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Information and Communication Technologies in Work Programme

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1 Information and Communication Technologies in Work Programme 2016-17
Horizon 2020 Information and Communication Technologies in Work Programme Morten Møller DG CONNECT European Commission

2 The content of this presentation by the European Commission.
Warning The content of this presentation remains indicative until the formal approval of the work programme by the European Commission.

3 Reminder: ICT in H2020 > LEIT-ICT
Excellent Science Frontier Research (ERC) Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Skills and career development (Marie Skłodowska-Curie) Research Infrastructures ICT ICT Industrial Leadership Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies ICT Nanotech., Materials, Manuf. & Processing Biotechnology Space Access to risk finance Innovation in SMEs Societal Challenges Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture, and the bio-based economy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, resource efficiency, and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Secure societies ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT 3

4 ICT in Excellent science
Industrial leadership Societal challenges 4

5 Excellent Science - ICT
Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) FET Open: fostering novel ideas FET Proactive: nurturing emerging themes and communities FET Flagships: pursuing grand interdisciplinary science and technology challenges Graphene Human Brain Project Research infrastructures Developing the European research infrastructure for 2020 and beyond Development, deployment and operation of ICT-based e-infrastructures ICT infrastructure resources and services for Research Access to and management of scientific data High Performance Computing 5

6 Future and Emerging Technologies 2016-17
FET Open (259,5 M€) Still open to all radically new technologies in all areas Introduction of FET Innovation Launchpad (3 M€) stimulate innovation by initiating entrepreneurial activities around results from FET research projects FET Proactive (180 M€) Boosting emerging technologies (95 M€) Introduction of FET ERA-Net cofund actions (generic + specific on Quantum technologies) High Performance Computing (85 M€) Part of HPC PPP / complementary to eInfra and LEIT-ICT activities FET Flagships (185 M€) Continuation of Graphene and Human Brain Project flagships Launch of an ERA-Net cofund for partnering projects in both flagships 6

7 Future and Emerging Technologies 2016-17
FET Proactive (180 M€) Boosting emerging technologies (95 M€) Future technologies for societal change (up to 20 M€) Biotech for better life (up to 20 M€) Disruptive information technologies (up to 30 M€) New computing paradigms and their technologies Quantum engineering Hybrid opto-electro-mechanical devices at the nano-scale New technologies for energy and functional materials (up to 20 M€) High Performance Computing (85 M€) Co-design of HPC systems and applications (41 M€) Transition to Exascale Computing (40 M€) Exascale HPC ecosystem development (4 M€) 7

8 Research Infrastructures 2016-17
eInfrastructures (122 M€) Support the European policies on open research data, data and computing intensive science, research and education networking, high-performance computing and big data innovation. Integration and consolidation of e-infrastructure platforms Prototyping innovative e-infrastructure platforms and services for research and education communities, industry and the citizens at large European Open Science Cloud for Research (10 M€) pilot action that should demonstrate how wide availability of scientific data and data-analysis services for European researchers can be ensured through a cloud infrastructure GEANT (64 M€) Interactive Computing e-infrastructure for the Human Brain Project FET Flagship (25 M€) 8

9 What is research about today?
Data driven Fast Broadband access Computing resources Our role is to support the research community. The activity of the researcher has dramatically change over the last years. From an isolated initiative within a lab of an individual or a group of people, research starts in assessing the state of the art knowledge and technology. Access to available data and computing resources in a ubiquitous is the challenge and the first step of the researcher's journey today. 9

10 e-Infrastructures supporting every researcher becoming digital
The way forward on e-Infrastructures From "operation centric" to "user centric" From "technology offer" to "service offer" Fostering long-term sustainability through: Service reliability Continuous Innovation International Cooperation Open Research Data Horizontal support of cross-cutting initiatives

11 e-Infrastructures WP2016-17 focuses on:
Open research data Data and computing intensive science Research and education networking High Performance Computing Big data innovation

12 Challenges Service orientation
Catalogue of services publication Digital registries Maximizing the impact of e-Infrastructures Use of KPIs Socio-economic impact assessment Innovation through co-design Focus on partnership balance. Complementarity of roles and competences Horizon 2020 as a catalyst for growth and jobs

13 e-Infra WP2016-17 consists of 3 themes
1 – Integration & Consolidation Integration & Consolidation and consolidation of e-infrastructure platforms supporting European policies and research and education communities 2 – Innovation & Prototyping Prototyping innovative e-infrastructure platforms and services for research and education communities, industry and citizens at large 3 – Policy Support Support to policies and international cooperation

