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18. June 2003EPICS WS Channel Management Andreas Lüdeke Swiss Light Source / PSI 20 May 2003 EPICS Collaboration Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "18. June 2003EPICS WS Channel Management Andreas Lüdeke Swiss Light Source / PSI 20 May 2003 EPICS Collaboration Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 18. June 2003EPICS WS Channel Management Andreas Lüdeke Swiss Light Source / PSI 20 May 2003 EPICS Collaboration Meeting

2 18. June 2003EPICS WS Introduction CA- Clients CA- Servers Configuration Display Configuration Machine Model... Channels... Procedures Hardware Configuration medm Alarmhandler... EPICS IOCs Portable CA Servers Ok?

3 18. June 2003EPICS WS Questions to Answer Server Developers: –Which of my channels are used? –Who’s using those channels? Client Developers: –Is my channel configuration ok? –Where was a disconnected channel once served? Operations Manager: –Will all client applications still work?

4 18. June 2003EPICS WS Plan Keep track of all provided channels –IOC name –Channel Name and Record Type –Fields of those Record Keep track of all required channels –Client application name, start-up arguments –Channel name, field Provide set of scripts to answer the questions

5 18. June 2003EPICS WS SLS Implementation Clients Server Database g.adl h.alh i.conf parser required channels EPICS IOCs service provided channels

6 18. June 2003EPICS WS Server Implementation EPICS IOCDatabaseBoot Host startup.script rsh db2odb p.dbd, q.tmpl, r.subs dbd2odb Channels + RTYP dbl Record Fields Channels, RTYP

7 18. June 2003EPICS WS Parser Implementation Config. Files Database Parser Launcher Configuration xpv extract channels and commands lcf2odb command lines g.adl h.alh i.conf

8 18. June 2003EPICS WS Parser: e.g. medm Extract all references of channels Configuration files can be templates –Reads macro substitution from command line –Parser does substitution Recursion –Calls of related panels and commands  call parser –Prevent infinite recursions  each combination of command and arguments is only parsed once!

9 18. June 2003EPICS WS Database Implementation Application Config Channels Application Config Files IOC Channels Record Type Definition Filename Macrovar Device Property Field Filename Config File Load Date IOC Device Property Record Type Load Date Deleted Date Record Type Field Field Type

10 18. June 2003EPICS WS SQL Queries Check of a single high level appl. config file Get all config files with unsupported channels Get all properties of a device –Public properties, used by some applications –Private properties, used by no application Get all IOCs with a certain device or property Check naming convention of provided channels

11 18. June 2003EPICS WS How to make it Generic? Parsing should be featured by the tools –Extract channel names ( medm -GetChannels …) –Extract command lines ( medm -GetCommands …) Site specific configuration: –Naming convention (@SLS: Device ‘:’ Property ‘.’ Field ) –Repository of command lines (@SLS: “Launcher”) –Environment variables for config file locations –Database table access

12 18. June 2003EPICS WS Outlook Central channel repository –Add IOC link repository ( dbcar 2 odb ) High level application testing –Adding versioning / CVS tag information –Bind to software release mechanism –Automatic periodic background checks Add more tools to query database Make it a generic EPICS extension

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