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Atoms and Photons Init 9/12/2014 by Daniel R. Barnes WARNING: I stole stuff off the Internet. Do not copy, store, or distribute this presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Atoms and Photons Init 9/12/2014 by Daniel R. Barnes WARNING: I stole stuff off the Internet. Do not copy, store, or distribute this presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atoms and Photons Init 9/12/2014 by Daniel R. Barnes WARNING: I stole stuff off the Internet. Do not copy, store, or distribute this presentation.

2 WAVES = jiggles that travel through space

3 Speed = wavelength x frequency (For light, c =  = wavelength

4 Frequency < 20 flaps/second  distinct flaps Frequency > 20 flaps/second  continuous tone or “hum”

5 Your eardrum jiggles just as fast as the guitar string does, With the same FREQUENCY

6 SOUND LIGHT Longitudinal wave (jiggle & propagation in same axis) Each photon has a specific frequency  energy Light is a transverse wave (jiggle & propagation perpendicular) Light CAN travel through empty space Can only travel through matter – NOT empty space Speed in air = c. 750 mi /h Speed in empty space = 186,000 mi / s Each sound wave has a pitch = frequency





11 prism = triangular piece of glass, sort of

12 The sun gives off light of many different wavelengths. Hydrogen in the outer atmosphere of the sun gobbles up a few specific wavelengths. These are the wavelengths of light that hydrogen absorbs when white light travels through it.




16 When you excite hydrogen with electricity, it glows with these specific wavelengths and no others.

17 Bohr model Of the atom

18 ATOM = small particle of matter PHOTON = small particle of light Each atom belongs to a specific element Each photon has a specific frequency  energy

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