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ESPON 2013 Programme Info Day on Calls and Partner Café Call for Proposals on Targeted Analysis 2002-2012 A Decade of Territorial Evidence.

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Presentation on theme: "ESPON 2013 Programme Info Day on Calls and Partner Café Call for Proposals on Targeted Analysis 2002-2012 A Decade of Territorial Evidence."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESPON 2013 Programme Info Day on Calls and Partner Café Call for Proposals on Targeted Analysis 2002-2012 A Decade of Territorial Evidence

2 Priority 2: Targeted Analyses Objectives Action 1: Provide evidence and knowledge based on ESPON results on strengths and weaknesses of regions/larger territories from European perspective, giving regions the option to compare themselves to other regions, thereby finding competitive advantages for development and cooperation Action 2: Improve usefulness of ESPON results by testing new, experimental and innovative options Action 3: Provide analytical support and evidence based on ESPON results on thematic priorities in cooperation with other SF Programmes Geographical coverage of projects More limited than Priority 1 with greater geographical detail Due to transferable character of projects entire ESPON territory benefits

3 Priority 2: Targeted Analyses based on User Demand A two-step procedure towards Targeted Analysis Submission of expressions of interest (EoI) by stakeholders (i.e. public authorities of EU27+4, partnerships of regions and/or cities). EoI’s approved by ESPON MC are basis for development of project specifications => Call for proposals for targeted analyses addressed to research institutes, universities and experts with the necessary analytical capacity to carry out the analysis. Specific role of stakeholders in Priority 2 projects Define content of projects and set up project specifications in cooperation with ESPON CU Involved in selection of team of experts Give guidance to Targeted Analysis (-> Steering Committee) Apply project results in practice and disseminate results

4 Priority 2: Targeted Analyses based on User Demand Implementation method Steering Committee guiding the project, involving Stakeholders ESPON CU TPG/team of experts [Umbrella organisations, other interested stakeholders] Please note: For any questions in relation to any of the Targeted Analyses please contact the ESPON CU directly (not the stakeholders)

5 Call for Proposals on Targeted Analyses Outputs Delivery of outputs varies depending on project’s length, usually request for: Inception report Interim report Draft final report Final report Presentation of project results at certain events are foreseen for all projects (see individual project specifications) Max. budget foreseen should cover all costs for completing the study, incl. travel expenses and attendance at meetings One single proposal will be selected for each of the themes indicated

6 Call for Proposals on 1 Targeted Analysis Project theme North Sea STAR – North Sea – Spreading Transnational Results Purpose To provide recommendations on accelerating the take-up of renewable energy technologies and supporting relevant green economic activities in the North Sea Region. To assess the role of cooperation projects in this process, and ascertain the added value of a project clustering approach. Provide deeper understanding of the NSR, the most likely future energy scenarios and the potential role of projects and clusters. The analysis addresses the effectiveness of regional energy policies and the relevance of transnational clustering as a tool for delivering regional development in this respect.

7 Group of Stakeholders INTERREG North Sea Region Programme - [Lead Stakeholder] Comprised of the regions aligned to the North Sea in the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden as well as the entire territory of Denmark and Norway. Budget: Max. 340.000,00 € Project period: December 2012 – December 2013 NORTH SEA STAR - North Sea - Spreading Transnational Results

8 Envisaged results 1.Baseline Study and mapping of current energy situation in the North Sea Region drawing on ESPON results and others: o Baseline Study Energy situation in the North Sea Region o Mapping of energy picture o Analysis of programme response to energy picture o Stakeholder mapping 2. Action plan for North Sea energy policy : o Energy policy recommendations o Business plans for energy actions o Analysis of barriers and potentials 3. Project stress-testing : o Analysis of existing North Sea energy projects: o Analysis of cluster project activities: o Governance recommendations for increasing project impact: 4. Conclusions and general recommendations NORTH SEA STAR - North Sea - Spreading Transnational Results

9 Further Questions For questions on the content please send an e-mail to: For questions regarding procedures please send an e-mail to: Thank you for your attention!

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