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Attaching Forms To Invoices. What circumstance would prompt electronically attaching a form to an invoice? SFA – 12 forms In-State Mileage Attendance.

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Presentation on theme: "Attaching Forms To Invoices. What circumstance would prompt electronically attaching a form to an invoice? SFA – 12 forms In-State Mileage Attendance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Attaching Forms To Invoices

2 What circumstance would prompt electronically attaching a form to an invoice? SFA – 12 forms In-State Mileage Attendance lists for meetings that fall under the A-36 guidelines Justifications / Certifications ETC. ETC. ETC.

3 To attach an SFA 12 > Go to the Controllers website and select the Capital Assets button.

4 Select the SFA-12 Form

5 Open the form and go to the SFA-12 tab. Place cursor in the upper most left corner above the #1, next to the letter A to highlight the full form. Then open a blank spreadsheet and select Edit, Paste. Once the form Is completed, save as an EXCEL spreadsheet – NOT P D F.

6 Once the form / document is completed and saved… And the supplier has sent their bill to be paid. Go to the Invoices Entry > Invoice screen to begin the process of creating a payment document in RI-Fans.

7 Once the header is completed And saved, select the Paperclip icon.

8 Complete the Attachment screen – Category = Invoice Internal Description = Brief Description Date Type = File

9 Select the Browse button to locate the document saved to your PC (note SFA-12 must be saved in EXCEL). Once you’ve located and selected the file, select The OK button.

10 Read this message, then close this window.

11 Select the Yes button.

12 Additional Attachments You may attach multiple documents by selecting the next line down on the attachment screen. If you do not have a file to attach but would like to attach a statement, you would have selected “SHORT TEXT” instead of FILE on the attachment screen. This would have enabled a field for you to data enter in a message.

13 Once you have entered and saved your Distributions, closed the Distribution window & returned to the header, the Paperclip icon will show a small, yellow slip to denote that there is an attachment.

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