF FAST PARTONS IN THE NUCLEAR MEDIUM. Eur.Phys.J.A19:2004. B.Z. Kopeliovich, J. Nemchik, I.K. Potashnikova, M.B. Johnson, I. Schmidt, BREAKDOWN OF QCD FACTORIZATION AT LARGE FEYNMAN X. Phys.Rev.C72:054606,2005. Fred Cooper, Ming X. Liu, Gouranga C. Nayak, J / PSI PRODUCTION IN PP COLLISIONS AT S**(1/2) = 200-GEV AT RHIC. Phys.Rev.Lett.93:171801,2004. Jian-Wei Qiu, Ivan Vitev, RESUMMED QCD POWER CORRECTIONS TO NUCLEAR SHADOWING, Phys.Rev.Lett.93:262301,2004 Conferences / Workshops Emil Mottola, organizer, “QCD and Gauge Theory Dynamics in the RHIC Era”, April 2002, KITP Rajan Gupta, organizer, “Modeling the QCD Equation of State at RHIC”, February 2006, LLNL Ivan Vitev, organizer, “LHC workshop at PANIC’05” November 2005, Santa Fe Terry Goldman, Mikkel Johnson, organizers, “PANIC’05” November 2005, Santa Fe (Martin Cooper, Joe Carlson, P-25, T-16 ) LANL - LLNL

21 Ivan Vitev & II. Theory: Jet Quenching Breakthrough theoretical work: Formalism for calculating the energy loss: GLV (Gyulassy-Levai-Vitev) Implementation of energy loss, Cronin scattering in PQCD hadron production Nuclear modification M.Gyulassy,P.Levai,I.Vitev Phys.Rev.Lett. 85 (2000); Nucl.Phys.B571 (2000); Nucl.Phys.B594 (2001) I.Vitev, M.Gyulassy, Phys.Rev.Lett. 89 (2002); I.Vitev, Phys.Lett. B562 (2003); Phys.Lett. B630 (2005) I.Vitev,M.Gyulassy,P.Levai,I.Vitev, in preparation

22 Ivan Vitev & PQCD Factorization and Energy Loss Theory Bjorken expanding medium: M.Gyulassy,I.Vitev,X.N.Wang, Phys.Rev.Lett. 86 (2001) Challenge: connection Box of plasma Pion cross section

23 Ivan Vitev & I.Vitev,in preparation; hep-ph/0511273 Results on Energy and Centrality Dependence Establishing the E-loss mechanism Centrality C.M. energy D. d’Enterria, Eur.Phys.J C (2005) I.Vitev, M.Gyulassy, Phys.Rev.Lett. 89 (2002) I.Vitev, Phys.Lett.B 606 (2005) Theory / Experiment Experimentally measured Pion suppression in A+A reactions

24 Ivan Vitev & E-loss in Back-to-Back Di-jets and Correlations A+A Tag I.Vitev, Phys.Lett.B630 (2005) Multi-particle modification Angular gluon distribution Two particle suppression / enhancement in A+A reactions See talk by M. Brooks

25 Ivan Vitev & Theory: High Twist Shadowing Theory Coherent final state scattering theory Shadowing is the ratio of DIS reduced cross sections – structure functions J.W.Qiu, I. Vitev, Phys.Rev.Lett. 93 (2004) Dynamical parton mass (QED analogy): Data from: NMC QCD factorization approach, background color magnetic field Shadowing Power suppressed ~ 1/Q T

26 Ivan Vitev & A-, x- and Q 2 -Dependence: Numerical Results The scale of higher twist per nucleon is small: J.W.Qiu, I. Vitev, Phys.Rev.Lett. 93 (2004) The nuclear effect is of power law nature: Q 2 dependent Suppression in DIS Structure Functions

27 Ivan Vitev & Shadowing in Neutrino+A and p+A Reactions J.W.Qiu, I. Vitev, Phys.Lett.B 587 (2004) J.W.Qiu, I. Vitev, Phys.Lett.B 632 (2006) p+A STAR DIS-like t-channel FS scattering Nuclear suppression in p+A reactions Structure Functions No nuclear effect Dynamical shadowing for sea quarks, valence quarks and gluons

