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HER2 Heterogeneity Otto Metzger Filho, MD
Susan F. Smith Center for Women’s Cancers Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Harvard Medical School Boston, USA
1998 Trastuzumab Approved 2002 First Preoperative Trials Reported Paving The Way For Use in Early Stage Disease 2005 Three Large Adjuvant Trials Reported Lapatinib 2007- 2008 Initial Trials of T-DM1, Neratinib 2010 Preoperative Trials of Dual Blockade Pertuzumab 2012 2013 T-DM1 1. HER2 assessment 2. Intratumor heterogeneity 3. Intertumor heterogeneity THREE THEMES
Challenges in the diagnosis of HER2+ breast cancer
Poor reproducibility in measuring the target in the ALTTO trial (central vs local lab)
8000 women worlwide ER PgR 13 % ER PgR 8 % 21 % 22 % Central lab U.S. : discordant results Central lab Rest of the world : discordant results 26 % HER2 (IHC) 25 % HER2 (FISH) HER2 IHC HER2 FISH 19 % 12 %
Important Messages from 2013 HER2 Testing Tumor Specimens to be Tested
2007 Guidelines1 Resection specimens preferred sample for HER2 testing More representative sample of the patient’s tumor, more tumor tissue for evaluation 2013 Guideline Update2 Increasing use of core for testing Core biopsies can be used for initial test (likely better pre- analytics) Repeat testing on the excision may be necessary if a HER2 result is negative on the core in certain circumstances The 2007 guideline stated that the resection specimen was the preferred sample for HER2 testing. The thinking was that the re-sected tumor sample would provide more tumor tissue for analysis. Since that time, we have clearly seen an increasing use of the initial diagnostic needle core biopsy for breast predictive factor testing. One advantage of the needle core biopsy would be a negligible ischemic time for the tissue and rapid tissue fixation. The panel felt that the core biopsy was an acceptable sample for the initial HER2 analysis, however repeat testing on the excision may be necessary if a HER2 result is negative on the core in certain circumstances: Tumor is grade III Amount of invasive tumor in the core biopsy is small Resection specimen contains high grade carcinoma that is morphologically distinct from that in the core There is doubt about specimen handling of the core biopsy: Long ischemic time, Short time in fixative, Different/alternative fixative used, and/or Test is suspected by the pathologist to be negative based on testing error Some of the limitations of using core biopsies for HER2 testing are shown on the next slide. Consider repeat core bx for equivocal cases when preoperative therapy is considered 1. Wolff AC, et al., Arch pathol lab med. 2007;131:18-43. 2. Wolff AC, et al. Arch pathol lab med. 2014;138:
2013 HER2 Testing in BC Guideline Update Tumor Specimen Selection
Core samples may not be optimal in some situations HER2 IHC stain obtained by core needle biopsy Heterogeneity Intratumoral Heterogeneity (HER2 IHC) Crush(HER2 IHC) This slide explains the limitations of using needle core biopsies for HER2 testing in breast cancer. Edge Artifact (HER2 IHC)
Chromosomal Abnormalities involving CEP17 (Aneusomy)
Chromosome 17-polysomy is a rare event Chromosome 17 Polysomy 17 = increased copy number of HER2 & CEP17 signals Most frequently defined as average CEP17# >3 by ISH HER2/CEP17 <2 (not amplified) aCGH studies have shown true chromosome 17-polysomy is rare CEP17 copy number >3.0 in ISH is frequently related to gain or amplification of the centromeric region Typically high grade tumor and HER2 IHC is (2+) or (3+) CEP17 HER2 HER2 FISH Some breast cancers demonstrate an abnormal number of copies of chromosome 17 within the tumor cells. This is referred to as chromosome 17 polysomy in the literature. This is defined in ISH assays as an average of > 3 copies of chromosome 17 within tumor cells (CEP17 > 3); this exists in 5 – 10% of breast cancers (Tubbs et al. 2007, Downs-Kelly et al. 2005). Using the average number of CEP17 to define polysomy assumes that the number of CEP17 signals directly reflects the number of copies of chromosome 17 in the tumor cells and those tumors with increased CEP17 signals display chromosome 17 polysomy. Each extra copy of chromosome 17 in such cases would be expected to have a copy of the HER2 gene, which results in an overall increase in the average number of copies of HER2 genes. The HER2/CEP17 ratio corrects the number of HER2 copies for the increased number of chromosome 17 and the resulting ratio may be greater than or less than 2. For such cases, a ratio of < 2 has been interpreted as non-amplified for HER2. It is interesting that patients with a HER2/CEP17 ratio > 2 appear to benefit from HER2 targeted therapy regardless of the chromosome 17 copy number (Perez et al. 2010). Recent pangenomic studies have demonstrated that true polysomy 17 is rare (Tse et al. 2011, Yeh et al Mod Pathol, Moelans et al Breast Cancer Res Treat) and in some cases, CEP17 may undergo gene amplification events in the same way as HER2 or other gene loci. Breast tumors with a HER2/CEP17 ratio <2, where the average HER2 copy number is > 6 and the average CEP17 copy number is > 3 may, in fact, represent HER2 positive cancers with amplification of both HER2 and CEP17 (Tse et al. 2011). In support of this, cases with these findings frequently are high grade and show over-expression of HER2 protein (2+ or 3+) by IHC. HER2 IHC Hanna, et al., Mod Pathol Jan;27(1):4-18, Tse, et al., J Clin Oncol Nov 1;29(31):
