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Minnesota State Graduation Requirements Lincoln International High School Graduation Requirements.

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Presentation on theme: "Minnesota State Graduation Requirements Lincoln International High School Graduation Requirements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minnesota State Graduation Requirements Lincoln International High School Graduation Requirements

2 Minimum of 21.5 Total Credits to Graduate You may earn more than 21.5 credits. In fact it is better for your post-secondary plans to earn as many credits as possible Earning 21.5 credits does not guarantee you will graduate You must meet the coursework credit requirements in each subject area

3 Language Arts 4 credits required to graduate English 9,10,11 and 12 Includes before and after school classes taken with an English teacher Includes summer school English classes

4 Mathematics 3 credits required to graduate which includes the following courses: Algebra: 1 credit required to graduate Geometry: 1 credit required to graduate Alg./Trig. or College Algebra or Senior Math: 1 credit required to graduate Includes before and after school classes taken with a math teacher Basic Math, BST Math and Pre-Algebra do not count towards the Math graduation requirements

5 Fine Arts 1 credit required to graduate Includes classes such as: Drama, Performing Arts, Music, Dance, Basic Art, Public Speaking

6 Science 3 credits required to graduate which includes the following: Biology: 1 credit required to graduate Science Electives: 2 credits required to graduate which includes the following: Foundations of Science, Chemistry and Physics Includes before and after school classes taken with a science teacher

7 Social Studies 4 credits required to graduate which includes the following: Economics:.5 credit required to graduate Social Studies Electives: 3.5 credits required to graduate which includes the following: Geography, Civics, World History, U.S. History, American Government Includes before and after school classes taken with a Social Studies teacher (Student Government, Model UN or Model Assembly, etc.)

8 Health.5 credit required to graduate which includes the following: Health I Includes before and after school classes taken with a health teacher

9 Physical Education.5 credit required to graduate which Includes before and after school classes taken with a physical education teacher

10 Technology.5 credit required to graduate Includes classes such as: Keyboarding, Office XP, Multi Media, Web Page Design, Advanced Computer

11 Electives 5.5 credits required to graduate Includes classes such as: Basic Math, BST Math, Pre-Algebra, Career Ed., College Readiness and Tutoring Language classes (to be determined) Online elective courses (to be determined) Any credits exceeding the requirements in other core subject areas will automatically be assigned to electives

12 How to Understand Your Grad Requirement Report Required column shows the number of credits required in each subject Complete column shows the number of credits already completed in each subject area In Progress column shows the number of credits you are currently taking this quarter in each subject area Next Year and Future columns are not being used

13 How to Understand Your Grad Requirement Report (cont.) Remain column shows the number of credits required that remain in each subject after the end of this current quarter Status column will show if you have completed the requirements or are in progress (meaning you can complete the requirements by the end of the current quarter) or need more credits beyond this quarter which is indicated by a blank space

14 State Test Requirements Minnesota requires students to show basic knowledge/skills at a high school level in Writing, Reading and Math in order to receive a high school diploma. The MCA/GRAD tests are designed to measure if a student possesses the knowledge and skills in these subjects Grad Written Comp Test required for all 9 th grade students MCA II Reading Test required for all 10 th grade students MCA II Math Test required for all 11 th grade students

15 State Test Requirements (cont.) MCA II Science Test required for all 10 th – 12th grade students currently enrolled in a Biology class Currently there are no state standards set up for individual student passing scores for MCA Science test, but will be required to pass beginning in 2015 If a student does not meet the requirements for passing on the MCA Math test they may still meet the graduation requirement by completing the district’s (Lincoln IHS) Math curriculum reguirements and attempting the Math test at least 3 times

16 Prepared for College? Completing requirements for graduation and earning a diploma does not guarantee entry into college! Each college has their own entrance requirements and tests 4 year colleges require either an ACT, SAT or MELAB/TOEFLL test 2 year colleges have their own placement tests in Reading, Writing, Math and Listening/Speaking

17 Prepared for College? (cont.) Placement tests will tell you what classes you are required to take There are basically 4 levels of ESL that are Pre College level and do not count for college credit (any class with a 3 digit code number) They are as follows: 1.ABE (Adult Basic Education) 2.Beginner ESL 3.Intermediate ESL 4.Advanced ESL

18 Prepared for College? (cont.) You must complete each level of ESL before you can advance to college level classes which can take as long as 1 semester up to more than 2 years depending on your ESL placement level Even though ESL classes do not count for college credit you will pay for taking these classes Financial aid in the form of government grants do have a time limit; thus if you spend 1 or more years taking ESL classes that do not count for college credit you may jeopardize the financial aid left to finish a 4 year college degree Can you afford that?

19 Be Prepared! Make sure you have the skills you need to enter college/post-secondary education and achieve your career goals Take advantage of the free education you are receiving now in high school and do not be in a rush to finish or you may pay the price for not having the skills or being prepared

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