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Academic Practicum Seminar1 Work Sample Seminar: Overview of Work Sample & Work Sample Seminar Elementary and Secondary Special Educator Program Portland.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Practicum Seminar1 Work Sample Seminar: Overview of Work Sample & Work Sample Seminar Elementary and Secondary Special Educator Program Portland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Practicum Seminar1 Work Sample Seminar: Overview of Work Sample & Work Sample Seminar Elementary and Secondary Special Educator Program Portland State University Week 1

2 Academic Practicum Seminar2 Agenda n Welcome n Burning questions ??’s n Syllabus & course overview n Structure of the work sample seminar & routines n Preview of literacy work sample n Work sample binder assignment n Detailed overview of work sample n Assignments & next steps

3 Academic Practicum Seminar3 Burning Questions

4 Academic Practicum Seminar4 Syllabus & Course Overview Navigating and the Course Wiki

5 Review the Syllabus n Activity: In groups of 5 –each person answers one of the following questions: A: What dates will we meet? How do they align with Student Teaching Seminar? B: What assignments will we have for WS seminar? C: How do I know when assignments are given? Due? To whom? D: Are there any surprises? Questions? E: Recorder notes the “big ideas” & group questions & prepares to share out Academic Practicum Seminar5

6 Structure of each Work Sample Seminar n Burning questions n Share out of prior tasks with feedback –(The Seminar Instructors will check off your work at that time (2 min/each)- if you need more time to complete it or to review it, you will set up a time during office hours) n New content n Assignments n Exit Ticket n Individual Meetings & Office Hours Sign-up Academic Practicum Seminar6

7 Routines n Agenda/class format –Entry routine: Pick up materials (folder, class papers – at doorway) Check board for agenda & objectives –Exit routine: Exit Tickets n Passing papers (place at back where materials are picked up) n Turning work in (work will generally be reviewed in class or by supervisors; you will email Amanda your unit plan for approval) n Getting work back (Amanda will email you and your supervisor with formal unit approval) 7

8 Preview of Literacy Work Sample What are work samples?  A portfolio providing evidence that your teaching leads to improved student learning  Required by TSPC  At least 3 to 5 weeks of instruction  At least 1 work sample must focus on literacy

9 Academic Practicum Seminar9 Preview of Literacy Work Sample n The LITERACY WORK SAMPLE (WS) is a unit of study related to teaching skills or strategies. The focus must be on READING/ Literacy for this WS. n You will develop a pre-post assessment and take formative data during an instructional period of 3 or more weeks.

10 . n.n. Instructional plans

11 11

12 Academic Practicum Seminar12 Preview of Literacy Work Sample n The final WS product turned in at the end of term will include samples of your –pre & post test(s) –graphs of student progress –lesson plans –reflections on the process as you teach the unit. n More details will be given next week and during the term.

13 Academic Practicum Seminar13 Preview of Literacy Work Sample n You will video tape teaching one of the lessons during your work sample unit. n You will include a 3-5 minute clip in a final presentation to your peers with a summary of your student’s learning during the WS unit, at the end of the term. n Ask early to get permission to review files, conduct assessments, and video tape for all students in your instructional groups.

14 Preview of Literacy Work Sample: Selecting a Work Sample Group  Small group (generally 3-8 students)  Some groups will be larger  You may work with an individual if appropriate – must get approval from your seminar instructor  1 student must be eligible for Special Education  Similar instructional needs / availability (work with your CT)

15 15 Weeks 1-2Weeks 3-5Weeks 6-11 Teaching role 40 hours/wk Completing practicum activity checklist throughout term -Orientation, observation & coteach with cooperating teacher -Coteach/take over instructional groups– - Teach behavior expectations for when you are teaching -Conduct appropriate assessments -Assume full special educator role under the supervision of cooperating teacher -Fade out of teaching role in weeks 10, 11 Work Sample -Completed over the course of the term -A literacy group (3-8 students/appropriate size for students with significant disabilities) Screening assessments, file review, establish the context for your work sample Complete Pre-tests and plan instruction (may begin implementing after unit plan is approved) Teach, take data, reflect and respond to data, complete video taping Meetings & Evaluations Initial meeting + meet weekly with CT Share practicum checklist and course assignments with cooperating teacher First observation doneBy wk. 6 – Midterm eval & 2 nd observation done By wk. 11 - Final eval & 3 rd observation done Schedule your Student Teaching Experience:

16 What should my work sample binder look like?: (work sample binder assignment)  1 1/2” or 2” binder  Tabbed dividers  Labels for front cover & side insert  Final product:  Title page  Table of contents