2013 HER2 Testing in BC Guideline Update Changes to Testing Algorithm Help Address Chromosomal Abnormalities involving CEP17 (Aneusomy) Co-amplification of CEP17 region is observed in many ISH assays with increased HER2 and CEP17 copy number May lead to a HER2/CEP17 ratio < 2.0 suggesting lack of HER2 amplification and discordant IHC/ISH results If the HER2 copy number is >6, the HER2 test result must be reported as Positive regardless of the HER2/CEP17 ratio HER2 amplification defined by ratio criterion (>2), HER2 copy number criterion( >6) or both Some labs may choose to repeat HER2 testing in the same specimen using an alternative chromosome 17 reference probe (another gene on chromosome 17 not expected to co- amplified with HER2) to help demonstrate an amplified ratio (>2) Although increases in CEP17 copy number have been interpreted as representing polysomy 17, recent pangenomic studies have demonstrated that true polysomy 17 is rare (Tse et al. 2011, Yeh et al Mod Pathol, Moelans et al Breast Cancer Res Treat) and in some cases, CEP17 may undergo gene amplification events in the same way as HER2 or other gene loci. Breast tumors with a HER2/CEP17 ratio <2, where the average HER2 copy number is > 6 and the average CEP17 copy number is > 3 may, in fact, represent HER2 positive cancers with amplification of both HER2 and CEP17 (Tse et al. 2011). Based on this emerging literature, the ASCO/CAP panel concluded in the 2013 update that if the average HER2 copy number was > 6 then the HER2 test result must be reported as positive, regardless of the HER2/CEP17 ratio. Furthermore, in such cases, repeat ISH analysis for HER2 with an alternative chromosome 17 reference probe in such cases (such as RARA, or TP53) will frequently demonstrate a HER2-to-chromosome 17 ratio that is in the amplified range, supporting the idea that the HER2 gene and the centromere is co-amplified in these cases. It is important to carefully review all the pathologic features (grade, proliferative index, ER/PR results and HER2 IHC) for such cases before making a final determination of the HER2 status. Clearly, more investigation of the clinical outcomes for such patients is needed, particularly for patients whose HER2 status may be reclassified as amplified rather than non-amplified due to polysomy 17.
mRNA techniques should not be used to diagnose HER2+ breast cancer in clinical practice
Oncotype Dx data 36 HER2 positive cases by both IHC and FISH (amplified) 10 reported as positive 12 reported as equivocal 14 reported as negative Therefore, there was a 39% (14/36) false negative rate. Unfortunately, some patients did not receive HER2 targeted therapy due to the negative Oncotype DX result. 4 had low RS and 7 had intermediate RS – likely incorrect due to wrong HER2 score Dabbs, DJ, et al. J Clin Oncol 29:1-7, 2011. Bartlett, JMS et al. J Clin Oncol 29: 2011.
Intratumor Heterogeneity
Definition of Heterogeneity
Heterogeneous amplification of HER2 includes the existence of 2 distinct clones of breast cancer cells with different patterns of gene amplification (usually 1 clone amplified and 1 clone non-amplified) Viale et al. Modern Pathology 2013
Guidelines Definition of HER2 heterogeneity
The CAP guideline [1] suggests that all cases with between 5% and 50% of cells with HER2/CEP17 ratios greater than 2.2 be regarded as heterogeneous amplified In the UK guideline [2] HER2 assessment should be followed by scanning the entire tumor section before selecting at least three separate tumor fields and counting the number of chromosome 17 (CEP17) and HER2 signals. Vance, G.H., et al. Arch Pathol Lab Med, (4): p Walker, R.A., et al. J Clin Pathol, (7): p
Example of HER2 heterogeneity analyzed by different methods
Figure 1: Heterogeneous tumor analyzed by different methods IHC staining showing clusters of HER2+ cells (brown staining) Double FISH/IHC showing HER2 protein expression (green) and HER2 gene amplification (red) Dual-color in situ hybridization (HER2 black, chromosome 17 red) Viale et al. Modern Pathology 2013
The true prevalence of HER2 heterogeneity is unknown
HER2 heterogeneity is most common in carcinomas that would be classified as equivocal by IHC: IHC Heterogeneous cases 0 13% 1+ 13% 2+ 27% 3+ 11% The overall frequency of heterogeneity was 15%. Ohlschlegel, C, et al. J Clin Pathol 64: , 2011.
