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 Greetings from Uganda  Thanks to AFM MAs for nomination and subsequent approval  3 rd time to host AFM regional  1 st in 1998, 2 nd in 2004  Both.

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Presentation on theme: " Greetings from Uganda  Thanks to AFM MAs for nomination and subsequent approval  3 rd time to host AFM regional  1 st in 1998, 2 nd in 2004  Both."— Presentation transcript:


2  Greetings from Uganda  Thanks to AFM MAs for nomination and subsequent approval  3 rd time to host AFM regional  1 st in 1998, 2 nd in 2004  Both held successfully  This time to be held from 7 th – 9 th Nov., 2012

3  Land locked covering about 242,000 sq km  Known as the Pearl of Africa due to fantastic natural scenery  Ugandans known for friendliness and hospitality  Custodian to Source of River Nile, beautiful salt lakes, over 1000 bird species and a variety of wildlife.

4  Theme “TOGETHER SAFE SKIES”  Facilitates direct communication among MAs  Ensures exchange of ideas and experience  Discusses the latest developments in ATC  Pave way for ATC involvement in future ATM

5  Registration ( US$50 - might be revised downwards )  Welcome Dinner  Honour HE The President of the Republic of Uganda  Honour the former IFATCA AFM regional President, Albert Taylor  Normal meeting business  Exhibitions at meeting business breaks  Closing dinner

6 Visa – The Uganda Visa Policy uses the principle of reciprocity – Upon arrival visas for most countries – Single entry US$ 50 – Multiple entry (6 -12 months)US$ 150 – Multiple entry (24 months)US$ 200 – Inland transitUS$ 50 International/inland travel – Air – Water – Land (mainly road)

7  Angola, Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Botswana, Burundi, Comoros, Cyprus, Eritrea, Fiji, Gambia, Grenada, Italy (Diplomatic Passport holders only), Jamaica, Ireland, Kenya, Lesotho, Libya, Malawi, Malta, Mauritius, Madagascar, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, St. Vincent and Grenadines, Swaziland, Tanzania, Tonga, Vanuatu, Zambia and Zimbabwe.  Nationals of these countries are issued gratis (free of charge) visas upon their arrival.  Note: The list above is subject to change without notice. You are strongly advised to check on for

8  Languages ◦ Official is English ◦ Others: Swahili, Ganda, Luo, Runyakitara, Lusoga, Samia etc  Time Zone ◦ GMT + 3:00 Hours  Normal office schedule ◦ Week days (Monday – Friday) 8:30 am – 5:00 pm

9  Banking, currencies and Forex ◦ Operate office schedule time ◦ Most banks open also Saturday 9:00 am – 1:00 pm  Official currency is Uganda Shillings, ◦ Exchange rate US$1 = Ugx 2,300 as of Mar, 2012  Most regional currencies accepted at banks  Travelers’ Cheques and ATM cards used in major towns  Some other places accept credit cards

10  Foods and beverages ◦ Traditional and foreign foods available  Electricity and power ◦ 220 to 240 V ◦ 50 Hz frequency ◦ Standard British 3 pin sockets

11 Weather – Warm most of the year – 2 rainy seasons; March – May and Sept – Nov – Average temperature between 21 – 28 degrees Celsius Communication – Internet – Telephone (Both Landline and Mobile) – International calling code is +256

12  Uganda generaly safe and secure  Hospitals, clinics, drug stores and ambulance services dotted allover major towns  Freedom of worship exercised  International carriers to Entebbe include: ◦ British Airways- Qatar Airways- Precision ◦ SN Brussels- Egypt Air- FLY540 ◦ Kenya Airways- South African ◦ Emirates- KLM ◦ Ethiopian- Turkish Airway ◦ Air Uganda- Rwanda Air

13  Conference to be held at Speke Resort Munyonyo  Accommodation ◦ List of hotels will be available on by end of ◦ The cost per day will range between US$20 and US$150. ◦ For special arrangements contact organising committee


15  For further information refer to or for inquiries mail to


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