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“I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals”

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1 “I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals”

2 REVELATION – CHAPTERS 6-7 INTRODUCTION Chapters 4 and 5 – building to THIS! The focus is on the SCROLL and the LAMB – the unfolding… “REVELATION 7’s” Not Chronological – 3 vignettes interspersed with other vignettes, signs and scenes. Each set of seven -“unfolds” into the other The 7 Seals – unfolding of general history The 7 Trumpets – unfolding of “last days” The 7 Bowls – The outpouring of God’s Wrath after the rapture. READ REV. 6-7

3 REVELATION – CHAPTERS 6-7 WHAT DOES ALL THIS IMAGERY REPRESENT? We cannot be “dogmatic” about its interpretation – as with ALL prophecy – the FULL meaning and understanding won’t come until it happens! But…As with ALL scripture…we can interpret it in light of what other scripture reveals…in this case…the words of Jesus Himself! - Matthew 24:1-31 – Let’s read it…

4 REVELATION – CHAPTERS 6-7 Just as Jesus told his disciples while He was here on earth with them…the “general” unfolding of history right down to the last days…Again in Revelation, He tells John in more detailed imagery. Seal One – Rider on the White Horse – “bent on conquest” – False Christs and religious systems. Seal Two –Rider on the Red Horse – wars and rumors of wars… Seal Three –Rider on the Black Horse – famine – poverty. Seal Four - Rider on the Pale Horse – disease, plagues, terrorism, dread. Seal Five - The martyrdom of the saints - increasing in the last days. Seal Six - The harvesting of the earth (rapture) and the beginning of the outpouring of God’s Wrath!

5 REVELATION – CHAPTERS 6-7 Conclusion: Wars, terrorism, disease, famine, drought, Christian persecution, earthquakes, disasters… Sound familiar? But we have always had these. Yes…but indisputable…frequency and intensity increasing…in OUR day! PLUS – Matthew 24:14 – ”…Gospel… preached in all the world…, then the end will come” - JESUS Culminating in an “Anti-Christ” – The rapture, the Wrath! THE 7 SEALS OPENED!

6 “I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals”

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