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David Seckel, IceTop Baseline Review, Madison, Dec. 4, 2003 IceTop Baseline Review Dec. 4, Madison WI.

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Presentation on theme: "David Seckel, IceTop Baseline Review, Madison, Dec. 4, 2003 IceTop Baseline Review Dec. 4, Madison WI."— Presentation transcript:

1 David Seckel, IceTop Baseline Review, Madison, Dec. 4, 2003 IceTop Baseline Review Dec. 4, Madison WI

2 David Seckel, IceTop Baseline Review, Madison, Dec. 4, 2003 Agenda Agenda (5) Scope of review (5) Overview of IceTop (25) –Science –System Design –Tasks, Effort –Budget Engineering Requirements (10) –Status of ERDs –Overview of CI's Critical components (50) –Tank Assembly (15) –Deployment (20) –Cables (5) –DAQ (10) –Simulations WBS & Dictionary (15) –IceTop –IceTop Integration PY2 plan (15) –SOW –October summary Project plan (20) –Milestones –Schedule –Budget –Risks Issues, Concerns (10) Summary & Discussion (15)

3 David Seckel, IceTop Baseline Review, Madison, Dec. 4, 2003 Scope Review IceTop Baseline –Construction phase: PY3-PY8 –Contingency & Transition: PY9-10 –WBS 1.3.2 –Interfaces/Integration Feedback for Director’s review Dec 18/19

4 David Seckel, IceTop Baseline Review, Madison, Dec. 4, 2003 Overview Branch to Tom Gaisser’s project level overviewproject level overview (note difficulties in coordination)

5 David Seckel, IceTop Baseline Review, Madison, Dec. 4, 2003 Engineering requirements Preliminary Design Review 7/15 Configuration Items Status of ERDs –Technical progress (follows) –Document progress Status of action items –9/19 Updated9/19 Updated Comment: non-DAQ software not reviewed Configuration Items for PDR 1.IceTop Station 1.Instrumented Tank Assembly 2.Target Medium 3.Lined Tank 4.IceTop DOM 5.DOM Mounting (Pevenson 6.DOM to DOM Interconnect 7.Additional Instrumentation 2.Tank to Tank / Surface Interconnect Cable 3.IceTop DAQ 1.Feature Extraction Algorithm 2.IceTop Data Handler 3.IceTop Trigger 4.IceTop DOM Hub 4.IceTop Deployment Support Equipment 5.IceTop Simulations*

6 David Seckel, IceTop Baseline Review, Madison, Dec. 4, 2003 “Critical” components Branch to presentation of –Revised design for tank –Presentation of experience at SP this year (from TG) Cables DAQ Simulations

7 David Seckel, IceTop Baseline Review, Madison, Dec. 4, 2003 Cables Identification –Quads for DOMs: one pair per DOM –Coincidence cables –Power and data cables for tank deployment WBS Responsibility –IceTop Requirements – –Engineering & Production –

8 David Seckel, IceTop Baseline Review, Madison, Dec. 4, 2003 IceTop DAQ Tightly integrated with broader DAQ effort (1.3.4)integrated IceTop Specific ( –IceTop specific Firmware Feature extraction Coincidence Triggering –IDH designIDH design Acquiring DOM performance data important to detailed DAQ design –Current Rev 2 DOM, Rev 0 DOR card –Need Rev 3 DOM Validating IceTop DAQ –Currently 1 tank with AMANDA optical modules (AAOM) –Need 4 DOMs to instrument test station

9 David Seckel, IceTop Baseline Review, Madison, Dec. 4, 2003 Simulations Basic Simulations –Tank Simulations (single particle response – GEANT-4) –DAQ, HW sim (PMT, digitizer, threshold…) –Validating simulations with test station at UD is critical Mid-level –Tank reponse to air shower –Station response to air shower –IceTop response to air shower Integration with broader project effort (1.4.3) –Single muon surface tag –Muon bundle calibration –Composition

10 David Seckel, IceTop Baseline Review, Madison, Dec. 4, 2003 Break Questions so far ? Please return in 10 minutes

11 David Seckel, IceTop Baseline Review, Madison, Dec. 4, 2003 WBS I – IceTop 1.3.2 Link to WBS browser… or to saved resultLink to WBS browser…saved result and build tanks; design and test freezing procedures to provide working ice-Cherenkov detectors for the surface array component of IceCube. Exclusion: Provision of water to fill the tanks is excluded because it will be an integral part of deployment (see under Field Season Operations). There is also a need for coordination with drilling (1.2.2) in connection with water supply. of cabling to power and monitor freezing, testing and operation of tanks. Exclusion: Cabling for tank DOMs should be included in the main surface cables ( We assume the surface cable will include conductors suitable for monitoring the tanks and for providing power during deployment. A connection from the end of the surface cabel needs to be provided to the DOMs in the tanks. modules Integration of optical modules into tanks. Exclusion: Construction of DOMs is excluded because the DOMs for IceTop will be part of DOM production runs ( Design of modifications that may be needed for IceTop will be carried out in collaboration with 1.3.3 and 1.3.4 as part of IceTop specific engineering (

