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Institute Affiliations with Local Technical Groups: Model Affiliation Program John Durrant, P.E. Managing Director, Engineering and Lifelong Learning

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Presentation on theme: "Institute Affiliations with Local Technical Groups: Model Affiliation Program John Durrant, P.E. Managing Director, Engineering and Lifelong Learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Institute Affiliations with Local Technical Groups: Model Affiliation Program John Durrant, P.E. Managing Director, Engineering and Lifelong Learning Presidents & Governors Forum Headquarters Orientation Reston, VA Sunday September 18, 2011

2 Because ASCE needed to increase its focus on technical specialty areas in response to:  ASCE Members’ desire to have a recognized home within the Society for the different disciplines of civil engineering  The desire to provide greater depth of activities, not just breadth i.e. professional practice cte’s for each discipline. Why Were Institutes Formed?

3 ASCE Structure - Post 1997 GEOGRAPHIC REGIONS  Sections & Branches  Student Organizations TECHNICAL REGION  Institutes (new in 1997)  Technical Activities Committees CORE FUNCTIONS  Board of Direction  Committees  Society Operations  Headquarters Staff

4 Geographic Region – The Sections & Branches  The local home to all ASCE Members  Primary avenue for delivery of lifelong learning to practitioners through local technical groups (LTGs)  ASCE’s Institutes provide the technical support network to meet member needs for continuing education and research & development  Desired Outcome: Active relationship between LTGs and the respective Institutes providing  Technical organizational support  Collaborative opportunities thru Institute-Only Members such as contractors, geologist, owners, etc. (each Institute determine).

5 ASCE Institutes

6 The Technical Region: 8 Institutes 109,149 ASCE Members Responsible for:  85% of ASCE Publications  90% of ASCE Technical Events  75% of ASCE Webinars

7 General Mission of Each ASCE Institute  Supporting Lifelong Learning  Advancing their Discipline by Encouraging Research & Development  Promoting Professionalism  Serving the ASCE membership by delivering programs, services, and products  Being Nimble, Flexible and Entrepreneurial

8  Out-Reach to:  Section/Branch Technical Groups through Model Affiliation Program  Student Organizations, creating awareness  Engineers without Borders, technical support  Promoting professionalism  “Raising the bar” thru continuing education  Collegial interaction  ASCE Strategic Plan  Infrastructure  Sustainability Important Efforts for the Entire Technical Region

9 Different Approaches to Collaborating with the Sections and Branches Early On  Local Technical Groups  Different strengths and needs  SEI  Established a Local Activities Division  Board representation, regional meetings, etc.  G-I  Chapter formation  TCIALG – Task Committee on Institute Affiliations with Local Groups in 2003 – 2004

10 TCIALG – Task Committee on Institute Affiliations with Local Groups  Defining relationships and Guiding principles Primary affiliation is between Institutes and local Section or Branch technical groups. Institute affiliation efforts shall include regional programs and activities with Sections and Branches that do not have technical groups. Existing organizational and financial arrangements between Sections, Branches and their Technical Groups will be respected.

11 TCIALG – Task Committee on Institute Affiliations with Local Groups  Defining relationships and Guiding principles Primary focus of affiliations is products and services, enhanced two- way communication, and local member involvement in Institute activities. Affiliation activities will be designed to attract new ASCE and Institute Only members into both local groups and Institutes. Affiliations will seek new sources of revenue for participating groups. Institute Only members will pay fees in accordance with Section/Technical Group and Institute policies. Products and services will be affordable.

12 TC-IALG Meeting July 13, 2003 – Mid year report Work to be done: Define array of potential future organizational- operational relationships Identify future relationships that should be pursued or developed Review Governing Document needs Prepare sample agreements Finalize content and details for focus group WebConferences A Process Was Established….

13 Step #1 of previous Process Meet with your Section/Branch Officers. Request their initial approval and assistance in planning the affiliation. Request their guidance as to whether the Institute should be approached through the Section/Branch governing body or directly by the Technical Group leaders.

14 Step #2 of previous Process Contact the Director of the Institute you desire to affiliate with to request initial assistance in planning the affiliation. The request should include the following: Name of the Section/Branch Names and Contact Information for the Section/Branch Officers and Technical Group Leaders Estimated Total & Active Membership of the Technical Group Potential Membership of the Institute Chapter and Plans for Soliciting Member Participation Summary of the Current Activities of the Technical Group Statement of the Objectives for Future Development of the Institute Chapter

15 Step #3 of previous Process Prepare a specific proposal to convert your Technical Group into an Institute Chapter. Address: Proposed Resolution of all Issues identified by your Section/Branch and by the Institute Revisions to your Section/Branch Bylaws or Operating Rules to: Establish the Institute Chapter Allow Institute-only Members to Participate in Institute Chapter Activities Bylaws or Operating Rules for the Institute Chapter, as needed Send the completed proposal to: Your Section/Branch Officers for their Review and Approval The Institute Director for Review and Approval by the Institute Leadership

