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Tuesday 9/23 Pass your homework in 2) Warm Up:

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday 9/23 Pass your homework in 2) Warm Up:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday 9/23 Pass your homework in 2) Warm Up:
2 items: 1) Stapled Section Reviews 2) Plasticity Activity Questions 2) Warm Up: Label the Earth’s layers in the diagram Which zone is thought to be composed of solid iron? Which zone accounts for 1% of Earth’s mass? A. _____ B. _____ C. _____ D. _____

2 2.2 Movements of Earth

3 Journal #1 For the terms Rotation and Revolution.
How are they similar? How are they different?

4 Rotation vs. Revolution
Rotation: Spinning on axis Examples ice skater in a spin Top or dradle spinning

5 Revolution: movement around a set point
Earth’s revolution around the sun results in seasons

6 Perihelion: When Earth is the closest to the sun.
Aphelion: When Earth is the furthest away from the sun.

7 Journal #2 What causes seasons?

8 Journal #2 What causes seasons?
Revolution around the sun and the change in angle that the sun’s ray’s strike earth.

9 Seasons The angle at which the sun’s rays strike the surface of the earth changes as the earth orbits around the sun.

10 We experience Summer in the Northern Hemisphere when the Earth is on that part of its orbit where the Northern Hemisphere is oriented more toward the Sun the rays of the Sun strike the ground more directly

11 Precession The direction that Earth’s axis points slowly changes in a circular motion.

12 2.3 Artificial Satellites
Satellite: an object in orbit around another object Journal #3 List a couple of examples of Satellites

13 2.3 Artificial Satellites
Satellite: an object in orbit around another object The moon is a satellite of earth Artificial Satellites: man made objects that are launched into to space

14 Journal # 4 List as many uses for satellites that you can think of.

15 Uses of artificial satellites
Meteorological - weather information Communication - radio, phone, and tv signals Navigation- GPS (global positioning systems) Scientific

16 Orbits of Satellites Geosynchrous Orbit: Rotate in the direction of Earth’s rotation.

17 Polar Orbit: Movement from pole to pole

18 3.1 Finding Locations on Earth
Latitude Longitude Great Circles Finding Direction

19 Longitude or Latitude???

20 Latitude or Longitude???

21 Latitude Distance north or south of the equator Parallels
Circles that run east to west Describe the position north or south of the equator

22 Longitude Distance East or West of the prime meridian Meridians
Semicircle running from pole to pole Used to describe East or West locations Prime meridian is established as 0°.

23 Great Circle Any circle that divides a sphere into halves
The shortest distance between two points on a sphere

24 Finding Direction Geomagnetic Poles Geographic Pole
Points on Earth’s surface just above the poles of Earth’s imaginary magnet Geographic Pole based on Earths axis of rotation


26 The End !!!

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