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IT Academy 컴퓨터와 프로그램 2004 년 9 월 23 일 KAIST 전산학과 한 환 수.

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1 IT Academy 컴퓨터와 프로그램 2004 년 9 월 23 일 KAIST 전산학과 한 환 수

2 2 오늘 이야기 v 컴퓨터와 프로그래밍 언어 ( 초기의 역사 ) v 프로그래밍 언어와 컴퓨터 구조의 발전 v 미래의 컴퓨터와 프로그램 ?

3 3 첫 프로그래밍 언어와 가상의 기계 v GW-BASIC 100 가지 예제 v Apple II

4 4 BASIC v BASIC n Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code n 1960s invented at Dartmouth College n MITS altair kit (Intel 8080 processor) n MicroSoft BASIC interpreter (Paul Allen, Bill Gates) u 5 weeks to complete for MITS altair

5 5 Apple II v Apple ][ n 1977 년, Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs n Motorola 6502 processor (8-bit, 1MHz) n CP/M or DOS n Paper tape / FSK cassette tape

6 6 CP/M 과 MS-DOS v CP/M (Control Program/Microcomputer) n Dr. Gary Kildall (Digital Research Institute) n 1973 년, Intel 8008 with 8” floppy disk n 1976 년 Rewrote with BIOS for different H/W u For IMSAI microcomputer (Intel 8080) v MS-DOS (Disk Operating System) n IBM 과 DRI 협상 결렬 :( n MS proposed DOS/BASIC deal on favorable term for IBM n Modified QDOS from Seattle Computer Products u Copying CP/M system calls, program structures, … n CP/M-86 @ $240 vs. MS-DOS @ $60

7 7 Alto, LISA, GEM 과 Windows v Xerox Alto n 1978 년, First GUI n Window, Icon, Mouse, Pointer n 초고가로 실패 - $40,000 v Apple LISA (Macintosh 초기모델 ) n 1981 년, Steve Jobs n 역시 고가 - $10,000 v DRI GEM (Graphical Environment Manager) n 1983 년 Comdex, First GUI for PC n Virtually the same look and feel with Macintosh n Dropped due to Apple’s threat to sue v MS Windows v1.0 n 1985 년 Comdex n Different look and feel from Macintosh

8 8 Killer Apps - WordStar v WordStar n 1978 년, Rob Barnaby (MicroPro International) 개발 n Written all in assembly language, running on CP/M n More illegal copies than originals n 1984 년, $70 million sales, largest software company in USA n Competition from WordPerfect, MS Word

9 9 Killer Apps - VisiCalc v VisiCalc n 1979 년, Dan Bricklin & Bob Frankston 개발 n 첫해 1 million copies @ $100, running on Apple II n Lotus 1-2-3 로 이어짐 n Quatro Pro (Borland), Excel (MS)

10 10 Shugart Technology v Shugart Technology n 1979 년 Alan Shugart, Finis Conner 설립 n Seagate Technology 로 개명 n 1980 년, first Hard Disk (5~10MB) n Designed new interface SASI u NCR later modified to SCSI

11 11 IBM PC v IBM PC (1980) n Intel 8088 (16-bit, 4.77MHz) n 64K ROM, 64K RAM n PC-DOS (MS-DOS) n Built-in BASIC interpreter n IBM PC XT (1983 년 ) : 64K~640K RAM n IBM PC AT (1984 년 ) : Intel 80286 (6MHz), 512K~3M RAM,

12 12 프로그래밍 언어와 컴퓨터 구조

13 13 프로그래밍 언어의 족보 1950s1960s1980s1990s2000s1970s Fortran I Fortran IV Fortran 77 Fortran 90HPF ALGOL 58/60 COBOL Pascal Modula-2Modula-3PL/1 AdaAda95 SIMULA Smalltalk BCPL C ALGOL 68 C++ BASIC LISP Prolog Scheme Java C# Verilog XLVerilog HDL VHDLVHDL 93 imperative object-oriented functional logic hardware description w/ time delay SML SML 97 SQL SQL/92 Haskell ML CLOS CLisp ?