17 17 Practicum NotebookSpecial Educator Portfolio Work Sample BinderCourse Binder Purpose: 1.Organizes materials relevant to students, instruction and assessment 2.Easy overview of groups for supervisor 3.Could be used as a “sub-folder” Purpose: 1.Demonstrate your skills as a special educator 2.Could be used at a job interview to showcase your skills and knowledge Purpose: 1.Specific to work sample 2.Compiles work you are doing related to work sample Purpose: 1.Organizes class materials & handouts Content: 1.Context (schedules, behavior management plans, IEPs) 2.Instructional & assessment material Content: 1.Compilation of your best work throughout program 2.Polished final products Content: 1.Content specifically related to work sample 2.Pre-post tests 3.Instructional plans 4.Etc. Content: 1.Notes and forms handed out in class Where it’s kept: At your site placement Where it’s kept: At home Where it’s kept: Travels to and from site placement and PSU Where it’s kept: Home/PSU each week Managing your materials:

18 Detailed Overview of Literacy Work Sample: n.n. Instructional plans

19 What’s in a work sample?  SECTION 1: Context  SECTION 2: Goals (objectives) for the instructional unit  SECTION 3: Instructional plans  SECTION 4: Data on learning gains for each student  SECTION 5: Interpretation/explanation of the data  SECTION 6: Uses of the data (alterations and recommendations)  SECTION 7: Attention to literacy

20 Work Sample Activity n Count off in 7s n Read your section and summarize main idea of section and key points to share n Prepare to present to your team the main idea of the section and key points n Everyone select a letter (A, B, C) – (one person will have two letters) Academic Practicum Seminar20

21 The Reflective Cycle

22 What can I do as a work sample? n Foundational Skills e.g., sound blending n Word Recognition e.g., sounding out words n Comprehensione.g., story mapping n Study Skillse.g., writing a summary

23 SECTION 1. CONTEXT n “Getting to Know Your Field Experience Site”  Part I  The School  The Community  Special Education Services and Staff  The Students (WS group)  Part II  Case Study: IEP

24 SECTION 2. GOALS & OBJECTIVES (Unit Focus) n Unit Objective  Must be linked directly to  IEP  Assessment data (pre/post test performance)  Common Core State Standards  Must represent 3 to 5-week period  Must be a correctly written objective (learner, date, behavior, conditions, criterion)

25 SECTION 3. INSTRUCTIONAL PLANS (Unit Plan) n Unit Plan  Preskills/prior knowledge  Sequence steps  written as objectives  Assessment plan  Review  Ideas for promoting transfer (i.e. maintenance and generalization) Instructional plans

26 SECTION 3. INSTRUCTIONAL PLANS (Lesson Plans) For each lesson, include: n Lesson Plans –2 - 3 lessons/step n Lesson materials n Lesson Reflections  Did the students meet the objective?  What parts were successful?  What would I do differently?  What do I need to reteach? Instructional plans

27 SECTION 4. DATA ON LEARNING GAINS  Pretest (baseline) scores  Posttest  Graphed using standard graphing conventions

28 …or in a table PretestPosttestGain Dana610+4 Philipe79+2 Ryan510+5

29 Formative data n Individual student graphs for each student SECTION 4. DATA ON LEARNING GAINS

30 SECTION 5. INTERPRETATION/ EXPLANATION OF LEARNING GAINS  Weekly Interpretation for each student in group  Paragraph summary

31 SECTION 6. USES OF THE DATA n Final Reflections  Part 1 Work Sample Unit  What changes did you make?  How successful were they?  What are the implications for future instruction?  What did you learn?  What recommendations?  Part 2 Field Experience as a whole  What changes did you make?  How successful were they?  What are the implications for future instruction?  What did you learn?  What recommendations?

32 Also Evaluated for n Attention to Literacy (must link to literacy related Common Core State Standard) n Presentation (must be professionally prepared, grammatically correct, easy to read, and follow professional graphing conventions) Academic Practicum Seminar32

33 How will the WS be evaluated?  By 1-2 supervisors  Scoring guide  Returned for revision when needed  Work sample presentation  10 Minutes in length  Includes a 3 minute clip of you teaching one of the WS lessons

34 After feedback and revisions: n Submit final version in Tk20. –Attach as word processing or.pdf file

35 Wrap up & Reflection n What are you most excited to learn while completing your work sample? n What questions do you have about the work sample? Academic Practicum Seminar35

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