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Neurons, Neurotransmitters, and Systems. Structure of a Neuron.

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Presentation on theme: "Neurons, Neurotransmitters, and Systems. Structure of a Neuron."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neurons, Neurotransmitters, and Systems

2 Structure of a Neuron

3 The Withdrawal Reflex

4 The Neuron in Action §Resting Potential: an electrical charge of –70 mV across the cell membrane (-inside, + outside) caused by the sodium-potassium pump (pumps 3 Na + out for every 2 K + in) and the impermeability of the cell membrane to Na + §Graded Potential: small changes in resting potential caused by other neurons; hyperpolerization (inhibitory) vs. depolarization (excitatory) §Threshold: the point at which a neuron has been depolarized enough to trigger an action potential §Action Potential: an electrical impulse that surges along an axon; caused by an influx of Na + ions into the neuron; causes “communication” with any neuron it contacts



7 Some interesting facts and ideas §100 to 200 billion neurons in the brain alone §A neuron with a moderate amount of dendrites receives between 1000 and 10000 contacts §Some neurons in the cerebellum receive 150,000 contacts! §A mental code (i.e., mental representation) is a pattern of neurons firing in (sometimes) several different locations in the brain simultaneously §Our brain has trillions of connections which can be used to code trillions of mental representations

8 Laws and implications of action potentials §All or none law: neurons either “fire” an action potential or they do not; there are no halfway responses §Action potentials do not vary in intensity, either within the same neuron at different times or across different neurons §Information is conveyed by the number and frequency of action potentials §The information conveyed by an action potential depends on the pathway it is a part of. The image of a bee and the sound of bee are both conveyed by a chain of action potentials, but in different parts of the brain

9 Terminating synaptic transmission §If the neurotransmitters were allowed to stay in the synaptic gap, they would continue to bind with receptors and thus prevent new signals from being communicated. l So, the influence of the neurotransmitters must be temporarily terminated; that is, the synapse needs to “reset” itself. §Three termination processes l Reuptake l Enzyme deactivation l Autoreceptors: a homeostatic device

10 Neurotransmitters §The inhibitory or excitatory effects of neurotransmitters are a function of the receptor with which they bind and not a function of the neurotransmitter itself. §Different areas of the nervous system rely on different neurotransmitters for interneuronal communication §Acetylcholine l First neurotransmitter discovered l Links motor neurons & muscles Curare blocks the release of ACh Botulism also blocks the release of ACh Black widow bite floods the synapse with Ach l Important for learning People with Alzheimer’s have low levels of ACh

11 Neurotransmitters II: Monoamines §Dopamine l Drugs ranging from marijuana to heroin increase the amount of dopamine in neural pathways responsible for experiencing pleasure l High levels of dopamine in some parts of the brain have been linked to schizophrenia l Degeneration of dopamine-producing neurons in the substantia nigra produces Parkinson’s disease l Encephalitis lethargica and L-dopa §Serotonin l Low serotonin levels in severe depression; may be responsible for sleep disturbances in depression l Low serotonin levels associated with increased aggression §Norepinephrine l Increases emotional arousal (fear and anxiety) and alertness

12 Neurotransmitters III §Amino acids l Gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) Main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain Lowers arousal and regulates anxiety Alcohol does the same thing l Glutamate Main excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain §Peptides: modify effects of neurotransmitters l Endorphins Endogenous [produced within the body] morphine; opiates mimic the actions of endorphins Elevates mood and reduces pain

13 Agonistic and antagonist drug effects

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