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The Market Revolution/ Manifest Destiny ► Capitalism ► Market Revolution ► Telegraph ► John Deere ► Cyrus McCormick ► Manifest Destiny ► Mormons ► Joseph.

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Presentation on theme: "The Market Revolution/ Manifest Destiny ► Capitalism ► Market Revolution ► Telegraph ► John Deere ► Cyrus McCormick ► Manifest Destiny ► Mormons ► Joseph."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Market Revolution/ Manifest Destiny ► Capitalism ► Market Revolution ► Telegraph ► John Deere ► Cyrus McCormick ► Manifest Destiny ► Mormons ► Joseph Smith ► Brigham Young

2 Market Revolution ► 1830s ► People bought and sold goods rather than making their own ► Many Americans switched from being self- sufficient to specializing in one or two cash crops

3 Capitalism ► Private businesses and individual control the means of production and use them to make a profit

4 Innovations ► Telegraph – Samuel Morse  Enabled people to better communicate over long distances ► Steam engine  Powered riverboats that could go both up and down rivers ► Emergence of the railroad

5 Progress ► South was still agricultural  Some chose to stay that way  Others had all of their money trapped in their crops and slaves ► People moving to mid-west began to discover fertile soil for growing crops  Needed new supplies

6 John Deere ► Created first steel plow 1837 ► Allowed farmers to plow with horses instead of oxen

7 Cyrus McCormick ► Created the mechanical reaper ► Allowed crops to be harvested faster

8 Manifest Destiny ► 1845 ► United States Magazine and Democratic Review  Encouraged people to go West and populate the entire continent ► Believed that populating the continent was “allotted by Providence”  Justified war and threats of war to take territory

9 M.D. cont. ► Americans believed that they should spread freedom and democracy ► Came by wagon train  Santa Fe  Oregon

10 M.D. cont. ► Moved West because of:  Economic problems  Abundance of land  New markets to sell to ► Expanded trade to China and Japan

11 Mormons ► Led by Joseph Smith ► Established LDS in NY in 1830  Moved to Illinois in 1839 ► Grew to about 20,000 people ► People in IL printed protests about polygamy in papers ► Smith broke the printing press ► Murdered by anti-Mormon group

12 Mormons cont. ► Smith was succeeded by Brigham Young ► Moved Mormons to edge of the Great Salt Lake in Utah  1847 ► Awarded land for families  Shared timberland and water ► Created a large community  Salt Lake City

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