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Honors Debate Monday, November 2, 2015. Before We begin TodayPolitical Argument Tuesday, Political Argument, go over exam Wednesday Go over upcoming debates.

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Presentation on theme: "Honors Debate Monday, November 2, 2015. Before We begin TodayPolitical Argument Tuesday, Political Argument, go over exam Wednesday Go over upcoming debates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Honors Debate Monday, November 2, 2015

2 Before We begin TodayPolitical Argument Tuesday, Political Argument, go over exam Wednesday Go over upcoming debates Block Day: Prepare for next week’s debates

3 Preview Why study political argumentation Characteristics Considerations Strategies Essay Assignment

4 Political Argumentation

5 "is about gaining and using power, about collective decision making for the public good, about mobilizing individuals in purist of common goals, about giving effective voice to shared hopes and fears." Zarefsky 2008 “argumentation is about drilling down to disagreements, not about building up from established agreements” (Jackson, 2008)

6 Why Study Political Argumentation?

7 Why Study Political Argumentation “What is missing from our political discourse is a rich and vibrant concept of argument, of public deliberation...”(Zarefsky, 1992, p. 414).

8 Characteristics of Political Argumentation 1.Unregulated/Free form 2.Heterogeneous audience 3.Does not REQUIRE technical expertise

9 Characteristics of Political Argumentation 4. The focal point is identity 5. Lack of time limits 6. There is no way to know when the argument is over

10 Characteristics of Political Argumentation 7. Open Access- because there are no formal rules to political argumentation, we cannot expect the audience to have the kind of technical knowledge that argument scholars and experts have. Thus, we must adapt our messages to the larger public

11 Considerations for Political Argumentation 1.Social Institutions 2.The Significance of Advocacy

12 2 Strategies for Political Argumentation 1.Strategic Maneuvering 2.Black Box Argumentation

13 Strategic Maneuvering "a systematic integration of rhetorical considerations in a dialectic framework of analysis recognizing that people wo are involved in argumentation usually wish not only to resolve a disagreement but also to resolve it in their own favor” “an inventive response to the theoretical challenge of developing sound accounts of the relationship between ‘discussion and debate’”

14 Essential component Definitions ▫Interpretation of actions, concepts, theories etc. ▫How those interpretations are employed in one’s favor

15 Strategic Maneuvering Characteristics ▫1. topical choice ▫2. adaptation to the audience ▫3. effective presentation

16 Strategic Maneuvering Types: 1.Changing the subject 2. Modifying the relevant audience 3. Appeals to liberal and conservative presumptions

17 Strategic Maneuvering Types: 4. Reframing the argument 5. Use condensation symbols "visual or verbal symbols that ‘condense’ a range of different meanings into a generally positive or negative connotation." 6. Employing the Locus of the Irreparable

18 Black Box Argumentation When an argument, concept, idea etc. is universally accepted to the point that it cannot be contested. “an argumentative dead end” “reasoning is no longer open to challenge”

19 Black Box Argumentation 1. A type of appeal to authority 2. Lay people and experts are unable to challenge the premises that justify the black box. 3. If challenged, the expert may lose credibility 4. Black boxes are institutional artifacts

20 What can we take from today Political argumentation is based less on logic or even the contact of the argument and more on strategy Political argumentation is about winning. It is not about the best policy or solution

21 Essay Assignment 25 points Due Monday, November 16 beginning of class Turn in a hard copy (paper copy) 3 pages 1 ½ spaces, 11 point Times New Roman Font, 1 inch margins

22 Essay Assignment Use a Cartoon, Film or TV show that has politics as a subject. Use strategic maneuvering and black box argumentation to evaluate the political arguments.

23 Essay Assignment Introduction ▫Attention getter ▫Thesis Statement ▫Preview main points

24 Essay Assignment 1-2 paragraphs describe the plot. 1-2 paragraphs on how this situation relates to politics. 2-4 paragraphs describing black box argumentation and strategic maneuvering

25 Essay Assignment 5-8 paragraphs analyzing the situation using black box argumentation and strategic maneuvering 1 paragraph conclusion.

26 Today Political Argumentation Strategic Maneuvering Black Box Argumentation

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