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Science Assessment Without Levels Aims of the day: In this workshop based course you will be given time to discuss and design an approach to assessing.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Assessment Without Levels Aims of the day: In this workshop based course you will be given time to discuss and design an approach to assessing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Assessment Without Levels Aims of the day: In this workshop based course you will be given time to discuss and design an approach to assessing life without levels. You will be able to: Discuss the DFE's assessment principles. Evaluate case studies of best practice. Design an assessment model to take away and trial at your school. Decide upon a method of tracking progress. Course Details Thursday 30th April 2014 9:00 – 15:00 Venue The Redhill Academy Redhill Road Arnold Nottingham NG5 8GX Target audience Primary Teachers Science Coordinators/Leaders Cost Alliance members – Free Others - £50 Refreshments provided To Book a place contact: Katie Crowley-Andrews Teaching School Manager 0115 9261481 option 3

2 In the NNC for science the quality of spoken and heard language is emphasised as necessary for children to articulate concepts clearly and precisely. ‘…be familiar with, and use, technical terminology accurately and precisely. They should build up an extended specialist vocabulary.’ Vocabulary

3 Quick activities to practise using and applying scientific knowledge and understanding with an emphasis on vocabulary use.

4 Run Around Quiz Need space Vocabulary cards face up (based on current topic or one to revise) 2 or more teams Teacher (or later a child) starts to describe the word… When a team knows the word ONE child runs and collects the word – award one point if they are correct and repeat.

5 Permeable Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Palaeontology Granite Marble Limestone Observe Analyse Neutral Fossil Organic Crystal Mineral Predict

6 30 Seconds Game Talk partners Give children a word EG flexible. Pairs have 30 seconds to take turns naming as many ‘objects’ as they can that are flexible. Keep a tally on fingers/white boards Which pair got the most?

7 Word Associations Whole class, pairs or groups Give a starter word EG battery Children take turns to offer a word that has some association EG switch, bulb, circuit… Associations may change EG wire, conductor, thermal, heat…

8 Could the application of scientific knowledge and understanding AND accurate and precise vocabulary use be an indicator of a child exceeding age related expectations?

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