12 David Seckel, IceTop Baseline Review, Madison, Dec. 4, 2003 WBS II – IceTop 1.3.2 specific engineering Design, maintenance and operation of the surface component of IceCube to the extent that these require special procedures. This element includes: Exclusion: Integration of air shower DAQ, trigger, reconstruction and simulation into corresponding IceCube processes. IceTop is an integral component of the IceCube detector. It takes advantage of the solid surface to provide certain veto and calibration functions for the project and to peform closely related physics with downward events. To a large extent, both hardware and software components of the IceTop surface array are similar, if not identical, to those of the deep detector. Thus we expect there will be IceTop integration/implementation tasks at level 4 or 5 in 1.3.3 (Data Acquisition for implementation of hardware modifications in DOM boards); in 1.3.4 (Data Acquisition Software for integration of surface air shower triggers and data into the overall DAQ); and in 1.4 (Data Systems) and 1.5 (Detector Commissioningand Verification--except for 1.5.4). For example, 1.4.3 simulations deals with air showers which give both muons in the deep detector and events on the surface. Another example is event reconstruction (see, which for the surface array must include near vertical and near horizontal events in such a way that the information is available to serve as a veto for the deep detector. of SPASE Scope definition: Maintenance and operation of the existing SPASE air shower detector to the extent it remains useful as a calibration device for IceCube. management Scope definition: Local project monitoring and reporting to project office.

13 David Seckel, IceTop Baseline Review, Madison, Dec. 4, 2003 WBS III – IceTop footprint icetop in wbs title icetop in wbs definition

14 David Seckel, IceTop Baseline Review, Madison, Dec. 4, 2003 Summary of PY2 sow_py02_rev.doc Ice Top Status Oct03.doc 1.Tanks – OK 2.Cables – OK 3.DOMs – OK- 4.Icetop Specific Engineering 1.System Design – mostly OK 2.Simulations – somewhat behind (but hired critical people) 3.DAQ – Software – ok, Firmware – lagging (Moving target) 5.Spase Integration - NA 6.Management – OK Integration tasks – mixed

15 David Seckel, IceTop Baseline Review, Madison, Dec. 4, 2003 Project Plan Scope: –Construction PY3-PY8 –Contingency PY9 –Transition to operations PY9.5 Milestones - by WBS element ? Schedule – work from milestones and integration Budget – Necessary effort, transition Comments –Rough cut under difficult coordination constraints –Looking for feedback to go forward to Dec18/19

16 David Seckel, IceTop Baseline Review, Madison, Dec. 4, 2003 Milestones 1.3.2. IceTop PY510^6 in-ice muons with ice station tags (veto)...PY510^6 IceTop Triggers (calibration)...PY910^8 IceTop Triggers (science) TanksPY4-8 Proportional Deploment Cables.. Optical modules.. IceTop specific engineering... System DesignPY3 CDR. Simulations PY4Full Intgration of IceTop simulation. DAQ PY4IceTop DAQ fully integrated Integration of SPASEPY6 Report on role of SPASE IceTop management PY3CDR, PRR. New elements??

17 David Seckel, IceTop Baseline Review, Madison, Dec. 4, 2003 Schedule & Budget Schedule & Budget - –Necessary effort. –Includes IceTop related non-1.3.2 effort at UD. –Does.not. include IceTop related effort which is ((.not. 1.3.2).AND. (.not. UD)). –Outlines transition, within level effort. YearPY2PY3PY4PY5PY6PY7PY8PY9PY 9.5 Strings041216 xx0 Engineering0.850.650.350.150.1 Construction00. 0.20 Utilization0. 0.550.75 Management0.10.15 Total Effort111111111 Budget ($M)0.851.6 0.7  ’s –Full support for PY2 personnel ~ 3 FTE (0.18 M) –4.3 additional FTE (0.36 M) –CE and Production costs (.1M) –Travel & non-salary mgmt costs (.1M)

18 David Seckel, IceTop Baseline Review, Madison, Dec. 4, 2003 Detail Budget Tools Branch to Phil…

19 David Seckel, IceTop Baseline Review, Madison, Dec. 4, 2003 Summary Scope: preparation for Director’s Review and Hartill III IceTop Project overview ERDs and technical progress WBS PY2 Summary Project Plan PY3-9.5

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