The results depicted below describe what we see in clinical practice: Cases where HER2 positivity is clear and cases where the interpretation of results is challenging ~ 50%: high ratios (>4) IHC 3+ No heterogeneity (80 to 100% positive cells). ~ 50%: low ratios (2 to 3) IHC often 2+ Heterogeneous expression Ohlschlegel, C, et al. J Clin Pathol 64: , 2011.
What is the clinical significance of HER2 heterogeneity?
Interpretation of data from retrospective series is challenging The impact of HER2 heterogeneity on response to anti-HER2 therapies is unknown Is HER2 heterogeneity providing us with a clear picture of different biologic processes ? Is HER2 heterogeneity a consequence of imperfect HER2 assessment techniques ? ? HER2 heterogeneity
Main Messages - I Strict adherence to guidelines is necessary when evaluating HER2 status Close communication with pathologists is key HER2 assessment should be interpreted with caution and taking into consideration the clinical context. E.g. A dubious HER2 test in a tumor strongly ER+ and low histologic grade is different from a dubious HER2 test in a tumor with low ER+ PgR negativity and high histologic grade The diagnosis of HER2 heterogeneity is not easy and guidelines are in somehow confusing The prognostic and predictive implications of HER2 heterogeneity remains to be defined Additional studies are needed
Ongoing Effort to Elucidate the Impact of HER2 heterogeneity
N = 160 pts Centrally-reviewed HER2+ early stage BC Stage II or III 6 cycles of T-DM1 + Pertuzumab weeks MANDATORY Research biopsies performed in different geographic regions of the tumor and marked with different clips Legend Tumor area Bx site 1 and research clip Bx site 2 and research clip MANDATORY specimen collection after the surgical procedure (i.e. mastectomy or breast conserving surgery) Hypothesis: Anti-HER2 therapy may not be sufficient if HER2-negative subclones (i.e. HER2 heterogeneity) are present within a HER2+ tumor PI Metzger and Krop
Study Design Core bx site 1
Residual tumor: similar evaluation for core bx site 1 and 2 50 cells/area Core bx site 2 HER2 heterogeneity definition follows CAP guideline Central pathology assessment for heterogeneity will be performed by Dr. Giuseppe Viale at the European Institute of Oncology, Milan Correlative science will be performed at Kornelia Polyak Lab, DFCI 19 19
“Intertumor” Heterogeneity
Genomic Analysis of HER2+ BC reveals significant heterogeneity Results from BOLERO-1 and BOLERO-3 samples and TCGA Common mutations are very similar between BOLERO-1 and BOLERO-3 Genetic profiles of BOLERO-1 and BOLERO-3 samples are comparable with TCGA1 Only 111 HER2+ samples from TCGA are available for comparison TP53 and PIK3CA gene mutations are the most frequent alterations beyond HER2 amplification TCGA filtering: remove variants with 0 or 1 hits in COSMIC, remove amp/del of unknown significance (similar to FMI). Abbreviations: TCGA, The Cancer Genome Atlas. 1. Cancer Genome Atlas Network. Nature. 2012;490:61-70.
