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Presentation to Faculty Senate February 8, 2007. Four Imperatives that Make Diversity UC’s Compelling Interest  Learning Imperative*  Economic Imperative*

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to Faculty Senate February 8, 2007. Four Imperatives that Make Diversity UC’s Compelling Interest  Learning Imperative*  Economic Imperative*"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to Faculty Senate February 8, 2007

2 Four Imperatives that Make Diversity UC’s Compelling Interest  Learning Imperative*  Economic Imperative*  Democracy Imperative*  UC|21 Strategic Vision Note: First three are suggested by the NASULGC Report, Now is the Time

3 Our Definition of Diversity This task force recognizes a very broad and inclusive concept of diversity that should include commonly recognized considerations such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability status, socioeconomic status, sexual identity, sexual orientation, religion, and regional or national origin. Our charge, however, asked us to focus specifically upon racial and ethnic diversity at UC, and we have done so. Going forward, we want to emphasize that UC’s concept of diversity should retain the capacity to grow with our understanding.

4 Task Force’s Recommended Five Initiatives  Institutional Structure and Framework Initiative  Community and Climate Initiative  Student Initiative  Faculty Initiative  Staff Initiative

5 Institutional Structure and Framework Initiative  Ann Welsh Chair, Institutional Structure and Framework Subcommittee

6 Institutional Structure and Framework Immediate Recommendations:  Implement an integrated institutional plan for diversity.  Engage the university in a process to define diversity  Create a senior-level position of Director of Diversity  Establish an all-university Committee on Diversity  Develop, implement and monitor a communication plan.

7 Community and Climate Initiative  Mitchel Livingston Chair, Community and Climate Subcommittee

8 Community and Climate Immediate Recommendations:  Revise University Mission Statement to include a commitment to diversity.  Reaffirm the university’s commitment to the existence of AACRC and clarify issue of a multicultural center for broader interests.  Share and monitor findings from the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI).

9 Student Initiative  Mitchel Livingston Co-Chair, Student Recruitment and Retention Subcommittee  Jerry Tsai Co-Chair, Student Recruitment and Retention Subcommittee

10 Student Initiative Immediate Recommendations:  Develop additional scholarship options marketed to students of color that don’t have requirements of Turner Scholarships.  Support the initiatives of STRIVE, Summer Bridge, Gear Up, M2SE, Ohio Core and other programs aimed at academic preparedness  Enhance partnerships with Cincinnati State, Sinclair, regional campuses

11 Faculty Initiative  John Brackett Chair, Faculty Recruitment and Retention Subcommittee

12 Faculty Initiative Immediate Recommendations  Create a more viable Department of African and African American Studies.  Increase the budget in the Provost’s Office to encourage and facilitate diversity in hiring.  Enhance faculty search committees … to make sure that no search goes forward without documented best efforts to create a diverse pool.  Enhance retention of African American and other underrepresented faculty by making more than one hire at a time …using mentors/ambassadors… performing exit interviews, etc.

13 Staff Initiative  Alecia Trammer Chair, Staff Recruitment and Retention Committee

14 Staff Initiative Immediate Recommendations  Enhance employee orientation in general, but also to incorporate diversity as a core value.  Improve workforce planning.

15 Nancy Zimpher President


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