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RE311 Biomass Energy Technology

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1 RE311 Biomass Energy Technology
Mae Jo University Thailand RE311 Biomass Energy Technology Good Morning. My name is Carly Green and I am a member of the Forest Ecosystem Reseach Group within UCD. I would like to start by thanking my collegue Dr Ken Byrne for giving me the opportunity to partake in this Bioenergy Workshop and also to welcome you all here. This morning I am going to talk a bit about approaches to assessing the GHG mitigation potential of biomass and bioenergy systems. Renewable Energy Program - MJU 3 November 2011

2 Introduction Lecture 2 hour/week Lab. 3 hour/week Research 5 hour/week
Required subject : RE210 Renewable Energy Lecture 2 hour/week Lab. 3 hour/week Research 5 hour/week Learning time. Thursday Lecture – room 427 Lab – AGS01 Tuesday Lab – PT209 I thought I would begin by putting biomass in context and talk a little about the various forms. I will then move on to cover why we are interested in calculating the GHG benefits of various biomass and bioenergy systems, covering the carbon cycle and the various utilisatio9n options for biomass in greenhouse gas mitigation terms. Then I will move onto how ghg benefits might be calculated giving you an introcdution to the Task 38 standard methodology for Life cycle analysis and then finish up with some case studies which quantify CO2 emission reductions.

3 Subject Matter Biomass Conversion by Technology for energy.
Biomass Combustions. ( Gas, liquid, solids phase) Gasification System. Pyrolysis process. Carbonization Process. Biogas system from wastewater , waste from animals, et. Power generation system using producer gas Bio-ethanol fuel I thought I would begin by putting biomass in context and talk a little about the various forms. I will then move on to cover why we are interested in calculating the GHG benefits of various biomass and bioenergy systems, covering the carbon cycle and the various utilisatio9n options for biomass in greenhouse gas mitigation terms. Then I will move onto how ghg benefits might be calculated giving you an introcdution to the Task 38 standard methodology for Life cycle analysis and then finish up with some case studies which quantify CO2 emission reductions.

4 Evaluate Subject Limitation : 100% Mid term 20% Final term 30% Lab 20%
Assignment 10% Report 10% Tests 10% I thought I would begin by putting biomass in context and talk a little about the various forms. I will then move on to cover why we are interested in calculating the GHG benefits of various biomass and bioenergy systems, covering the carbon cycle and the various utilisatio9n options for biomass in greenhouse gas mitigation terms. Then I will move onto how ghg benefits might be calculated giving you an introcdution to the Task 38 standard methodology for Life cycle analysis and then finish up with some case studies which quantify CO2 emission reductions.

5 Lesson Mid term Final term Part 1 Basic of Biomass energy
Part 2 Combustion Part 3 Gas fuel combustion Part 4 Solid fuel Combustion Final term Part 1 Solid fuel combustion (cont) Part 2 Biomass Densification Part 3 Gasification Part 4 Pyrolysis and carbonization Part 5 power generation system using by producer gas. Part 6 Bio-Ethanol I thought I would begin by putting biomass in context and talk a little about the various forms. I will then move on to cover why we are interested in calculating the GHG benefits of various biomass and bioenergy systems, covering the carbon cycle and the various utilisatio9n options for biomass in greenhouse gas mitigation terms. Then I will move onto how ghg benefits might be calculated giving you an introcdution to the Task 38 standard methodology for Life cycle analysis and then finish up with some case studies which quantify CO2 emission reductions.

6 Teacher Assistant Professor. Dr. Natthawud Dussadee
Mr. kittikorn Sasujid Mr. Nigran Homduang Teacher be invited. I thought I would begin by putting biomass in context and talk a little about the various forms. I will then move on to cover why we are interested in calculating the GHG benefits of various biomass and bioenergy systems, covering the carbon cycle and the various utilisatio9n options for biomass in greenhouse gas mitigation terms. Then I will move onto how ghg benefits might be calculated giving you an introcdution to the Task 38 standard methodology for Life cycle analysis and then finish up with some case studies which quantify CO2 emission reductions.

7 Text book รศ.ดร.นคร ทิพยาวงศ์ 240 บาท วรนุช แจ้งสว่าง 200 บาท
I thought I would begin by putting biomass in context and talk a little about the various forms. I will then move on to cover why we are interested in calculating the GHG benefits of various biomass and bioenergy systems, covering the carbon cycle and the various utilisatio9n options for biomass in greenhouse gas mitigation terms. Then I will move onto how ghg benefits might be calculated giving you an introcdution to the Task 38 standard methodology for Life cycle analysis and then finish up with some case studies which quantify CO2 emission reductions. รศ.ดร.นคร ทิพยาวงศ์ 240 บาท วรนุช แจ้งสว่าง 200 บาท รศ.กัญจนา บุณยเกียรติ 230 บาท

8 Data Search
I thought I would begin by putting biomass in context and talk a little about the various forms. I will then move on to cover why we are interested in calculating the GHG benefits of various biomass and bioenergy systems, covering the carbon cycle and the various utilisatio9n options for biomass in greenhouse gas mitigation terms. Then I will move onto how ghg benefits might be calculated giving you an introcdution to the Task 38 standard methodology for Life cycle analysis and then finish up with some case studies which quantify CO2 emission reductions.

9 Thank You

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