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Ch 4 Conscience Latin root-nosco- is the active verb to know Conscience has to do with an action rather than a thing Conscience is a judgment of reason.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 4 Conscience Latin root-nosco- is the active verb to know Conscience has to do with an action rather than a thing Conscience is a judgment of reason."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 4 Conscience Latin root-nosco- is the active verb to know Conscience has to do with an action rather than a thing Conscience is a judgment of reason by which the human person recognizes the moral quality of a concrete act (#1796)

2 When you hear the word Conscience what comes to mind?

3 Misunderstandings of Conscience  Inner Voice  Our Upbringing  A Feeling

4 Conscience  1. Awareness  2. Seek Information (Development):  3. Judgment-Action

5 Jerry’s Problem  1. Awareness  2. Development  3. Judgment

6 Inclination to Good  To be human means to seek the good  Essential human trait  Lax conscience is a distorted conscience Psychopath- lack any sense of right or wrong

7 Lawrence Kohlberg’s Levels of Moral Maturity  Pre-Conventional Level  Conventional Level  Post-Conventional Level

8 Conscience & Scripture  Bible uses word heart as the closest equivalent to the concept of conscience  Developing habits of the heart  Conscience is an activity of the whole person

9 Documents & Conscience  Vatican Council II : Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World  “The Splendor of Truth”

10  Catechism

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