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Active Aging Sandy Walker February 17 th 2015 Commercial in confidence “You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old” (George Burns)

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Presentation on theme: "Active Aging Sandy Walker February 17 th 2015 Commercial in confidence “You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old” (George Burns)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Active Aging Sandy Walker February 17 th 2015 Commercial in confidence “You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old” (George Burns)

2 PROBLEM: people are living longer but not healthier  Injury is a major reason why people stop playing sport and become less active.  As we age, we become more susceptible to injury.  Any activity which features high breaking forces (i.e. Basketball, Futsal, Netball etc.), can result in injury.  Ankle and knee injuries make up more than two thirds of all sport injuries. octacourt: Active Aging Commercial in confidence

3 The research problem and context  Over five million Australians suffer sports related injuries each year, and lower limb injuries represent the most common form of injury across all sports and recreational activities.  In Australia, no better example of a sport that experiences frequent lower limb injury can be found than netball.  Any non-energy absorbent sports surface is potentially dangerous.  Any material put directly onto these surfaces which does not adequately separate the athlete from the surface through shock attenuation, can cause injury.  The highest forces were generated when players land on hard, non-resilient surfaces such as bitumen and concrete.  Despite the risk of injury while playing sport and the costs associated while playing sport, sports related exercise offers huge health and wellbeing benefits to participants and the community.  Injury is a major reason why people cease participation in sport and become less active.  As people age and their bodies decline in function, physical activity can help to slow that decline. It is important to remain active or even increase activity as people age. Commercial in confidence Alexander Walker, Tuesday, 9 September 2014

4 Surface exploratory testing Exploratory inclined impact test apparatus (EIITA) Alexander Walker, Tuesday, 9 September 2014

5 SOLUTION: keep people active and healthier for longer in their lives!  octacourt is a cradle 2 cradle (sustainable) activity surface service.  Starting, stopping turning and jumping on a surface, is a major source of lower limb injury in court sports.  octacourt, can reduce the forces experienced in legs while braking and so reduce injurious stress.  No other surface can do this!!!  octacourt is a conceptually new surface based on this phenomenon, specifically targeting Breaking Force attenuation.  octacourt can reduce the risk of injury on indoor and outdoor sports surfaces across all age groups.  octacourt can maintain/increase levels of physical activity as people become older. octacourt: Active Aging

6 Ground Reaction Forces on landing from a High Running Pass Rz Ry Rx Horizontal Ground Reaction Force Anterior Posterior Force 4.2 to 4.6 times body weight Vertical Ground Reaction Force 3.9 to 4.3 times body weight Horizontal Ground Reaction Force Medial Lateral Force Competitive Advantage: Existing sprung sports surfaces reduce landing forces. Octacourt is the only surface which can also reduce breaking forces.

7 Surface validation tests:  In the tests conducted on the new surface, mean peak HGRF recorded across all testing scenarios represented a 75% force reduction (P3-HV) at peak braking force.  The level of HGRF and VGRF will be “tuneable” to P1, P2 or P3 depending on the application and grade of shock attenuating node used and thickness of rubber underlay selected. Proposed point elastic sports surface force reduction classifications for combined horizontal and vertical shock attenuation based on EN 14904 (2006). Typical Fx, Fy and Fz test data recorded while undertaking inclined impact tests. Alexander Walker, Tuesday, 9 September 2014

8  Is safer to play on than conventional surfaces- Can attenuate both VGRF and HGRF.  Targeting the attractive growth “Baby Boomer” market sector.  Has innovation and originality- Patentable IP.  Has good aesthetics/visual impact/form/colour- Can change colour and finish.  Is highly functionality- Simple to install, use, maintain, repair and recycle.  Good value for money even with high GPM- The lowest life-cycle cost of any surface.  Is designed for ease of manufacture- Injection moulded.  Is sustainable- Durable and has “Cradle to Cradle” lifecycle business model. What’s unique about octacourt modular flooring?

9  Early Life- Primary and secondary schools.  Mid Life- Sports centres, sports clubs and associations.  Late Life- Community, residential age care, senior centres and retirement villages. Replacement Surface Market- In the UK alone, there are over 4,500 sports halls, equating to 2.7 m2 of indoor sports surface, with any average service life of 15 years. New Surface Installations- High growth being experienced in age care sector and multi-sport community centres. Active Aging Life Stage Market Segments:

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