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TopCAT Use Cases Priorities User Interface 1 ICAT developer workshop, 25-26 August 2009 Laurent Lerusse – STFC

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Presentation on theme: "TopCAT Use Cases Priorities User Interface 1 ICAT developer workshop, 25-26 August 2009 Laurent Lerusse – STFC"— Presentation transcript:

1 TopCAT Use Cases Priorities User Interface 1 ICAT developer workshop, 25-26 August 2009 Laurent Lerusse – STFC

2 ICAT Schema ICAT API TopCAT Infrastructure Users ICAT developers Facilities Sys Admins Present Future ICAT ecosystem Clients

3 Use Case 1 – PI Follow experiment from home institute. What has been analyzed. How much data have been taken. Quick visualization of the data. Later : was there any publications? Generate report for funding bodies, annual reports, … Organize collaborations, share the data. 3

4 Use Case 2 – Lead scientist First thing to do : Get the data! Getting your own data must be straightforward. 2-3 click max. Maybe more for large data sets. She may not be use to this neXµs format. She exports the data into her choice format. She also needs a way to reference the data in her analysis paper. 4

5 Use Case 3 – Post Doc He is very busy working on multiple projects at multiple location. He use ICAT as the repository for his data. Selecting and bookmarking the data that interest him. When available, it will use the ICAT embedded application to analyze his data. This allow him to use facility provided resources and to have the results stored and classified in ICAT with the rest of the data. The visualization tool included in ICAT allow him to check the results without having to download all the data. 5

6 Use Case 4 – Phd Student He wants to explore the ICAT databases to find data to learn how to analyze data and to test the new analysis method he is developing. Search the public data to find suitable results. Needs methods to refine search results that can return a large number of investigations. 6

7 ICAT Priorities Retrieve my Data Search Data Manage Data (permissions) Organize Data (bookmarks and references) Select Data Better Presentation of Metadata & reports Better Metadata (edit and capture) Ingest External Data Export Metadata Integrate Application with ICAT 7

8 Data Portal - 1 8

9 Data Portal - 2 9

10 10 SELECTION Display Single Item User Horizontal Tab Floating Window Vertical Tab UI Principles Action

11 11 UI Example

12 Selection Keyword - one field search with suggestion of terms Advanced - many fields search Browse - reproduce a possible repository path like / facility / beamline / cycle/ investigation_id / visit / dataset / datafile.ext My Data - Data that you own. Bookmarks - safeguard selection & provide publishable references. Tag - display list of keywords, investigators, parameters common to the current selection to refine it. 12

13 Display & Action Investigation – list of Investigations selected. Sample - list of samples selected grouped by investigation. DataSet - list of data sets selected grouped by investigations or samples DataFile – list of data files selected grouped by Investigations, Samples or DataSets. Permission – modify permission on your data. Maybe write data sharing agreements in English that would be translated in ICAT permission. Download - Various method to get the selected data. Upload – Before the experiment (e.g. simulation, calibration, sample characterization, …) and after (e.g. reduced and analyzed data). Apps - Analysis application integrated with the portal and ICAT. 13

14 Single Item Investigation – Details of an investigation ( full abstract, list of keyword, investigators, papers, samples, datasets, …) Sample - Details of a sample ( list of parameters, list of datasets that use this sample.) DataSet - Details of a DataSet ( list of parameters, basic information on the sample used in this dataset. List of DataFiles ) DataFile – Details of a DataFile ( list of parameters, visualization of the data file if format supported and data available) Includes Edit functionality Download - Various method to get the selected data. Same view than download tab but for a single item. If data small enough and available; no window, direct download. 14

15 Comments and Questions All that has been presented hasn’t yet been decided. It is up for discussion, comment. TopCat project page and wiki. The wiki is there to be edited / commented. 15

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