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From mode X to mode Y in Nordic Education Keynote presented at the NERA 2005 Congress in Oslo Sverker Lindblad Göteborg University.

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Presentation on theme: "From mode X to mode Y in Nordic Education Keynote presented at the NERA 2005 Congress in Oslo Sverker Lindblad Göteborg University."— Presentation transcript:

1 From mode X to mode Y in Nordic Education Keynote presented at the NERA 2005 Congress in Oslo Sverker Lindblad Göteborg University

2 Sverker Lindblad: From Mode X to Mode Y in Nordic Education Themes in talk 1.Nordic welfare state education in transition 2.Educational reseach in change 3.Relations between changes in education and in educational research 4.Conclusions

3 Sverker Lindblad: From Mode X to Mode Y in Nordic Education Expansion of Upper secondary education under the 20th century and changes in the benefits with respectively liabilites without upper secondary education attainment.

4 Sverker Lindblad: From Mode X to Mode Y in Nordic Education From government to governance "Well, I think that the general social situation was ripe, that the welfare state had come to the end of its road in the sense that people noticed that it's not possible for a planning apparatus on the national level to decide every detail. In other words, people lost their belief in planning." (NBE, Finland)

5 Sverker Lindblad: From Mode X to Mode Y in Nordic Education From teaching to learning: A subtext in the science classroom Cecilia:We must do this, magnet and... hello, could you get? Hannele:Let’s not care... Cecilia:We must do it, check, magnet and... Hannele:Let’s not do it now, please? And so on …..

6 Sverker Lindblad: From Mode X to Mode Y in Nordic Education Aspects Mode x Mode y Outcomes of schooling Credentialising opportunity Exclusion by means of no access Normalising necessity Exclusion by means of no attainment GoverningGovernment Exclusion by means of policy-making Governance Exclusion by means of students’ lack of agency Education processes Teaching Exclusion by means of teachers work or content offers Learning Exclusion by means of students’ self- selection Aspects of education in mode X and mode Y and their exclusions

7 Sverker Lindblad: From Mode X to Mode Y in Nordic Education Education research in transition: mode 1 and mode 2 Aspects Mode 1 Mode 2 ContextAcademicApplication FoundationDisciplinaryTransdisciplinary OrganisationalHierarchicalHeterarchical Research culture Radical individualism Disciplined individualism Quality Control Good scientific practice without accountability Socially robust and accountable knowledge

8 Sverker Lindblad: From Mode X to Mode Y in Nordic Education Conclusions for educational researchers in Mode Y and B: To understand the construction of education in mode Y and the implications of this for our societies. To understand how research is contributing to mode Y and how we can contribute to the production of socially robust knowledge in the dealing with current and specific problems in education. By means of participating in the production of socially robust knowledge we will not give up our expertise as researchers. Instead we need to further develop our expertise in arenas shared by expertises from other parts of our societies. Here we have to act in a socially responsible way! One task in such an arena could be to critically examine and discuss the way education research has produced tools for the making of social exclusion by means of tests and other instruments used for selection or ranking of students or nations.

9 Sverker Lindblad: From Mode X to Mode Y in Nordic Education References Bennich-Björkman, L. (1997): Organising innovative research: The inner life of university departments. Guildford: Pergamon Press. Gibbons, M., Limoges, C., Nowotny, H., Schwartzman, S., Scott, P. & Trow, M. (1994) The New Production of Knowledge: The Dynamics of Science and Research in Contemporary Societies. London: Sage Publications. Lindblad, S & Popkewitz, T. (2001) Education governance and social inclusion/exclusion: The power of reason and the reason of power. Uppsala Studies in Education no 39 Simola, H., Johannesson, I. A. & Lindblad, S. (invited guest editors) (2002) Changing Education Governance in Nordic Welfare States: Finland, Iceland and Sweden as cases of an international restructuring movement. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, vol 46 no 3Lindblad & Popkewitz (2004): Educational restructuring: International perspectives on travelling policies. Cambridge: Information Age Nowotny, H. Gibbons, M. & Scott, P. (2001): Rethinking Science: Knowledge and the Public in an age of uncertainty. Cambridge: Polity Press. Sahlström, F. & Lindblad, S. (1998). Subtexts in the science classroom - an exploration of the construction of science lessons and student careers. Learning & Instruction, Vol 8, No 3, pp 194-214 Seidman,R. H. (1996): National Education ‘Goals 2000’: Some disastrous unintended consequences. Educational Policy Archives, Vol 4, No 11

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