Hormone Receptor Positive and Negative HER2+ breast cancer have distinct pattern of somatic alterations FGFR1 amplification is highly and FGF3/4/19 amplification are moderately enriched in HER2+, HR+ BC Locus/genes HR+ (%) HR– (%) FDR TP53 54.6 86.7 0.0001 CCND1/FGF3,4,19 22.5 8.7 0.001 FGFR1/ZNF703 16.7 2.7 < GATA3 9.7 0.03 Abbreviations: FDR, False discovery rate
HER2+ Heterogeneity: Focus on PIK3CA
Expression of a mutant PIK3CA or loss of PTEN in breast cancer cell lines is associated with trastuzumab resistance, and this resistance can be reversed with a PI3K inhibitor PI3K is the dominant signaling network downstream of amplified HER2 such that HER2 is unable to transform mouse embryonic fibroblasts that lack a functional PI3K p110α subunit In vitro studies of p110α inhibitors as well as pan-PI3Ki’s in breast cancer cell lines reveal that HER2 overexpression predicts sensitivity to these agents regardless of PIK3CA mutation status or PTEN expression Berns K. Cancer cell. 2007;12(4): Eichhorn PJ. Cancer Res. 2008;68(22): Migliaccio I. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium; 2008. Nagata Y. Cancer Cell. 2004;6(2): Zhao JJ. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006;103(44): Serra V. Cancer Res. 2008;68(19):
HER2 blockade What have we learned from CLEOPATRA? CLEOPATRA: Trial Design Docetaxel + trastuzumab + placebo HER2-positive MBC (53% no prior chemo 10% prior trastuzumab) 1:1 Docetaxel + trastuzumab + pertuzumab End points PFS and OS quality of life biomarker analysis N=800
CLEOPATRA: Shorter Median PFS Observed with Mutated PIK3CA
Placebo + T + D PERTUZUMAB + T + D PIK3CA status n Events Median (mo) Hazard ratio Mut 90 63 8.6 86 45 12.5 0.64 WT 191 101 13.8 190 83 21.8 0.67 Overall 406 242 12.4 402 18.5 0.62 The prognostic impact of PIK3CA mutations cannot be attributed to a specific mutation, nor to mutation(s) in a specific exon, based on the available data set. 182 mutations detected overall (32%) Number of mutations in exon 7 = 12; exon 9 = 39; exon 20 = 131 Baselga J et al. Proc SABCS 2012;Abstract S5-1
CLEOPATRA: Shorter Median PFS Observed with Mutated PIK3CA While Treatment Effect is Maintained
Pla + T + D PERTUZUMAB + T + D PIK3CA status n Events Median (mo) Hazard ratio Mut 90 63 8.6 86 45 12.5 0.64 WT 191 101 13.8 190 83 21.8 0.67 Overall 406 242 12.4 402 18.5 0.62 The prognostic impact of PIK3CA mutations cannot be attributed to a specific mutation, nor to mutation(s) in a specific exon, based on the available data set. 182 mutations detected overall (32%) Number of mutations in exon 7 = 12; exon 9 = 39; exon 20 = 131 Baselga J et al. Proc SABCS 2012;Abstract S5-1
A meta-analysis of 4 clinical trials
What is the impact of PIK3CA mutation status on response to neoadjuvant anti-HER2 therapy? A meta-analysis of 4 clinical trials GeparQuinto GeparSixto Neo-Altto CHERLOB
PIK3CA Mutation analysis (Exon 9 & 20) in the overall study cohort (n=967 pts)
PIK3CA mutation rate 21.7%
The frequency of PIK3CA mutation is equally distributed among HR+ and HR- patients
Overall HER2+ HR+ HER2+ HR- 21.7% GEPARstudies n=504 21.4% 21.3% 21.6% Neo-ALTTO n=355 22.5% 22.7% 22.4% CHERLOB n=108 20.4% 20.9% 19.5%
pCR rate according to PIK3CA mutation status overall and by HR status
Studienkonzept G5 pCR in the mutants pCR in the mutants pCR in the mutants
pCR according to PIK3CA mutation and anti-HER2 treatment
L T L+T wt: Lap n=10 (18.6%), Trast n=19 (33.3%), All n=89 (37.1%) Mt: Lap n=19 (17.6%), Trast n=10 (18.2%), All n= 40 (17.0%) Ucrmdrehen zuerst mutiert, dann wt p Rate überprüfen L = Lapatinib T = Trastuzumab N=210 N=757 The magnitude of benefit of dual anti-HER2 blockade is greater in the PIK3CA wt subset when compared to PIK3CA mut subset In the advanced setting, dual anti-HER2 blockade provided (trastuzumab + pertuzumab) added benefit regardless of PIK3CA mutation status
