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Professional Growth Plan Karen Foote Jennifer Meier Christine Russ.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Growth Plan Karen Foote Jennifer Meier Christine Russ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Growth Plan Karen Foote Jennifer Meier Christine Russ

2 Question  Will direct instruction in transition activities lead to an increase in jobs and college enrollment ?  Target group of 13 Seniors  Transition Portfolio -appropriate post secondary goal -career and college research - community resource connections - community resource connections

3 Relation to Key District Inititives  WCSD Student Support Services has a strong focus on improving transitions for students with disabilities.  Instruction in transition places emphasis on the importance of graduation and completing high school requirements.

4 Baseline data- Informal Transition Questionnaire  Presently employed 0/13  Career interest 12/13  Have/know SS card 9/13  Listed ways to learn about available jobs 9/13  Filled out job applications 7/13  Participated in a job interview 1/13

5 Baseline data- Informal Transition Questionnaire  Completed Intake with Vocational Rehabilitation 0/13  Able to identify skill improvement needed for post secondary training/education 5/13  Able to list 5 reasons a person can be fired from a job 12/13  Able to list obstacles for entering a postsecondary education/training program 5/13

6 Baseline data- Informal Transition Questionnaire  Tests taken:  ASVAB 2/13  ACT 2/13  SAT 0/13  Accuplacer 0/13

7 Baseline data- Informal Transition Questionnaire  Colleges Visited  UNR 7/13  TMCC 4/13  Other 0/13

8 21 st Century Skills That Apply  Collaboration  Knowledge Construction  Real-World Problem Solving and Innovation  Communication  Use of ICT for Learnng  Self-Regulation

9 Baseline data- Informal Transition Questionnaire Job Interest Responses  Chef  Teacher  Tattoo Artist  Firefighter  Nurse  Sports writer or sports photographer  Mechanic  Trucker  Landscaper/ Construction worker  Dentist  Beautician  Photographer  Manufacturing

10 Baseline data- Informal Transition Questionnaire Questions students asked:  How do you sign up for college and scholarships?  Can I wait a year before I start college?  How much is it going to be for doing journalism or photojournalism? How long will it take? Is there a better option or lesser cost for college?  How can I apply for the Dream Act?  Can I come back to Hug and ask my teachers some questions someday?

11 Major Interventions- Vocational Rehabilitation  Representatives came and gave a presentation at Hug to all the seniors.  Applications were handed out  Nine students completed the applications  Vocational Rehabilitation returned to Hug to complete the intake process and vocational assessments.  Vocational Rehabilitation returned to Hug to go over their completed plans. Four students followed through and have an employment plan.

12 Major Intervention- Vocational Rehabilitation Plans:  paying for 1 student to go to TMCC to become a Certified Nursing Assistant.  paying for 1 student to complete a program at TMCC for apartment maintenance.  finding a job for 1 student  finding a job and possibly paying for a semester at TMCC

13 Major Intervention- TMCC Field Trip  Toured campus  Students were introduced to the staff at the Disability Resource Center  Students experienced a “sample college lesson”.  Students were able to ask questions.

14 Major Intervention- Research, College Applications and FAFSA Help  SSTS classes used a portion of time to use online resources to research colleges and career.  Students were given individual assistance in applying to TMCC and completing the FAFSA application.  Students were encouraged to take the SAT, ACT, Accuplacer and ASVAB

15 Results  4 students have employment plans with Vocational Rehabilitation. A plan is in place to work with Voc. Rehab and TMCC to increase the accessibility to certification programs for kids with disabilities.  1 student will be attending UNR (possibly)  4 students will be attending TMCC  3 students will be returning to Hug for a 5 th year of high school  1 student left the school in the middle of the year.  1 student continuing his job.

16 Findings  There are significant steps a teacher can take to impact the transition of students with disabilities, but it takes working cooperatively with community agencies and helping the students navigate “real- world” red tape.

17 Conclusions and Implications  This year was the first step for bringing Vocational Rehabilitation into the schools on a significant level.  We are already setting up for next year. We will be meeting with A representative from Voc. Rehab. and from TMCC to talk about accessing more certification programs for our students.

18 Conclusions and Implications  Parent involvement/communication will have to increase as we look to increase the number of students who initiate and complete the Vocational Rehabilitation process.  Community outings are essential.

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