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WORK-BASED LEARNING Mentor Orientation Part 2 Strategies for Successful Mentoring Click on the speaker on each slide to learn more!

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2 WORK-BASED LEARNING Mentor Orientation Part 2 Strategies for Successful Mentoring Click on the speaker on each slide to learn more!

3 TRAITS OF AN EFFECTIVE MENTOR  Academic Support – Keep young people in school and help direct them to resources to continue their education.  Help students strive for success by demonstrating actions and values that offer the best opportunity for success  Provide attention and concern when needed  Create expectations  Listen and communicate to the student Career Related Education Manual 2012

4 HELP DEVELOP POSITIVE SELF-ESTEEM PraiseRespect for Others RecognitionNew growth experiences TrustOpportunities for Success High ExpectationsAppreciation for assistance ComplimentsPositive Role Models Career Related Education Manual 2012 Avoid damaging self-esteem Repeated criticism Ignoring Strengths Verbal Rejection Unrealistic expectations Put-down/negative labels

5 COACHING Hamilton and Hamilton (1993) describe the instructional behaviors mentors should follow in teaching WBL students about their work tasks and job responsibilities. Demonstrate task performance by doing the task while the WBL student observes. The mentor should coach the student and point out features and checks for student understanding by asking questions and encouraging the student to ask questions. Explain how to perform a task correctly. An explanation may accompany the demonstrate or be separate. Explain why a task is performed a certain way. While coaching the mentor should provide information as to why a task is performed a certain way. Monitor and critique the apprentices’ attempts to do the task. Give clear and immediate feedback. Model problem solving by thinking aloud and demonstrating problem –solving strategies. Model the type of questions a student can ask him or herself when a problem arises, identifying the kinds and sources of information the student might need to find a solution. Career Related Education Manual 2012

6 ORIENTATION CHECKLIST Mentors consider including the following in while coaching Department/Company Tour Introduction to Appropriate Personnel Location of Fire Alarms, Fire Extinguishers, and Fire Exits Review Emergency Procedures Location of Restrooms Explanation of Authorized and Unauthorized Areas Parking Procedure/Locations Name Badges, time clocks/bulletins Company Policy for dress, breaks, smoking, sexual harassment, safety, attendance/tardiness, cell phones Location of Policy/Procedure Manuals Working Hours Career Related Education Manual 2012

7 Thank you for participating in Work-Based Learning. Your dedication to the program and our students is critical to our success!

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