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APES 10/27 and 10/28 Please log in to a computer and pull up your El Nino Assignment. Prepare for a warm-up in your lab book.

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Presentation on theme: "APES 10/27 and 10/28 Please log in to a computer and pull up your El Nino Assignment. Prepare for a warm-up in your lab book."— Presentation transcript:

1 APES 10/27 and 10/28 Please log in to a computer and pull up your El Nino Assignment. Prepare for a warm-up in your lab book.

2  Explain it to me like I’m 5:  What’s El Nino? What’s this winter going to be like? Warm-Up 10/27 and 28

3  Abnormally high surface ocean temperatures off the coast of South America  Causes unusual weather patterns across the globe El Nino

4  Starts because the easterly trade winds weaken and allow the warm waters in the Western Pacific to move east toward South America  This changes where the convection current occurs.  Causing rain where it usually doesn't occur and drought where it usually rain s El Nino

5 El Nino Winter

6 El Nino Summer

7 Make sure you have shared your assignment with me: El Nino Assignment

8 Ocean Current s

9  Warm currents flow away from the equator.  Cold currents flow toward the equator.  Caused by unequal sunlight, wind, Coriolis effect, gravity Ocean Currents

10 Unequal Energy from the Sun  Energy from the Sun heats the water.  Warm water is less dense, so it rises and cold water sinks.  As warm water rises, cold water moves it to replace it.  It’s convection of water!

11 Wind and Surface Currents  Winds blow across the surface of the water, causing surface currents  Make up 10% of ocean water  Up to maximum depth of 400 m

12 Surface Currents

13  Causes water to move to the right in the Northern Hemisphere  Causes water to move to the left in the Southern Hemisphere The Coriolis Effect

14  Vertical columns or mounds of water at the surface and flow around them  Produce enormous circular currents  Five major locations:  North Pacific - clockwise  South Pacific - counterclockwise  Indian Ocean - counterclockwise  South Atlantic - counterclockwise  North Atlantic - clockwise Gyres

15 Oceanic Gyres

16  A strong surface current  Begins at the tip of Florida  Flows up the eastern coastline of the U.S.  Crosses the Atlantic Ocean  Causes warmer climate in NW Europe Gulf Stream

17  Winds and Coriolis deflect surface waters  As less dense surface water moves off shore, cold, deep, denser waters come to the surface to replace them.  Major source of nutrients from the benthic layer  Areas with upwelling tend to have greater food chains/fisheries! Upwelling


19  Make up about 90% of ocean water  Differences in density cause them to move  Caused by diff. temperature and salinity  Mixing of surface and deep water called Thermohaline Circulation  Crucial for heat energy and nutrient transport globally Deep Water Currents

20 The Great Ocean Conveyor: Helps maintain Earth’s Balance

21  When polar water freezes or evaporates, it leaves behind saltier water.  The cold, salty water sinks because it is denser  Warmer surface currents rise and flow in the opposite direction  Convection Thermohaline Circulation

22  Replace water with algae water from my car  Fill the sprinkler  Once the sprinkler has drained:  Measure pH, temp, dissolved oxygen, nitrate, phosphate  We are getting new baseline data before we add fish and more aquatic plants. EcoColumns Time!

23  The world’s biomes are determined by climate  Each has a unique temperature and precipitation pattern  Do the climatograms assignment in your lab book, including the Venn diagrams Biomes Self-Teach

24  Chapter 4 Reading Assignment! Start it tonight!  FYI- Chapter 3 and 4 test next Monday/Tuesday Due next time…

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