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Lesson 1: iPads an Effective Educational Tool?. What do you think would be the benefits of using iPads to enrich education?

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 1: iPads an Effective Educational Tool?. What do you think would be the benefits of using iPads to enrich education?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 1: iPads an Effective Educational Tool?

2 What do you think would be the benefits of using iPads to enrich education?

3 Johnnie is a 14 year old student that was diagnosed with Autism at age 5 after his preschool teacher noted the following in a middle of the year conference with his parents; limited vocabulary, wanting to play alone rather than with his preschool aged peers, failure to acknowledge his preschool teachers when spoken too. He struggles with the common academic areas of reading, mathematics, and writing and receives speech and language services 2 times weekly in addition to OT services 1 time per week for fine motor control and sensory impairments.

4 Increased time on task Increased willingness to learn Allows for visual and kinesthetic learning concurrently Gives a break from traditional pencil and paper methods

5 What are the PA Common Core Standards addressing in ELA Mathematics Writing

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7 Hill, D., & Flores, M. (2014). Comparing the picture exchange communication system and the iPad™ for communication of students with autism spectrum disorder and developmental delay. TechTrends, 58(3), 45-53. Retrieved May 1, 2015, from d=c2192395-b793-4efc-8da6-37a5c5ea97ff%40sessionmgr115&hid=121. d=c2192395-b793-4efc-8da6-37a5c5ea97ff%40sessionmgr115&hid=121 Litterst, G. (2015). What can the iPad phenomenon tell us about the way we teach? American Music Teacher, 64(3), 53-55. Manuguerra, M. (2011). Promoting student engagement by integrating new technology into tertiary education: The role of the iPad. Asian Social Science, 7(11), 61-65. doi:10.5539/ass.v7n11p61 Mautone, M. (2013). Integrating the iPad into the ASD classroom. Education Digest, 79(4), 25-27.

8 Murray, O., & Olcese, N. (2011). Teaching and learning with iPads, ready or not?. Techtrends: Linking Research & Practice To Improve Learning, 55(6), 42- 48. doi:10.1007/s11528-011-0540-6 Newton, D., & Dell, A. (2011). Mobile devices and students with disabilities: What do best practices tell us? Journal of Special Education Technology, 26(3), 47-49. O’Malley, Ph.D., P., Lewis, Ed.D., M., & Donehower, M.S.Ed, BCBA, C. (2013, April 1). Using tablet computers as instructional tools to increase task completion by students with autism. Retrieved May 19, 2015, from Palmer, R. (2013, July 10). The top 10 iPad apps for special education: Empowering independence in SPED learners: There's an app for that! Retrieved May 19, 2015, from top-10-ipad-apps-for-special-education.aspx

9 Peluso, D. (2012). The fast-paced iPad revolution: Can educators stay up to date and relevant about these ubiquitous devices?. British Journal Of Educational Technology, 43(4), E125-E127. Riley, P. (2013). Teaching, learning, and living with iPads. Music Educators Journal, 100(1), 81-86. doi:10.1177/0027432113489152 Trott, Gage, (2013). "iPads and Autism: The Impact of iPads on Social and Academic Development in Autism” Senior Honors Projects. Paper 13.

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