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Building Excellent Schools Today (BEST). Division of Capital Construction Scott Newell Director, Division of Capital Construction

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Presentation on theme: "Building Excellent Schools Today (BEST). Division of Capital Construction Scott Newell Director, Division of Capital Construction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Excellent Schools Today (BEST)

2 Division of Capital Construction Scott Newell Director, Division of Capital Construction 303-866-6717 Regional Program Managers Dustin Guerin 303 866-6263 Cheryl Honigsberg 303 866-6915 Jay Hoskinson 303-866-6920 Kevin Huber 303 866-6492 Office Manager Anna Finance Manager Paul For more information, visit the BEST website at:


4 BEST Program Timeline Jan. – Feb. Application for financial assistance is open to applicants Mar. - April Division Staff reviews applications & summarizes them in a Summary Book for the CCAB April - May CCAB reviews Summary Book End of May CCAB discusses each project and makes recommendations to the State Board for award June State Board meeting to approve CCAB recommendations July Capital Development Committee Meeting to approve State Board recommendations Year Round Work with applicants to evaluate their facility needs. Charter School Letter of Intent Due Oct. 26th


6 Start strong Read by third grade Meet or exceed standards Graduate ready CDE Strategic Goals: Every Student Every Step of the Way 6 Mission The mission of CDE is to shape, support, and safeguard a statewide education system that prepares students for success in a globally competitive world. Vision All students in Colorado will become educated and productive citizens capable of succeeding in a globally competitive workforce.

7 To date, BEST has helped over 149,317 students in 124 School Districts

8 Bringing Communities Together

9 21 st Century Schools for our kids

10 Helping Create & Support Over * Includes Direct, Indirect & Induced – Analysis performed by the State Demography Office & the Colorado Department of Local Affairs 19,586 Jobs

11 261 Public School Grants Funded

12 381 School Facilities Impacted Through Best

13 BEST has Funded $1,245,692,543 in Capital Projects Out of ~$2.84 Billion in requested funds

14 BEST Projects Funded by Dollar Amount

15 BEST Projects Funded by Project Type

16 -Facility Information -Ownership -History of facility -*New* History of capital improvements to facility. -Demonstration of Need -How the project scope fits the program statutory requirements -Specific and compelling. -Scope Identification -Solution is well planned -Due diligence has occurred. -Budget - Figures are thorough and appropriate - Matching funds have been identified The BEST Application Process

17 Question: How can schools best position their application for success? Answer: - Work with Division staff - Evaluate scope against the BEST program statutory requirements - Have the matching funds clearly identified - Write a quality application The BEST Application Process

18 Question: What questions should charter schools be asking their regional program manager? Answer: - Does this project fit in with program funding objectives - What due diligence should be performed for this type of project - Can the Division provide feedback on the application prior to submittal deadline The BEST Application Process

19 Question: What information should schools have prepared in advance? Answer: - A detailed budget, construction schedule, project management plan and a construction committee. - Information on the history of the facility and organization - A long range facility master plan The BEST Application Process

20 Question: How critical is the applicant presentation and what information should be included in the presentation to the board? Answer: - Very critical as outstanding concerns, questions and comments will be addressed during this presentation - The presenters should be prepared to answer questions about their organization, long-term facility needs, their budget, their match and the scope of work -*NEW* several presenters will be allowed to present The BEST Application Process

21 Question: What FAQs do you hear from charter schools? Answer: - Can the grant be used for growth? No - Can a loan or financing be used for the match? Yes - Can other grants be used for the match? Yes - Can we use “in-kind” donations for the match? No - Can we buy land? No, unless it is part of a new construction project - Can grant funds be used in a leased space? No - Do we have to build new or can we renovate an existing space? Depends The BEST Application Process

22 Question: What do you think charter schools should know before they start the process? Answer: - The process to start a capital improvement project requires a lot of time and effort. - The school should establish a construction committee - The grant is extremely competitive as are the statewide needs - Planning is critical The BEST Application Process

23 Questions

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