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Vocabulary List 4 Q1 Gifted 4!. Standard ELACC8L6: Acquire and use accurately grade- appropriate general academic and domain- specific words and phrases;

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1 Vocabulary List 4 Q1 Gifted 4!

2 Standard ELACC8L6: Acquire and use accurately grade- appropriate general academic and domain- specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.

3 1. Magnitude Magnitude (noun) a great extent; a great importance; an immense size Example: You cannot begin to imagine the magnitude of my appreciation towards you. Example: The magnitude of talent on the team is undeniable.

4 2. Fathom Fathom (v.) to understand; to comprehend Example: I cannot possibly fathom the amount of courage it takes to become a soldier. Example: The number of stars in the universe is simply unfathomable. Word Forms: unfathomable; fathomable; fathoms

5 3. Indebted Indebted (adj.) owing someone gratitude or thanks for a favor Example: I am indebted to you for your kindness. Example: I feel indebted to Sarah for helping me study for the English test.

6 4. Dauntless Dauntless (adj.) fearless Example: The dauntless fish searched the ocean for his son. Example: A feeling of dauntlessness filled the boy as he jumped in the river to save his sister from drowning. Word Forms: Dauntlessness

7 5. Indubitable Indubitable (adj.) undeniable; certain; unquestionable; indisputable Example: It is indubitable that we will have a lot of homework in math. Example: This cake is indubitably delicious! Word Forms: Indubitably

8 6. Rapid Rapid (adj.) quick; swift Ex. The rapid water quickly carried the raft downstream. Ex. Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching. Word forms: rapidly

9 7. Incoherent Incoherent (adj.) confusing; unclear; unable to speak in a way that makes sense. Example: It was difficult to understand my brother’s incoherent babbling after he came out of surgery.

10 8. Marvels Marvels (n.) wonders; a wonderful thing Example: The world is filled with both man- made and natural marvels such as the Pyramids and the Grand Canyon. Example: I could not help but marvel at the beauty of the moon tonight. Word Forms: Marvel; Marvelous

11 9. Relentlessly Relentlessly (adv.) without letting up; steadily; persistently Example: The rain fell relentlessly. Example: The Toys, relentless in their efforts, tried to get home to Andy’s room. Word Forms: Relentless; Relents; Relenting; Relented

12 10. Gratifying Gratifying (adj.) satisfying; pleasing Example: I find completing my assignments on time gratifying because then I do not have to stress over my grades. Word forms: Gratify; Gratitude; Gratuity

13 Magnitude (noun) extent; importance; immense size Fathom (v.) to understand; to comprehend Indebted (adj.) owing someone gratitude for a favor Dauntless (adj.) fearless Indubitable (adj.) undeniable; certain; unquestionable; indisputable Rapid (adj.) quick; swift Incoherent (adj.) confusing; unclear; unable to speak in a way that makes sense Marvels (n.) wonders; a wonderful thing Relentlessly (adv.) without letting up; steadily; persistently Gratifying (adj.) satisfying; pleasing

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