28 Ivan Vitev & Theory: Energy Loss in Cold Nuclear Matter M.B.Johnson et al., Phys.Rev.C72 (2005) I.Vitev,T.Goldman,M.Johnson,J.W.Qiu, in preparation Evidence from low energy p+A reactions Eff. E-loss Suppression + + 2 Nuclear suppression in d+A reactions Nuclear suppression at forward rapidity See talk by M. Brooks

29 Ivan Vitev & +... III. Heavy Quark Production and Modification Gluon fusion is not the dominant process in open charm production I.V.,T.Goldman,M.Johnson,J.W.Qiu, Phys.Rev.D74 (2006) Proposed back-2-back charm triggered correlations

30 Ivan Vitev & Nuclear Matter Effects on Charm Production PHENIX data Very similar behavior of charm quarks (D-mesons) to light hadrons E-loss seems to play a similarly important role I.Vitev,T.Goldman,M.Johnson,J.W.Qiu, in preparation hep-ph/0511220 Experimental y = 1.4-2.2 LDRD: “Heavy Quarks as a Probe of a New State of Matter” Nuclear suppression in d+A reactions See talks by M. Brooks and P. McGaughey

31 Ivan Vitev & Reduce large theoretical spread of "melting" temperatures of Future / LDRD Research Directions F.Karsch, Nucl.Phys.A698 (2002) Lattice QCD equation-of-state and heavy quarkonia From N t =4 to N t =6, 8 lattices Improved lattice actions E-loss of heavy quarks at Transport coefficients of the QGP I.Vitev Thermal and electrical conductivity Non-equilibrium field theory Fractional quark energy loss Energy density See talk by P. McGaughey R. Gupta I. Vitev E. Mottola

32 Ivan Vitev & Summary of Theory Effort / Directions Heavy Ion Theory at Los Alamos 4+1 staff, new external collaborations, extensive publication record. Participated / organized HIT conferences / workshops Recent Theoretical Progress Establishing the jet quenching theory: verified predictions versus C.M. energy, predictions versus centrality Cu+Cu, Au+Au Understanding high twist shadowing: final state interactions. DIS structure functions F 1, F 2, neutrino-nucleus reactions F 3, p+A reactions Energy loss in cold nuclear matter: understanding the p+A rapidity asymmetry and verification at lower C.M. energies. Future Theoretical Developments, LDRD Heavy quark production / modification: charm on gluon scattering Energy loss mechanism for heavy quarks: non-zero Y, novel e-loss Transport coefficients: electrical and thermal conductivity of the plasma Lattice QCD Equation-of-State and heavy quarkonia: improved simulations

33 Ivan Vitev & Nuclear Shadowing J.W.Qiu, Ivan Vitev, Phys.Rev.Lett. 93 (2004) Establish that the effect is purely quantum and final state The scale of higher twist (dynamical mass) per nucleon is small Identify the modification to the scattering process (Strong connection to parallel theoretical effort at LANL Mikkel Johnson P-25)

34 Ivan Vitev & Neutrino Nucleus Scattering 1 10203 J.W.Qiu, Ivan Vitev, Phys.Lett.B 587 (2004) QCD sum rules Qiu - Vitev prediction Q 2 [GeV 2 ] (Strong connection to experimental effort at LANL MiniBoone P-25) (Upcoming DOE initiative MINERvA) NuTeV collaboration, to be published in Phys.Rev.D

35 Ivan Vitev & Heavy Ion Theory and Connections Ivan Vitev, Groups T-16 & P-25 Heavy Ion Theory at Los Alamos Core staff / expertise / collaborators Publications / conferences / workshops Recent Theoretical Progress Establishing the jet quenching theory Understanding high twist shadowing Energy loss in cold nuclear matter Future Theoretical Developments Heavy quark production / modification Energy loss mechanism for heavy quarks Transport coefficients Lattice QCD Equation-of-State I.Vitev, M.Gyulassy, Phys.Rev.Lett. 89 (2002)

36 Ivan Vitev & Analytic Models of Jet Quenching PQCD baseline : Predictions I.Vitev,in preparation; hep-ph/0511273 Centrality dependence Verified with PHENIX and STAR GLV E-loss : Quenched PQCD: Comparison

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