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Real Numbers and Number Operations 1.1

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Presentation on theme: "Real Numbers and Number Operations 1.1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Real Numbers and Number Operations 1.1
Review using a number line to graph, ordering real numbers, and properties of addition and multiplication for real numbers.

2 Subsets of real numbers
Whole numbers ,1,2,3… Integers ,-2,-1,0,1,2,3… Rational numbers , -½, 0, .5, 1… Irrational numbers 1, , 2 Three dots in the lists of the whole numbers and the integers indicate that the lists continues without end.

3 Real number line Graph the real numbers

4 Ordering numbers Use a number line to order the real numbers -5 and -7. After graphing, give an answer using an inequality sign.

5 Properties of addition and multiplication
Closure a+b and ab are real numbers Commutative a+b=b+a ab=ba Associative (a+b)+c=a+(b+c) (ab)c=a(bc) Identity a+0=a a•1=a Inverse a+(-a)=0 a•1/a=1 a≠0 Distributive a(b+c)=ab+ac

6 Name the property 14+7=7+14 5•1/5=1 (3+9)+8=3+(9+8) 14•1=14

7 Means the same The opposite can be referred to as the additive inverse (a is –a). The reciprocal can be referred to as the multiplicative inverse of any non zero number [a-b=a+(-b) and a/b=a•1/b, b≠0]

8 The difference of 7 and – 10 is:
17 The quotient of -24 and ⅓ is: -72

9 Unit analysis 60 miles per hour

10 Money Exchange You are exchanging $400 for Mexican pesos. The exchange rate is 8.5 pesos per dollar, and the bank charges a 1% fee to make the exchange. How much money should you take to the bank if you do not want to use part of the $400 to pay the exchange fee? 3400 pesos

11 When you return from Mexico you have 425 pesos left
When you return from Mexico you have 425 pesos left. How much can you get in dollars? Assume that you use other money to pay the exchange fee (8.5 pesos per dollar). $50

12 Assignment 1-1 p. 7, even, 51-58

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