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Drug Analysis Forensic Science/CSI Foster. How would you figure out which type of drug each of these are?

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Presentation on theme: "Drug Analysis Forensic Science/CSI Foster. How would you figure out which type of drug each of these are?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Drug Analysis Forensic Science/CSI Foster

2 How would you figure out which type of drug each of these are?

3 Tests Drug Identification Screening or presumptive tests Spot or color tests Microcrystalline test— a reagent is added, producing a crystalline precipitate that is unique for a certain drug Chromatography Confirmatory tests Spectrophotometry Ultraviolet (UV) Visible Infrared (IR) Mass spectrometry

4 Forensics Unit 3 Notes Drug- a natural or synthetic substance designed to affect the subject psychologically or physiologically Controlled Drugs- material whose possession is controlled by law (Controlled Substances Act)

5 Controlled Substances Act Schedule I—high potential for abuse; no currently accepted medical use in the U.S.; a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision Examples: heroin (diacetylmorphine), LSD, marijuana, ecstasy (MDMA) Schedule II—high potential for abuse; a currently accepted medical use with severe restrictions; abuse may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence Examples: cocaine, morphine, amphetamines (including methamphetamines), PCP, Ritalin

6 Controlled Substances Act, continued Schedule III—lower potential for abuse than the drugs in I or II; a currently accepted medical use in the U.S.; abuse may lead to moderate physical dependence or high psychological dependence Examples: intermediate-acting barbiturates, anabolic steroids, ketamine Schedule IV—low potential for abuse relative to drugs in III; a currently accepted medical use in the U.S.; abuse may lead to limited physical or psychological dependence relative to drugs in III Examples: stimulants and depressants including Valium, Xanax, Librium, phenobarbital, Darvon

7 Controlled Substances Act, continued Schedule V—low potential for abuse relative to drugs in IV; currently accepted medical use in the U.S.; abuse may lead to limited physical or psychological dependence relative to drugs in IV Examples: codeine found in low doses in cough medicines

8  Hallucinogens- naturally occurring substances that can change normal thought processes, perceptions and moods  Stimulants- act on the central nervous system to make the user feel better and increase his/her energy alertness while suppressing appetite and fatigue  Narcotics- relieve pain  Designer drugs- designed for abuse and evasion of specific drug laws Types of Drugs

9 1.Spot Tests- chemical reaction occurs causing a color change a.Must use further testing to confirm – spectroscopy Testing for Drugs

10 2.Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)- separates the components of the mixture Testing for Drugs

11 Testing for Drugs (cont.) 3.Metabolism- the sum of all chemical processes occurring in an organism a.Metabolites- molecules involved in the process of metabolism (found in hair) b.The presence of metabolites implies what the original chemical was c.Can lead to false positives

12 4.Presumptive (screening) Test- presumes the presence of the questioned substance a.Tests using color- for marijuana, LSD, amphetamines, cocaine, heroin, barbiturates Testing for Drugs (cont.) Marquis—turns purple in the presence of most opium derivatives and orange-brown with amphetamines Dille-Koppanyi—turns violet-blue in the presence of barbiturates Duquenois-Levine—turns a purple color in the presence of marijuana Van Urk—turns a blue-purple in the presence of LSD Scott test—color test for cocaine; blue

13 5.Confirmatory tests- specifically identify one substance (many different types) a.Spectroscopy- study of radiation and it’s interaction with matter 1)Infrared spec. studies absorption of energy near IR 2)Mass spec. studies presence of ions- atoms or molecules that have lost or gained one ore more electors and have a charge (positive or negative) Testing for Drugs (cont.)

14 EM Spectrum PowerPoint

15 Infrared Spectrometry

16 Mass Spectrometry

17 Gas Spectrometry

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