Preliminary results demonstrating that blockade of PI3K mTOR signaling pathway adds benefit in HER2+ BC BOLERO-1 Locally advanced or metastatic HER2+ breast cancer No prior therapy for advanced or metastatic disease (except endocrine therapy EVE + TRAS + PAC (n = 480) PBO + TRAS + PAC (n = 239) R 2:1 BOLERO-3 Locally advanced or metastatic HER2+ breast cancer Prior taxane required TRAS resistant EVE + TRAS + VNB (n = 284) PBO + TRAS + VNB (n = 285) R 1:1 Abbreviations: EVE, everolimus; PBO, placebo; PFS, progression free survival; TRAS, trastuzumab; VNB, vinorelbine. Figure reprinted from Lancet Oncology, Vol. 15, André F, O'Regan R, Ozguroglu M, et al. Everolimus for women with trastuzumab-resistant, HER2-positive, advanced breast cancer (BOLERO-3): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial, , Copyright (2014), with permission from Elsevier. 1. Andre F, et al. Lancet Oncol 2014; 15:
Predictive biomarkers of everolimus efficacy in HER2+ advanced breast cancer: Combined exploratory analysis from BOLERO-1 and BOLERO-3 Correlation of PFS and PIK3CA genotype Patients with PIK3CA mutation showed PFS benefit from everolimus whereas those with wildtype PIK3CA did not. Same trend in both studies Pooled analysis: KM curve by treatment in the PIK3CA WT group Pooled analysis: KM curve by treatment in the PIK3CA MUT group PBO WT EVE WT P-value = 0.5 PBO MUT EVE MUT P-value = 0.05 Progression free survival probability Progression free survival probability Time, months Time, months PIK3CA Mutant (30.3% in combined population) Population Treatment N Events Median PFS mo HR (95% CI) BOL-1 PBO 19 17 7.56 0.70 ( ) EVE 39 30 11.96 BOL-3 42 37 5.68 0.65 ( ) 29 21 6.93 BOL-1 + BOL-3 61 54 0.67 ( ) 68 51 PIK3CA Wild type (69.7% in combined population) Population Treatment N Events Median PFS mo HR (95% CI) BOL-1 PBO 48 31 17.08 1.13 ( ) EVE 89 51 18.46 BOL-3 82 59 6.57 1.08 ( ) 77 57 6.77 BOL-1 + BOL-3 130 90 1.1 ( ) 166 108 Abbreviations: EVE, everolimus; MUT, mutant; PBO, placebo; WT, wildtype.
Correlation of PFS and PTEN expression
Patients with low/no PTEN benefited significantly from everolimus, whereas those with normal PTEN did not. Consistent results in both studies Pooled analysis: KM curve by treatment in the PTEN normal group Pooled analysis: KM curve by treatment in the PTEN low group PBO normal EVE normal P-value = 0.97 PBO low EVE low P-value = 0.035 Progression free survival probability Progression free survival probability Time, months Time, months PTEN low/loss (14.4% in combined population) Population Treatment N Events Median PFS mo HR (95% CI) BOL-1 PBO 18 12 16.82 0.56 ( ) EVE 31 17 23.46 BOL-3 1 5 5.45 0.52 ( ) 11 9.53 BOL-1 + BOL-3 3 3 24 0.54 ( ) 4 6 28 PTEN normal (85.6% in combined population) Population Treatment N Events Median PFS mo HR (95% CI) BOL-1 PBO 90 53 13.80 1.02 ( ) EVE 163 87 16.10 BOL-3 110 6.74 1 ( ) 10 7 78 6.83 BOL-1 + BOL-3 20 0 140 1 ( ) 27 0 165 Abbreviations: EVE, everolimus; PBO, placebo.
Main Messages - II HER2+ breast cancer can be sub-classified into several subtypes using genomic data Pre-clinical data have consistently demonstrated the importance of PI3K signaling in HER2+ disease Data from Bolero-1 and Bolero-3 studies showed a trend in favor of everolimus for HER2+ tumors with features of PI3K alteration Subsequent studies including “modern” PI3K inhibitors are needed A more refined evaluation of HER2 heterogeneity coupled with PIK3CA evaluation is needed
Phase Ib study of taselisib in combination with anti-HER2 agents
T-DM1 + placebo Cohort A1 TRASTUZUMAB + PERTUZUMAB + TASELISIB Patients with HER2 metastatic breast cancer (any line) STUDY DESIGN: 3 + 3 Three independent cohorts Prior pertuzumab and T- DM1 allowed T-DM1 + placebo Cohort A2 TRASTUZUMAB PERTUZUMAB TASELISIB PACLITAXEL Cohort B T-DM1 +TASELISIB β δ α Receptors γ Ki = 0.29 nM Ki = 9.1 nM (31x) Ki = 0.12 nM (0.4x) Ki = 0.97 nM (3.3x) Taselisib PI3K (p110) class I isoforms Expansion phase Two cohorts (A1/2 and B) 20 pts each Baseline bx required Results in 2014? PI Metzger and Krop
STAR-FISH (specific-to-allele PCR-FISH)
Combined detection of single-nucleotide and copy number alterations in single cells in intact archival tissue Assessed the clinical impact of changes in the frequency and topology of PIK3CA mutations and HER2 amplification within HER2+ BC during neoadjuvant chemotherapy Published Online 24 August 2015
Results: Intratumoral topology of HER2 amplification and/or PIK3CA mutation status
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