14 14 세대별 언어의 변천 v 1 세대 언어 (50 년대 ~ 60 년대 초 ) n Fortran ( 과학계산 ), COBOL ( 사무용 ) n 간단한 control structure, 정적 메모리 관리 v 2 세대 언어 (60 년대 ) n Algol-60, PL/1, Basic n 블록 구조의 control structure, 동적 메모리 관리 v 3 세대 언어 (70 년대 초 ) n Algol-68, Pascal, Simula, C n User-defined 자료 타입 n Simple language features v 4 세대 언어 (70 년대 ) n Ada, Modula-2 n Data abstraction, Information hiding

15 15 현재 널리 쓰이는 프로그래밍 언어 v C/C++ n UNIX and system software written in C n C++ added strong type, object-oriented features n Most popular language v Java n Write once, run everywhere n Object-oriented features n Memory-leakage free programming n Many business applications based on J2EE v Perl n Script language n Powerful string match and manipulations n Good at handling multiple programs in sequence

16 16 Microprocessors for PC’s v Intel processors dominate n 8086 (1978 년 ) – 16bit processing, 16bit bus n 8088 (1979 년 ) – 16bit processing, 8bit bus u IBM PC 에서 채택 n 80286 (1982 년 ) – 8086 개량판, u Protected mode addressing enables “virtual memory” u 6MHz 에서 시작, 20MHz 에서 작동하도록 발전 n 80386 (1988 년 ) – 32bit processing, 32bit bus u 33MHz 에서까지 작동 u Able to run UNIX with “flat addressing” u Linux/gcc doesn’t use any instruction introduced later n 80486 (1991 년 ) – 80386 + math coprocessor (80387) u 120MHz 에서까지 작동 u 5 stage pipeline, cache

17 17 v Pentium (1993 년 ) – P5 n Superscalar (integer unit, FP unit), dual pipeline n trademark protection v PentiumPro(1995 년 ) – P6 n 118bit uOP 로 변환, Out-of-order execution n L2 cache v Pentium/MMX (1997 년 ) n SIMD (64-bit vector – 1,2,4 byte integer) v Pentium II (1997 년 ) n Merged MMX line on to PentiumPro v Pentium III(1999 년 ) n Streaming SIMD (128-bit vector, handle float) n 10 stage pipeline v Pentium 4 (2001 년 ) n SSE2 (128-bit vector, handle double) n 20 stage pipeline Pentium

18 18 v Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) n Historically, AMD has followed just behind Intel u A little bit slower, a lot cheaper n Recently, close competitors to Intel u Developing own extension to 64 bits u Athlon 64 FX, Opteron v Transmeta n Recent start-up ( Employer of Linus Torvalds) n Radically different approach u Translates x86 code into VLIW code u High degree of parallelism n Shooting for low-power market x86 Clones

19 19 v Itanium (2001 년 ) n Extends to IA64, a 64-bit architecture n Radically designed for high performance u VLIW/EPIC instruction-set architecture n Will be able to run existing IA32 programs u On-board “x86 engine” n Joint project with HP starting early 1990’s v Itanium 2 (2002 년 ) n More functional units (4 INT units, 2 FP units, 1 branch unit) n Bigger on-chip cache (3~6MB) n Big performance boost New Species: IA64

20 20 Moore’s Law v Gordon Moore (co-founder of Intel) n 2X density every 18 month 4004 - 1971 - 2300 Transistors - 10 um process - 12 mm 2 - 108 kHz Pentium 4 - 2002 (31 yrs) - 55M (24K X) - 0.13um (1/77K X) - 142 mm 2 (12 X) - 2.8 GHz (26K X) Itanium 2 - 2002 (31 yrs) - 220M (96K X) - 0.18um (1/55K X) - 421 mm 2 (35 X) - 1 GHz (9K X)

21 21 미래의 컴퓨터  미래의 컴퓨터는 어떤 모양일까 ? n Ubiquitous computing – embedded processors all around n Quantumn computer? n Biological computer? n Robot?  미래의 프로그램은 ? 전문 프로그래머 ? n End-User Program? n Should be EASIER than now! u Natural way of Programming u and Debugging

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