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Career Services Welcomes the Student Athlete Advisory Committee Career Services -What Do We Do and Who We Are?

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Presentation on theme: "Career Services Welcomes the Student Athlete Advisory Committee Career Services -What Do We Do and Who We Are?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Services Welcomes the Student Athlete Advisory Committee Career Services -What Do We Do and Who We Are?

2 First do any of these faces look familiar. Name who they most look like in SU’s coaching ranks?

3 Top 10 Reasons Why You Need Us? 1. So you don’t have move back in with mom and dad 2. So you don’t have a job that says ”and would you like fries with that?” 3. So you don’t have to keep answering “have you found a job yet”? 4. Or “When are you going to find a job” 5. So you don’t have to drive that Honda Civic with 186,000 miles

4 More Top 10 So you can get rid of the scooter you bought that you thought was cool but wasn’t So you can get rid of the scooter you bought that you thought was cool but wasn’t So you can pay your own way into a Ravens/Steelers game So you can pay your own way into a Ravens/Steelers game So instead of bench pressing 250 lbs. you make $250 in a day So instead of bench pressing 250 lbs. you make $250 in a day So you can pick up the tab at dinner for once So you can pick up the tab at dinner for once So you can replace that book bag with a briefcase So you can replace that book bag with a briefcase

5 Our Resources On-Campus Corporate Recruiting On-Campus Corporate Recruiting Career Resource Library Career Resource Library Online Database of Employers & Job Openings Online Database of Employers & Job Openings Graduate School Information & Assistance Graduate School Information & Assistance Job Fairs-5 of Them Job Fairs-5 of Them Network of Alumni Mentors Network of Alumni Mentors Resume Reviews on a walk-in basis on Thursdays Resume Reviews on a walk-in basis on Thursdays Career Planning Class Career Planning Class

6 And More Services Internship assistance-Internship Alerts Internship assistance-Internship Alerts Graduate School help Graduate School help Create cover letters Create cover letters Job Alerts-full-time, part-time, on-campus, graduate assistance ships Job Alerts-full-time, part-time, on-campus, graduate assistance ships One-on-one career counseling One-on-one career counseling Help in selecting a major Help in selecting a major Assistance with career resources such as what you can do with your major Assistance with career resources such as what you can do with your major Extensive website Extensive website

7 New Services-Here Is What I Have Thought About Employer panels for athletes in different careers such as federal gov., parks and recreation, education, business, etc. Employer panels for athletes in different careers such as federal gov., parks and recreation, education, business, etc. Set up a semester of information session evenings-pick day and time and different employers each day Set up a semester of information session evenings-pick day and time and different employers each day Job fair just for athletes Job fair just for athletes Have a employer table setup in MAGGS and schedule employers to come in and discuss career Have a employer table setup in MAGGS and schedule employers to come in and discuss careeroptions

8 And More Ideas Select an athletes student leaders group to assist with information sessions, employer tables, etc. Select an athletes student leaders group to assist with information sessions, employer tables, etc. Have a satellite Career Services office where I could come over once a week to discuss any career-related issues Have a satellite Career Services office where I could come over once a week to discuss any career-related issues Create an athletes mentor network Create an athletes mentor network Setup an on-campus recruiting schedule for athletes Setup an on-campus recruiting schedule for athletes Create an athletes career services website (like Duke) Create an athletes career services website (like Duke) Summer orientation for athletes Summer orientation for athletes Setup employer mock interview and resume reviews Setup employer mock interview and resume reviews

9 How Do We Make This Happen? Determine staff needs and people power Determine staff needs and people power Go in small steps-one event at a time Go in small steps-one event at a time Use interns or practicum students Use interns or practicum students Figure out space issues Figure out space issues Construct databases that will help us target athletes Construct databases that will help us target athletes Work closely with YOU! Work closely with YOU!

10 And There You Have It! We Are Here To Help You In Any Way We Can Please stop by-Our hours are 8-5 PM- M-F and 6 PM on Mondays. Please stop by-Our hours are 8-5 PM- M-F and 6 PM on Mondays. Our staff is experienced and very friendly. Our staff is experienced and very friendly. We also have a candy jar. We also have a candy jar. Please make an appointment so we have plenty of time to meet. Please make an appointment so we have plenty of time to meet. If you need a resume reviewed, no appt. on If you need a resume reviewed, no appt. on Thursdays Thursdays We are in the GUC by Cool Beans. We are in the GUC by Cool Beans. See you soon. See you soon.

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