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Student projects JCS "International University of Information Technologies" SafeDrive.

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1 Student projects JCS "International University of Information Technologies" SafeDrive

2 1 079 1 385 1 958 Winners of Int. and rep. Olympiads, 10% Holders of "Altyn Belgi" 8% Holders of diplomas with honors, 9% Number of students Specialties: Information systems; Computer Engineering; Computer Science; Management in IT; Finance in IT; Electronic journalism; Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications; Mathematical and computer modeling. 1 601 - Established in 2009 - 4 departments, 14 scientific research and educational laboratories

3 The project purpose - the project aims to reduce road accidents and dealing with drivers falling asleep The project description - the system recognizes the initial signs of fatigue, namely slow blinking, nodding his head If signs continue a certain period of time, the system gives a sound signal. Sensitivity of system can be adjusted manually or automatically. INITIATORS OF THE PROJECT: Students Kaliev K., Ershov M., Nizamutdinov V. «SafeDrive» «SafeDrive» - system of the prevention of fatigue of drivers Investment amount: 4,400 million tenge I mplementation period: 6 months Number of Jobs: 5 Manuf. Capacity: 2,000 pcs / month Current status - Application for the copyright certificate, - Creation of a prototype device - Approved for Technological business incubation 2012 JCS NATD

4 As we know, sometimes it is difficult to park to beginning drivers... The fact is that we do not see our car from the top. This project just is created in order that it was possible to see without any GPS navigators the car from above, in a radius of 4 meters with millimeter accuracy. It is also possible to see distance between car and a border, or even see a small tone lying on the ground. INITIATORSOF THE PROJECT: Kurbankhodzhayev Dinmukhamed Easy Parking Easy Parking – a system to facilitate the process of parking The car is supplied from four parties with a special sensor that emits infrared rays, and in the way back returns certain data. The project was awarded by 1 million tenge on III Innovation Congress 2012

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