16 Step #4 of previous Process Obtain written approval from: The Section/Branch Officers The Institute Leadership Send written notification with the names, titles & contact information for the Chapter Officers to: The Institute Director The ASCE Geographic Services Director The Chair of the ASCE Committee on Geographic Units The Section/Branch Technical Group thereafter becomes: ABC Institute Chapter of the XYZ Section/Branch of ASCE

17 2010: Model Affiliation Program  Step1: Identify Technical Groups  Prioritize based on number of institute members  Request president to name a local discipline liaison  Step2: Liaison to liaison (volunteers) discussions  Discussions of why affiliate and how  Go-No Go decision based on information obtained  Step 3: One Page Memorandum of Understanding  Between Section or Branch and Institute  Bylaws (a problem in the past) are between Section and ASCE  Step 4: Local Chapter- off and running with support

18 Possible Services Provided by Institutes  Knowledge/Technology Transfer  Speakers, webinars, publications, conferences, short courses  Support of local events tailored to practitioner needs  Collaborative Forums  Institute-Only members such as contractors, geologists, etc.  Supporting local policy initiatives  Support regionally focused technical seminars  National exposure for local events  Up to the LTG and Institute

19 Institute Directors InstituteDirectorPhone# AEIJennifer Balsley703-295-62280 CIMarvin Oey703-295-63973 COPRITom Chase703-295-60272 EMIAmar Chaker703-295-63930 EWRIBrian Parsons703-295-607110 G-IRob Schweinfurth703-295-635220 SEIJim Rossberg703-295-619617 T&DIJonathan Esslinger703-295-62957 Email Example:

20 One Final Thought This is a Voluntary Initiative. Affiliation is Encouraged, Desired, but not Required. Should be pursued where it makes sense for BOTH the technical group and the Institute

21 Questions on Affiliation?

22 22,583 members worldwide 124 committees helping  Above ground and below…  Buildings and bridges  Industrial  Towers  Tanks  Making our world sustainable, efficient and cost effective  And understanding everything that affects them  Earthquakes  Hurricanes and tornados  Terrorists  Accidents  and regular use….

23 11,605 Members  Deep Foundations  Earth Dams & Slopes  Earthquake Eng.  Pavements  Rock Engineering  Site Characterization  Earth Retaining Structures  Underground Construction  Geoenvironmental Engineering  Many Other Committees

24 9,437 Members  Architectural Systems Committee  Building Security Council  Facilities Management Com.  Curtain Wall Systems Com.  Facilities for the Aging Com.  Mitigation of Effects of Terrorism Com.  Institute-Only Member: Architects, MEs, EEs, Constructors, Suppliers (essential anyone involved in the building industry)

25 25,685 Members  Planning & Management Council  Water, Wastewater & Stormwater Council  Irrigation & Drainage Council  Watershed Council  Hydraulics & Waterways Council  Environmental Council  Groundwater Counci l

26 16,000 Members  Construction Directorate  Engineering Directorate  Materials Directorate  Owners Directorate  Services Directorate  Education & Research Dir.  Student Days Program  Crane Safety Training

27 4,299 Members  Seismic Std for Piers & Wharves  Jour. of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering  Natural Disasters Investigations  Ports and Harbors Com.  Waterways & Navigation Com.  Offshore Engineering Com.  Coastal Engineering Com.  Wetlands & Sediment Mngnt. Com.

28 17,190 Members  Aviation Council  Development Council  Rail/Transit Council  Roadway Council  Mode Spanning Council  Journal of Transportation Engineering  Journal of Urban Planning & Development

29 2,350 Members  Mostly Academics & Researchers  Nanomechanics & Micromechanics  Many International and non-CE Members  Activities  Journal of Engineering Mechanics  Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics  Annual Engineering Mechanics Conference  Theodore von Karman + 5 Other Medals To be a premier organization representing engineering mechanics by effectively serving the needs of the world-wide engineering community and promoting both research and application of scientific and mathematical principles to address a broad spectrum of existing and emerging engineering and societal problems.

30 Technical Activities Committee Technical Councils  Cold Regions  Computing & IT  Disaster Reduction  Lifelines Earthquake Engineering  Forensic  Wind Engineering Divisions  Aerospace  Energy  Geomatrics  Pipelines

31 In Summary  ASCE’s 1997 Strategic Plan changed its organization in large part to meet the needs of its young members  Vision 2025 and BOK can markedly change Professionalism of Civil Engineers – young members will be most affected by such changes  Institutes provide young members with access to the technologies needed for career advancement  Membership in ASCE gives young members exposure to fellow Civil Engineers who represent both colleagues and potential employers

32 After Graduation Join ASCE Select the Institute that best reflects your career interests Now you are ready to build your career! These decisions will get you off to a fast start! So:


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