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RELIGION IN ANCIENT ROME Ms. Berry Sixth grade Social Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "RELIGION IN ANCIENT ROME Ms. Berry Sixth grade Social Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 RELIGION IN ANCIENT ROME Ms. Berry Sixth grade Social Studies

2 Housekeeping: Agenda Do you owe me any work? Warm-ups? Current Event? Timeline? Project? Write it in your agenda. Due ASAP!! AIG presentations will be today and tomorrow. You must present!

3 Roman Religion Romans adopted the religion of cultures that they conquered They believed in the 12 main gods and goddesses like the Greeks. Jupiter/Zeus Venus/Aphrodite Juno/Hera Minerva/Athena Mars/Ares Ceres/Demeter Neptune/Posieden Bachus/Dionysus Pluto/Hades Vulcan/Hephesteus Apollo Vesta/Hestia

4 12 Gods and Goddesses Romans believed that if they did not respect the gods/goddesses then harm would come to the empire. Roman laws punished those who did not worship the Roman gods/goddesses. After some time, the emperor was seen as a god. Anyone who spoke out against the emperor was punished.

5 Jews in Ancient Rome However, Romans did allow Jews to practice their own religion in the empire. But, they were often mistreated..

6 Beginning of Christianity: During this time Jesus was born in Bethlehem. He lived in a small town called Nazareth. He traveled and taught the belief in one God, which is called monotheism, and the 10 commandments. Followers of Jesus were called disciples. Many believed Jesus was the messiah, the one who would save the world.

7 Crucifixion of Christ Christianity became illegal. In 30 A.D. the Roman governor Pontius Pilate, ordered that Jesus be put to death. He was nailed to a cross and left to die. Stories spread of Jesus’s resurrection and his teachings. Greek word for messiah is Christos so he became known as Jesus Christ

8 Romans and Christians Romans believed that since Christians did not worship their gods that the gods were angry so they persecuted, or killed them. These persecutions did not stop the spread of Christianity. It was under the rule of Roman Emperor Constantine in 313 A.D. that the persecutions stopped. Glorious Battle

9 Christianity becomes official religion In 392 A.D. Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire under the rule of Emperor Theodosius. Christian writings such as the gospels, New Testament, and Old Testament helped with the spread of Christianity. As it grew, it became more organized under one leader. Today the Pope is the head of the Roman Catholic Church and he resides in the Vatican City in Rome.

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