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Alternate Assessments Ben Morrison Alternate Assessment Coordinator Special Education Programs 605.773.6119.

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Presentation on theme: "Alternate Assessments Ben Morrison Alternate Assessment Coordinator Special Education Programs 605.773.6119."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alternate Assessments Ben Morrison Alternate Assessment Coordinator Special Education Programs 605.773.6119

2 What is the Alternate Assessment? Alternate Assessment to the General Assessment (SBAC/DSTEP) For Students with the most severe cognitive disabilities Simplified assessment that is still linked to the content stanards.

3 What is NCSC? NCSC stands for National Center and State Collaborative Collection of 14 states to build an alternate assessment based alternate achievement standards (AA-AAS) for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. Goal = opportunities for higher academic outcomes to leave high school for post- secondary options

4 Framework for NCSC Purpose of the assessment was not just to create a meaningful assessment for students with significant disabilities Consortium create Curriculum Resources and Instructional Resources Reason = Educators first need to learn how to instruct, in order for students to have higher educational outcomes

5 Participation Requirements –Student has a significant cognitive disability –The student is learning content linked to (derived from) the Common Core State Standards(CCSS) –The student requires extensive direct individualized instruction and substantial supports to achieve measureable gains in the grade-and age- appropriate curriculum Guidance documentation on DOE NCSC webpage

6 NCSC Grades assessed – 3-8 and 11 in Math and ELA (reading and writing) Assessment will be online 4 tiers of questions Teacher will complete 13 Trainings Modules prior to administering assessment Scripted assessment Testing window March 9 th through May 6 th

7 Assessment Format Selected Response – Student selects answer choice Constructed Response – Students creates response Open Response – Students communicate answer

8 Terms and Acronyms TermAcronym Constructed-responseCR Core Content ConnectorsCCC Directions for Test AdministrationDTA Test CoordinatorTC English Language ArtsELA Learner Characteristic InventoryLCI National Center and State CollaborativeNCSC National Center and State Collaborative Alternate Assessment based on Alternate Achievement Standards NCSC AA-AAS Open-responseOR Selected-response (multiple choice)SR Student Administration RecordSAR Test Administration ManualTAM Test Administration PortalTAP Test AdministratorTA

9 Roles for the Assessment Testing Coordinator – generally SPED Director or assessment coordinator - provides oversight and ensures assessment is administered as intended Test Administrator – Certified and licensed teacher – works with student directly

10 Assessment Documents Test Administration Manual (TAM) – Policies and procedures for administration Directions for Test Administration(DTA) – script provided to administer assessment Test Administration Portal (TAP) user Manual – provides information to access and navigate the TAP system

11 Accommodations Any accommodation used must be documented in the IEP Ideally, accommodations should guide day-to-day instruction, which allows a seamless transition to the assessment.

12 Stopping Rule Student will be given a “student response check” If there is no mode of response detected, proceed to testing. If the student does not respond to any of the first 4 items, that section, the early stopping rule will be invoked and you proceed to the next section Student must be exposed to all subjects tested (Math and ELA)

13 Behavior during Assessment A student having a behavior during assessment is not considered a “non- response” Take breaks if the student exhibits a behavior If behavior is exhibited multiple times while exposing student to assessment, eventually you will evoke “Early Stopping Rule”

14 Important information

15 Another Route

16 Webpage Resources

17 D-STEP A Science Considered a portfolio Involves Rater 1 (Special Education teacher) and Rater 2 (someone familiar with the student) Involves 5 different strands with numerous items to select from Students are rated on EVERY item, but teacher only supplies limited supporting evidence

18 How to Access

19 Supporting Evidence Nature of Science (grade 8 and 11 only) Physical Science (Grades 5,8, and 11) Life Science (grades 5 and 11 only) Earth/Space Science (grades 5,8,and11) Science, Technology, Environment, and Society (grade 5,8, and 11) Only provide Supporting Evidence for 1 item per strand.

20 Collection of Evidence Tool

21 Collection of Evidence cont.


23 Useful tools

24 Help Tab

25 Questions?? 605.773.6119

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