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Unit 3: Atoms. In your science notebook: How do you think scientists discovered the nucleus of an atom? AFTER TODAY I WILL BE ABLE TO: List the main points.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3: Atoms. In your science notebook: How do you think scientists discovered the nucleus of an atom? AFTER TODAY I WILL BE ABLE TO: List the main points."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3: Atoms

2 In your science notebook: How do you think scientists discovered the nucleus of an atom? AFTER TODAY I WILL BE ABLE TO: List the main points of Dalton’s atomic theory. Explain how Thomson and Rutherford produced their atomic models. EVERYTHING IN PURPLE OR THAT HAS A PURPLE ARROW NEEDS TO BE IN YOUR NOTEBOOK!

3  You need a notebook by today! (5 points)  Add “Jessica Racine-Teacher” on Facebook by the end of the week (5 points)  Remind your parents that conferences are next Monday and Tuesday

4  Who discovered electrons?

5  Period 1: 34.6%  Period 2: 56.5%  Period 3: 43.6%  Period 4: 42.2%  Period 6: 34%  Highest grade: 96%  What they did to study: reviewed all PowerPoints

6 AFTER TODAY I WILL BE ABLE TO:  List the main points of Dalton’s atomic theory and describe his evidence that atoms exist.  Explain how Thomson and Rutherford used data from experiments to produce their atomic models. WRITE ALL OF THIS IN YOUR NOTEBOOK


8 A. Three findings 1. “all atoms of a given element are exactly alike” a. this means: atoms of one element are the same

9 A. Three findings 2. Compounds are _______ or more ____________ _________ ____________. A. Three findings 2. Compounds are two or more elements chemically combined

10 A. Three findings 3. Atoms cannot be divided

11 B. Dalton’s Model RECAP: 1.Atoms of the same element were identical 2.Atoms join to form compounds 3.Atoms cannot be divided

12 A. His experiment 1. (Describe it in your own words……) 2. Thompson discovered __________ by using the cathode ray ELECTRONS!

13 B. His model 1. PLUM PUDDING 2. - - - - - - - - - - - - 3. A blueberry muffin is similar to Thompson’s model because…

14 A. Rutherford’s experiment 1. Describe it: ***VIDEO Rutherford shot positive charged particles at gold foil. Most went through, some deflected, and some came completely straight backwards 2. Draw it:

15 A. Rutherford’s experiment 3. This proved…. that parts of atoms had a concentrated positive charge in the center a. nucleus: small center of atom that has positive charge i. If the nucleus was a marble, the atom would be the size of a football field

16 B. Rutherford’s model 1. Draw it: electrons nucleus

17  Your group will be assigned a scientist  You must think of a creative way to explain what they did  You have 7 minutes to come up with an idea  You have ____ minutes to plan and 4 minutes to present

18 Graded on:Points: Name of scientist1 Explain experiment5* Explain findings2 Draw and explain model3 Creativity5 Productivity4 * Dalton group: see me

19 SCIENTISTYEARFINDINGSMODEL 1808 1897 1898 SCIENTISTYEARFINDINGSMODEL DALTON1808 1.Identical atoms 2.Atoms cannot be divided 3.Compounds THOMPSON1897 Electrons exist RUTHERFORD1898 Nucleus is positive in the center of an atom - - - - - - - - - - - -

20  Answer questions 1-3  Clear everything off of your desk  THIS IS YOUR OWN WORK!  Answer in complete sentences  Pencil down when you are done

21 How did scientists discover the nucleus? Assignments: HOMEWORK 1, add me on facebook, return test SCIENCE FAIR TOPIC BY MONDAY Due when I see you next

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