14 Theme 1 - Integration and consolidation
Activities Coordination of operations (regional, national & European levels) Exploiting synergies between operational e-Infrastructures Disruption free service upgrades Required TRL6/TRL8* Documentation of services on an open Service Catalogue Services to be assessed by an external board (approved by the EC) To conclude written collaboration agreements with GÉANT *variations apply depending on Topic

15 Theme 2 – Innovation & Prototyping
e-Infrastructure platforms and services need to evolve through innovation actions to respond to the long-term needs of research and education communities, industry and the citizens at large. Activities Platform-driven innovation. Push from the supply side User-driven innovation. Pull from the demand side Required TRL6 at the beginning; TRL8 by the end of the project* *except procurement actions (PPI)

16 Support Actions Development of policy and international cooperation
Promotion of European leadership in the development of new capacity for research data, HPC and networking Contribution to international standardisation activities, strategic alignment and best practices sharing

17 Other Actions Call for proposals under the GÉANT Framework Partnership Agreement: Operational excellence in networking services for the research and academia community. Prototyping the services, applications and resources to support the needs of extreme-scale systems Trans-Atlantic submarine cable between Europe and South America Call for proposals under the Human Brain Project Framework Partnership Agreement: Support for peak requirements of computing power and memory footprint.

18 Specific conditions on e-Infrastructure topics
Proposals shall consider existing operational services to the greatest extent possible All services developed should be made discoverable on-line by including them in searchable catalogues or digital registries All software developed should be open source with appropriate licenses All proposals are requested to suggest clear metrics (KPI) for monitoring results and impact Detailed list of activities: Theme 1: Focus on (i) Networking & (ii) Service activities Theme 2: (i)Networking, (ii) Service & (iii)Joint Research Activities (JRA)

19 e-Infrastructures WP2016-17
Budget overview Topic Budget (M€) Theme 1 - Integration and consolidation of e-infrastructure platforms supporting European policies and research and education communities (55) EINFRA Support to the next implementation phase of Pan-European High Performance Computing infrastructure and services (PRACE) 15 EINFRA Data and Distributed Computing e-infrastructures for Open Science 40 Theme 2 - Prototyping innovative e-infrastructure platforms and services for research and education communities, industry and the citizens at large (67) EINFRA – Platform-driven e-infrastructure innovation 46 EINFRA – User-driven e-infrastructure innovation 21 3 - Support to policies and international cooperation (10) INFRASUPP Policy & Cooperation measures for research Infrastructures 2,5+1* INFRASUPP Support to policies and international cooperation 7,5 Other actions including different type of instruments: (a) FPA - GÉANT Partnership Projects (64) (b) FPA - Computing and storage e-infrastructure for the Human Brain Project FET Flagship (FPA) (25)  Total 221 INFRASUPP Counts with an additional €1M from RTD, so we can fund up to €3,5M

20 More information…

21 Call planning – 2016 (1/2) Main ICT call: 12 April, 8 Nov FET
FET Open: 11 May, 29 Sept FET Proactive: 12 April, 27 Sept Research Infrastructures: 30 March, 22 June, 20 Sept LEIT EU-Japan, EU-South Korea: 19 Jan Main ICT call: 12 April, 8 Nov SC1 (Health): EU-Japan coop on Robotics: 12 Apr Other topics from SC1 call: 16 Feb SC3 (Energy) Energy-efficiency: 21 Jan, 15 Sept Competitive Low Carbon Energy: 5 April SC4 (Transport): 20 Jan, 26 Jan

22 Call planning – 2016 (2/2) SC6 (Europe in a changing world)
Co-creation: 24 May Reversing inequalities: 4 Feb Understanding Europe: 4 Feb SC7 (Security) Digital security of health data: 16 Feb Assurance and certification: 12 April Other topics (CIP+DS): 25 August Cross-cutting activities ICT for FoF: 21 Jan IoT: 12 April Smart Cities: 8 March, 5 April SME instrument Phase 1: 24 Feb, 3 May, 7 Sept, 9 Nov Phase 2: 3 Feb, 14 April, 15 June, 13 Oct Fast Track to Innovation: 15 March, 1 June, 25 Oct

23 Guide to ICT-related activities in WP2016-17
Comprehensive coverage of the three H2020 pillars Detailed list of calls and topics Available on H2020 website (soon) Draft versions of the WP parts available online: /horizon2020/en /draft-work-programmes

24 info & registration:
Conference sessions on EC policy and initiatives on R&I in ICT Networking sessions Exhibition showcasing results of most recent EU projects Presentation of WP info & registration: 24

25 Find out more Horizon2020 web site Participants portal
Participants portal H2020 Helpdesk, including FAQ National Contact Points onal_contact_points.html 25

26 Thank you for your attention!

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