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Uswatun Khasanah Tika Nurlaeli Nurfeti Dwi S Siti Amidah

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Presentation on theme: "Uswatun Khasanah Tika Nurlaeli Nurfeti Dwi S Siti Amidah"— Presentation transcript:

1 Uswatun Khasanah Tika Nurlaeli Nurfeti Dwi S Siti Amidah
KELOMPOK 2 Uswatun Khasanah Tika Nurlaeli Nurfeti Dwi S Siti Amidah

2 Kelompok 1 (hal 274 no 24) Given : ABCD is a parallelogram E, F, G, and H are midpoints of sides as shown Prove : The figure WXYZ is a parallelogram

3 No Statements Reason 1 ABCD is a parallelogram Given 2 E is the midpoint of F is the midpoint of G is the midpoint of H is the midpoint of 3 , Definition of parallelogram 4 Restatement 2,3 5 6 Restatement 4,5 7 8 WXYZ is a parallelogram

4 Kelompok 3 (hal 281 no 34) Prove that WOZD is a parallelogram. A similar proof will show that AXOW, XBYO, and OYCZ are parallelograms. (hint: First show that AXZD and WYCD are parallelograms.)

5 No Statements Reason 1 , Given 2 AX = ½ AB DZ = ½ CD Definition of midpoint 3 Transitive property 4 5 AW = ½ AD BY = ½ BC 6 7 Definition of midsegment 8 AXZD is a parallelogram Definition of parallelogram 9 WYCD is a parallelogram 10 11 OZ = ½ XZ OX = ½ XZ 12 WOZD is a parallelogram

6 Kelompok 4 (hal 275 no 28) Given : EFGH is a parallelogram. ,
Prove : ABCD is a parallelogram

7 No Statements Reason 1 EFGH is a parallelogram Given 2 Definition of a parallelogram 3 4 dan 5 AF = AE + EF CH = CG + GH Definition of between for points 6 AF CH Restatement 2 and 5 7 Congruent supplements theorem 8 ∆ ABF ∆ CDH SAS postulate 9 CPCTC

8 No Statements Reason 10 BG = BF + FG DE = HD + HE Definition of between for ponts 11 Restatement 2,3,10 12 Congruent supplements theorem 13 ∆ AED ∆ CGB SAS postulate 14 CPCTC 15 ABCD is a parallelogram Statements 14 and 20 (definition of a parallelogram

9 Kelompok 5 (hal 280 no 28) Given : ABCD is a parallelogram.
E, F, G, and H are midpoints of , , , and Prove : EFGH is a parallelogram

10 No Statements Reason 1 ABCD is a parallelogram Given 2 E is midpoint of F is midpoint of G is midpoint of H is midpoint of 3 , Definition of parallelogram 4 EF = ½ AB, HG = ½ CD, FG = ½ CB, EH = ½ AD, Definition of midsegment (Midsegment Theorem) 5 Transitive Property 6 EFGH is a parallelogram

11 Kelompok 6 (hal 281 no 33) Given : ABCD is any quadrilateral W, X, Y, and Z are midpoints of sides of ABCD as shown. Prove : WXYZ is a parallelogram Plan : add auxiliary segments , , , , and . apply Theorem 8-7 to ∆ABD and ∆BCD.

12 No Statement Reason 1 Y is the midpoint of X is the midpoint of W is the midpoint of Z is the midpoint of Given 2 XY = ½ BD, Midsegment theorem (theorem 8-7) 3 WZ = ½ BD, 4 Transitive property 5 YZ = ½ AC, 6 XW = ½ AC, 7 8 WXYZ is a parallelogram Definition of a parallelogram

13 Kelompok 7 (hal 279 no 23) Given : F is the midpoint of D is the midpoint of E is the midpoint of Prove : AEDF is a parallelogram

14 No Statements Reason 1 F is the midpoint of D is the midpoint of E is the midpoint of Given 2 Line l is drawn through B and parallel to , and is extended to form ∆ BPD Construction 3 Definisi sudut bertolak belakang 4 Definition of midpoint 5 If two lines parallel are cut by a transversal, then alternate interior angles are congruent 6 ∆ DBP ∆ CDF ASA postulate 7 CPCTC 8 Statement 7, definition of midpoint 9 FD = ½ FP Algebra 10 BP = CF, Statement 6 and CPCTC 11 CF = FA , Definiton of midpoint

15 No Statement Reason 12 BP = FA, Transitive property, statement 2 13 ABPF is a parallelogram Definition of parallelogram 14 15 Opposite side of a parallelogram are congruent (definition of a parallelogram 16 FD = ½ AB Substitution in statements 1 and 15 17 Statement 16 18 Definition of a parallelogram 19 AEDF is a parallelogram


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