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2007 CRA-W Grad Cohort Workshop Thanks for Coming! Mary Jane Irwin, PSU Mary Lou Soffa, UVA.

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Presentation on theme: "2007 CRA-W Grad Cohort Workshop Thanks for Coming! Mary Jane Irwin, PSU Mary Lou Soffa, UVA."— Presentation transcript:

1 2007 CRA-W Grad Cohort Workshop Thanks for Coming! Mary Jane Irwin, PSU Mary Lou Soffa, UVA

2 We need you to … oFill out & return the survey you were given at registration oFill out & return the workshop evaluation to help us better organize the next workshop oVolunteer to lead and participate in follow-on activities to keep this a cohesive peer support group –via the CRA-W cohort wiki

3 We need you to … oRegister in the CRA-W database – oHelp spread the word for next year –2008 Cohort (assuming our sponsors continue to support the Cohort) –late winter/early spring 2008 –Seattle area –a November announcement, December application deadline –encourage 1 st year applicants, apply for 2 nd year cohort, volunteer to be a student speaker

4 Ideas for Activities oSelf organized email groups/discussion forums oHot line for answering (confidential) questions oSelf organized, regional, f2f get togethers oBirds-of-a-Feather (BoFs) get togethers (meeting, lunch table, dinner) at technical conferences –invite along a senior woman (or women) who is (are) attending the conference

5 The wiki o –click on CRA-W Grad Cohort –enter name (first and last) and your password oThings to put there –link to your personal web page/picture –pleas for specific help with issues –conference BOF announcements –resource information –area specific senior women resource list

6 Discipline Specific (Women’s) Workshops oProgramming Languages Summer School May 9 - 11, 2007 at the University of Texas at Austin. Application deadline is March 22 nd – /pl-summer-2007/ /pl-summer-2007/ oOperating & Distributed Systems Oct 13-14, 2007 at Skamania Lodge, Oregon (immediately before SOSP) –

7 Other CRA-W Activities oCohort slides from this workshop will go up in ~2 weeks (and are already there from past workshops) oCareer Mentoring Workshop June 9- 10, 2007 at FCRC (for junior faculty & senior PhD students)FCRC oCheck for other programs at –

8 Tonight Google/Microsoft Reception Be sure to take your badge !! Saks Drake St. Francis Macys

9 Thanks Again! To our wonderful sponsors Google Microsoft and our project co-creator Jan Cuny

10 Thanks! To our special colleagues at CRA Carla Romero Mackenzie Colbert Betsy Bizot Andy Bernat and to JoAnne Cohoon, our evaluation focus group leader

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