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Advance warnings Dr Robert Edwards, the pioneer, called for regulation before success Watson (DNA) warned about cloning and surrogacy in 1971.

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2 Advance warnings Dr Robert Edwards, the pioneer, called for regulation before success Watson (DNA) warned about cloning and surrogacy in 1971

3 Autonomy Immanuel Kant 1724- 1804 Man must not be treated as a means to an end but as an end in himself

4 John Stuart Mill Each is the proper guardian of his own health Third parties may be harmed Multiple births, allocation of resources, safety

5 Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority UK Established by 1990 Act Licences and monitors clinics and laboratories, IVF and embryo research 21 members appointed after advertisement

6 The Ethical Debate Catholic Church believes that life starts at conception Cardinal Trujillo announced excommunication for stem cell research

7 The Different Views Christopher Reeve supported research Jewish position that healing is an obligation Many embryos are left to perish after IVF

8 Frozen Embryos Law provides for 5- year storage 1996 – thousands had to be destroyed Donors could not be found May be kept 10 years with consent after law changed

9 Ethics Human dignity, worth and autonomy The welfare of the potential child Safety Respect for the status of the embryo Saving life through new technology

10 Animal-human embryos

11 Cloning Dolly

12 Supporters of Research I Nancy Reagan and Michael J. Fox spoke up for it

13 Supporters of Research II John Kerry (with Mrs. Reeve) debated with President Bush Presidents Ford, Carter and Clinton

14 The Hashmi Family Zain suffered from beta thalassaemia and needed blood from a compatible sibling Need an embryo free of the disease Need an embryo that is also compatible

15 Preimplantation genetic diagnosis

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