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JUDAISM. Origin/History  The descendants of Abraham (c. 1900 BCE)  God’s covenant: Jews are God’s chosen people  Settled in Canaan (modern-day Israel)

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Presentation on theme: "JUDAISM. Origin/History  The descendants of Abraham (c. 1900 BCE)  God’s covenant: Jews are God’s chosen people  Settled in Canaan (modern-day Israel)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Origin/History  The descendants of Abraham (c. 1900 BCE)  God’s covenant: Jews are God’s chosen people  Settled in Canaan (modern-day Israel)  Abraham’s descendents moved to Egypt  Exodus: Moses led the Jews out of Egypt and back to Canaan

3 Origin/History  The 10 Commandments and Mt. Sinai  Continued exile and expulsion  Babylonians  Romans  European Anti-semitism (pre-20 th century) and the Holocaust  Zionism and the state of Israel (1948)

4 Diety/Dieties  Monotheistic  Prophets  Abraham  Moses

5 Sacred/Holy Text(s)  The Torah  The first 5 books of the Old Testament  The Mishnah  2 nd Century CE  The Talmud  6 th Century CE

6 Main Tenets  God will send a Messiah who will initiate a time of peace, justice, and unity  Jews are God’s chosen people, with whom He formed a Covenant through Abraham  The Messiah will renew this Covenant

7 Creation  As written in the Old Testament  Genesis

8 Death/Afterlife  Jews believe in the resurrection of the dead

9 Holidays/Rituals  Rosh Hashanah  Jewish New Year  Yom Kippur  The Day of Atonement  Pesach (Passover)  Celebrates God’s deliverance of the Israelites from captivity in Egypt (and avoidance of the 10 th plague)  Shavuot  Commemorates Moses receiving the 10 commandments  Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)  Celebrates the end of the harvest  Hanukah  Celebrates the rededication of the Temple in the 2 nd century

10 Holy/Authority Figures  Rabbi  SEE ACTUAL…

11 Place of Worship  Temple or Synagogue  Holy Cites  Western Wall  The last standing wall of Solomon’s temple

12 Lifestyle Practices  Circumcision  Bar mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah  Rites of passage  Kosher: food preparation/taboos  Animals that both chew the cud and have a cloven hoof  Mezuzah: small boxes on doorposts, contain the shema  Tallit: a fringed cloak or shawl  Yarmulke: head covering for men  Sabbath

13 Subdivisions/Sects  Orthodox/Hassidic  Conservative  Reform (or Liberal)

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