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Work health Alison Abbott Senior Advisor, Healthy Workers Initiative Workplace Health and Safety Queensland Making a difference in regional Queensland.

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Presentation on theme: "Work health Alison Abbott Senior Advisor, Healthy Workers Initiative Workplace Health and Safety Queensland Making a difference in regional Queensland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work health Alison Abbott Senior Advisor, Healthy Workers Initiative Workplace Health and Safety Queensland Making a difference in regional Queensland Workplaces

2 Healthy Workers Initiative - Qld Workplace Health and Safety Queensland funded by Department of Health under Healthier.Happier.Workplaces program*, expires December 2015. Smoking, Nutrition, Alcohol, Physical Activity, Obesity + Mental Health (SNAPOM) All industry –targeted initiatives for priority industries in Construction, Transport, Manufacturing, Mining, Agriculture, Public Service and Small Business *Initially funded under National Partnership Agreement on Preventive Health 2011-2015

3 SMOKING HEALTHY EATING PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ALCOHOL OBESITY WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY QUEENSLAND – Healthy Workers Initiative THE STORY SO FAR… 3 Grant Rounds 101 Recipients 49,000 plus workers 83 Professional Development Forums 758 organisations 1331 attendees 22 Leadership Forums 952 organisations 1918 attendees 8 Research Initiatives In Transport, Construction & Agriculture Industries $2,280,000 Invested 2,597 Workplaces 66,270 Workers OUR AIM IS TO REDUCE CHRONIC DISEASE RISK FACTORS BY: Funded by the Queensland Government under Healthier. Happier. Workplaces A Queensland Government initiative June 2011 to September 2015 MENTAL HEALTH

4 What Queenslanders really look like…… 1 in 5 adults reported a mental health disorder in their lifetime. Anxiety & depressive disorders most prevalent. Suicide leading cause of death in young people Obesity 65% of adults are overweight or obese.  22% in 4 years & is the highest in Australia Type 2 Diabetes 1 in 12 Queenslanders has type 2 diabetes 1 undiagnosed case for every 4 diagnosed. Cancer 1/3 of the total burden of cancer was due to preventable risk factors - tobacco, physical activity, obesity & alcohol the largest causes. Mental Health 414,000 businesses 1,243,500 workers

5 Risk factors in the agriculture industries CategoryNational Agriculture, fisheries and forestry Current smoker 22%20% Inadequate fruit and vegetable intake 49%40% Physical inactivity 71%70% BMI measured: Overweight or obese 59%64% BMI measured: Obese 23%26% Waist circumference (increased or high risk) 55%63% Waist circumference (high risk) 31%47% Alcohol increased lifetime risk 24%30%

6 Family home Core employees - family members Itinerate travellers Number of employees varies Season, weather conditions, prices, supply and demand Farm as a workplace

7 Partnership in tropical paradise Diabetes Queensland Growcom WHSQ Healthy Workers Initiative

8 WHY? - Health status of Cassowary Coast residents 60.9% of people are overweight or obese 62% of people perform insufficient physical activity for health benefit 11.4% of people smoke daily 59.5% eat the recommended serves of fruit each day 12% eat the recommended serves of vegetables each day. Queensland Health Self-reported Health Status Data 2009-2010 for the Cassowary Coast Regional Council area

9 Management Commitment Wellness Planning Needs Assessment Action PlanEvaluation Healthier Happier Workplaces – key components 5 Step Framework

10 Identify why H&WB programs are important to you Understand existing programs, policies, benefits Develop a shared vision Step 1 – Management commitment

11 Stage 2 – Wellness planning Coordination of the program Health and Wellbeing committee Worker engagement

12 Healthy People – AUSDRISK Assessment Healthy Workplace Scan (Modified Healthy Places survey) Prioritise the needs Step 3 – Needs Assessment

13 Eat It* 10,000 Steps Program* Get Healthy Information & Coaching Service Workplace Quit Smoking Program Information and Resources Step 4- Action Plan

14 Reassess needs assessment tools: –AUSDRISK –Healthy Places Scan Detailed Evaluation plan developed: surveys, focus groups, review initial audits and compare before and after Step 5 – Evaluation and review

15 Results for farms Healthy Workers Improved chronic disease risk factors with 66% of participants reducing their risk of type 2 diabetes Increase in fruit and vegetable consumption Increase in confidence in reading food labels Increase in healthy lifestyle communication between employer and employees Healthy Workplaces All farms developed and implemented a: –Workplace Health and Wellbeing policy –Smoke Free Workplace policy Positive changes in managers’ attitudes –Removal of vending machines or provision of healthier options –Provision of healthier food and drink choices at celebrations

16 Category 7: Queensland Safe Work Awards 2014 Best workplace health and wellbeing initiative Liverpool River Bananas and LMB Farming 2 farms achieved Healthier. Happier. Workplaces Bronze recognition Results for farms

17 Video: Get Active with LMB bananas 48

18 Key learnings Partnerships were vital to the success of the project LWFW demonstrated a good practice wellness approach can be successful Flexibility, consultation and expertise to modify tools and templates Ready made programs and environmental changes equally important Supported DQ’s ability to reach an often inaccessible target group Supported Growcom in promoting the link on farm between wellness and productivity in the horticulture industry

19 Resources Health & Wellbeing Policy template Healthy Farm Scan Healthy people discussion questions Action Plan and Evaluation templates 5 webinars 2 videos

20 Modified for broader reach Small/medium business industries Greater reach Checklist in line with safety principles and practice 26

21 WHSQ Work Health website Healthier.Happier. Workplaces For more information


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